April 28th, 2012 and May 5, 2012 Shows: Illegal Wild Horse [Mustang] and Burro Round-ups.. The Organic Consumers Association.. Herbalist Susun Weed

May 6, 2012 at 2:18 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Command Performance, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Station Broadcasts, Consumer Choices, Do Something, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Government held accountable, Health, Holistic Healing, Industrial Revolution, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Organic Health, Permaculture, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save U.S. Wild Mustangs and Burros, Save Wildlife, Say Something, Self Respect Reflects In Respect For Our Wildlife, Small Government, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Toxic Water, Uncategorized, Voices of Reason For Wild Horses, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups, Wild Horses, Wild Mustangs, Wise and Amazing Women, Women as Healers Naturally | 3 Comments

My interview with Attorney Bruce Wagman broadcast on April 28th, 2012 and again on May 5th, 2012 after many outraged listeners asked for a SECOND broadcasting of this important show.

Here are just a few organizations to check out immediately [if you care about tax dollar waste/abuse/reckless laundering]:

Journey’s End Ranch Animal Sanctuary:One Great Rescue Organization With Accurate Information For The Taxpayer
The Cloud Foundation: Support Our Wild Horses And RESTORE OUR NATIONAL HERITAGE ON TAXPAYER LAND!
Wild Horse Freedom Federation: Another Great Organization
Front Range Equine Rescue: Save Our Horses and LEARN About the COVERT abuse of YOUR TAX DOLLARS!

The Bureau of Land Management [BLM], under the direction of a bloodthirsty and corrupted Cattle Rancher named “Bob Abbey” has revved up its taxpayer wasting programs to illegally round-up and kill our beautiful American Wild Horses and Burros.

This abomination and abuse of perceived power on their part is one of the most wretched “programs” that overtly wastes hard-earned taxpayer money.

These round-ups are illegal and were declared illegal by an act of Congress in 1971. What the heck is going on?

Well, when you appoint people like Ken Salazar, another oil/cattleman, to high places like The Secretary of The Department of Interior… You get more bad people like Bob Abbey and his dubious third-party “contractors” who have long histories of abuse on their public record… Add all of these elements together with an incompetent President who thinks nothing of throwing money at bad “programs” regardless of its disastrous consequences… and you have the recipe for Fraud and OVERT abuse.

My conversation with Attorney Bruce Wagman, Partner with Schiff Hardin in San Francisco, struck a chord with me and with thousands of people who heard the broadcast.

Many people are aware of Obama’s abuse of our tax dollars, ridiculous big-government programs, and Czar-appointed behavior, but they had NO IDEA that Obama was THIS BAD!

A joke, a song, a two-step, a scheme, a pretentious act of Diplomacy does not cover nor conceal the truth of the actual behavior and choices any person makes.

The same is applied to Mr. Obama and his list of unqualified, corrupted Appointees to a failed Cabinet with people like Ken Salazar left to literally kill and destroy without one iota of concern for the public outrage at the destruction and bloody trail of horrifying slaughter and egregious waste.

Look at the graphic photos in this website on the truth behind the covert horse slaughter of our beloved horses:
Just Say Whoa!
Photographs of Horse Slaughter And How To Be A Voice To Stop The Betrayal

Prior to Obama duping me and so many others in the 2008 election, he told reporters that he would put an end to horse round-ups and commented on his disapproval of anything so inhumane. Oh, really, Mr. Obama? And now what is your rhetoric with Ken Salazar running loose in your Cabinet?

Let your voice be heard. Email, Call, Write, Join Horse and Burro Advocacy Groups and empower yourself and our future.

My next conversation in this radio show was with Attorney Alexis Baden-Mayer of The Organic Consumers Association.

They have a wonderful Newsletter that I love, and their website alone is both informative and motivating: www.organicconsumers.org

Alexis told us about the dangers of Pesticides in our food, and now the incredibly frightening dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms.

Once again, Cabinet Appointee to The Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, an unimpressive supporter and former employee of the big Agri-business industries– has sold out the American Taxpayer and given a big, fat free “PASS GO CARD” to DNA damaging and human cell killer companies like Monsanto and other big Agri-business, GMO monsters.

Sorry, I cannot suppress my disgust and horror of such abuse and deception at the Taxpayer and Consumer expense.

Why have our Organic, small Farmers who take pride in the quality of their products and care about the Earth, been harassed and threatened by the Big Agri-business companies with no help from the US Government?

Why are GMO’s not required to be labeled in Grocery Stores [at the VERY LEAST] and WHY on Earth are GMO’s even approved by the corrupted USDA [also under Tom Vilsack’s watch]?

This is dangerous to the health of the planet, to all living beings, and certainly to the future of our food quality and Nutrition.

Remember, you CANNOT be healthy without healing foods. This is impossible.

It is disturbing to see the Propaganda of misrepresentation and outright lies today with Michelle Obama planting an Organic Garden in the lawn of the White House, as though this is going to smooth over the betrayal of our food supply to the millions of unsuspecting people who buy their groceries that are NOT rightfully, truthfully labeled as “Toxic” “Pesticide/Agent Orange Dangerous” or “GMO Frankenstein Food.”

See the irony? See the double-talk? See the Propaganda? See the spin-doctoring?

Don’t be fooled.

We are the people who have to stand up for REAL FOOD and stop this Frankenstein-food disaster from unfolding beyond the wretched damage it has already done.

Small Farmers are being relentlessly pursued, SUED, harassed, and forced to close-up their Farms as a result of the Genetically Modified seeds blowing in the wind and contaminating their Organic crops.

How crazy is this? The US Government does NOTHING to support or protect our Organic, Local Farmers and THEIR RIGHTS but they give taxpayer money, bailouts, and corporate welfare to these dangerous, environment destroying, monolithic, reckless, aggressive, arrogant, chemicalized, life-destroying companies?

What is Mr. Obama thinking? Why is someone so corrupt as Tom Vilsack and every knucklehead he oversees and hires at the USDA given a reign of terror over the American consumer, farmer, body of water, and all life?

The time is now to fight back. Regardless of your personal Political viewpoint, you cannot ignore these facts. They are surprising and truly shocking, but you need to know about them to do something to save your own life, the future of your heritage, the future of all food sources.

See The Documentary "The World Accounting to Monsanto" now.

My Guest on May 5th, 2012, Susun Weed, gave us a lot to consider when we walk by our neighborhood pond, and even in our own yards and Gardens.

Susun was interviewed after a second broadcasting of the interview with Attorney Bruce Wagman, an Advocate for our Wild Horses and Burros.

You can find Susun Weed on her website Susunweed.com

Wild Herb Hypericum, one of many healing herbs growing wild.

I have one of Susun’s five books: “Healing Wise”, and I use it as a reference manual to learn more about the herbs growing around me and how to utilize them for healing.

It’s fun to recognize something you used to think was a weed, including the Dandelion! The Dandelion is a very powerful kidney and liver healer. I buy this herb in the dried ORGANIC/Wild cultivated form, along with Milk Thistle, and I take it every day.

My interview with Susun and all of my Guests is available on Podcast on this blog.



Saving Our Wild Dolphins and Marine Mammals: Easy, But Where Is The Will?

August 27, 2011 at 4:04 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Communication, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Kindness to Animals, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save Our Wild Dolphins, Save the Oceans!, Save Wildlife, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Stop Killing Our Dolphins In Japan, Stop The Japanese Government Ignorance From Destroying Our Planet, Uncategorized, Values | Leave a comment

The sea in Taiji turns blood red from the murder of thousands of Wild Dolphins

Part II: August 27th, 2011 Show: The Earth Island Institute and Saving Our Wild Dolphins From Brutal, Bloody Murder In Taiji, Japan….

This topic I highlighted last year with Ric O’Barry, who won the Oscar for the incredible Documentary, “The Cove” this past year. The spectacular team of Producers, Directors, undercover camera people, and everyone involved in the making of this Documentary are the greatest movie makers and news makers on this planet.

To outsmart the Japanese [Hostile and Arrogant] government was a feat in itself, and to then to display for all the world to see the bloody killing of these elegant, intelligent, beautiful Sentient Beings was unforgettable… and for me, it was the impetus to taking immediate action to help save these important living beings.

My interview with Mark Berman of The Earth Island Institute was, once again, eye opening. I cannot imagine the low level of ignorance that a person must be reduced to so that they can justify this Genocide. It is totally horrifying, and the world has GOT to step up and stop this massively wretched behavior on the part of the Japanese Government, who PAYS for the Taiji fisherman to stab to death these beautiful, important Marine Mammals.

Is this acceptable today?



Ric O’Barry has put his physical life on the line for these majestic, intelligent Marine Mammals and will continue to be a voice for their savior until the killing stops.

Why is the United States and other ‘super powers’ silent on this Genocide?

I was astonished to learn from Mark Berman in the interview that it is “TRADE” and Politics that stops any country of strength from stepping up and standing up for these innocent Dolphins.

….WHAT? The insanity of “Trade” being the reason for the SILENCE of our own current President and Administration and the apathy to stopping these senseless murders… this RAPE of our Oceans…. is unconscionable.

Where is the Ethical base in our own Government? With all of the taxes we currently pay, you would think that we could accomplish some ENVIRONMENTAL Justice in this world.

If I were President, I would slap a 10,000% Tariff on all Japanese imports and I would be a direct, very loud and clear voice around the world to Boycott Japan and its wretchedness until this Genocide stops. And stops permanently.

Look at the photos and ask yourself what letters, emails, phone calls…and any additional actions you can take for these Dolphins today to help save them. I urge all of my listeners to be a VOICE for our natural world before the darkness of bad politics destroys all of our natural resources forever. Honestly, there is no life on Earth after the natural balance has been irreparably destroyed.

I don’t want to live in a world where we have killed every beautiful, Sentient, intelligent living being and destroyed the natural wonders of this gorgeous world God gave to us to PROTECT and to be good stewards of.

Wow. I cannot imagine the self hatred, arrogance, ignorance, diabolical and sociopathic, twisted thinking it takes to take a sword and lift a hand to stab to death such an innocent, sweet, loving, and kind Marine Mammal.

Take Action to save our world. Now really is the time.

Vaccines = Genocide

May 7, 2011 at 2:54 PM | Posted in Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Government held accountable, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers | Leave a comment

My conversation today with Barbara Loe Fisher, Director and Co-Founder of The Vaccine Information Center, www.nvic.org, was one of the most important broadcasts I could give to my listeners.

If there is one thing that all American Citizens need to understand, it is that Vaccines, and ALL the Propaganda that deliberately misinforms parents and ordinary people day-after-day, is enormous. The “machine” that pumps out this information is part of a very well orchestrated plan to control the population [literally] and to destroy our health to weaken the will of the masses.

I know this sounds “conspiracy-theory” in its tone, but sorry, it is the absolute truth. There are numerous books, articles, research papers, Doctors, Nutritionists, Researchers, and the list goes on…. who have shared with anyone who is willing to look and search for the truth the horrible reality behind the “Vaccine Machine.”

One book I highly recommend is “The One Hundred Year Lie” by notable Journalist Randall Fitzgerald.

Find out for yourself the truth behind the intention of the Vaccine “programs” that our very own Government underwrites with our taxes! It is truly asinine when you start to unravel the misguided, foolish thinking on the part of elected Politicians who know nothing about Toxicology, or even the meaning of true health and how to go about healing.

The perpetuation of this misinformation on the ‘safety’ of vaccines currently costs the United States several Billion dollars a year in medical costs. But the long term cost is staggering when you think of what the future will hold with permanently injured children, retardation, mentally and physically handicapped people in huge numbers, and children who have died from receiving a vaccine that a Doctor in a White Coat promised was ‘good’ for them….

Did you know that Doctors who administer vaccines are exempt from any Liability for causing injury or death to a child, adult, and our family pets?

Vaccines contain questionable, at best, ingredients that should be enough for any honorable, elected official stop and think. But they don’t…. Why?

I don’t know about you, but if I see something wrong, I stand up and say something! I would never sell my soul to this entity that seems invisible to the average person, but looms large everywhere in reality. The scary thing is that the pharmaceutical/chemical warfare entities are unrelenting in their pursuit of power over your life, the lives of our children, animals, and the future of America. What are we if we are chronically ill?

Our entire medical system has been corrupted by big pharmaceutical interests that originally got their start as Chemical Warfare companies in Nazi Germany.

A logical question to ask is how in the world would anyone ignore this alarming dichotomy of “health care” and “chemical warfare” combining forces to re-invent the definition of healthcare?

Children in the Third World have not escaped this horror of Genocide via a hypodermic needle. The World Bank, Unicef, the wretchedly misguided [downright evil] Gates Foundation, and other seemingly Benevolent “health” groups have spent hundreds of billions of dollars promoting vaccines for Third World children.

What Third World children need is FRESH drinking water, healthy food, shelter, and access to proper hygiene. The LAST thing they need is a vaccine that will undermine and permanently damage their already stressed immune systems!

Wow, unbelievable when you think clearly about this pathetic practice of poisoning the planet.

And when it comes to our beloved animal companions, our best friends in life– they are facing the very same auto-immune diseases that humans have suffered since the advent of forced multi-vaccinations and chemical-laden, de-natured food. Dis-ease has been the result of this modern day lifestyle of deliberate poisoning.

I have had two beloved cats who have died from Auto-Immune Dis-ease that was the result of vaccine induced inflammation and immune system damage.

My beloved Maggie, whom I blogged lovingly about in my earlier blog, was taken from me too soon as a result of the NYC Shelter, the CACC, giving multiple vaccines to her along with a dishonest, greedy, unethical Veterinarian who later repeated the very same “3 in 1” vaccines and re-injured her tiny body. The incubation period is the same in animals just as it has proven to be in humans– you never know if a vaccine will show injuries immediately or will manifest later in life as an Auto-Immune Disorder that is life threatening.

I dedicate this show to all the children and animals who have died and been permanently injured from a vaccine.

Save American Horses From Kill Buyers and Slaughter

May 2, 2011 at 12:21 PM | Posted in Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Save Wildlife, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Uncategorized, Wild Mustangs | 1 Comment

My conversation with Jo Deibel of the Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue on the show broadcast on Saturday, April 30th, 2011, was one I will always remember.

Many of us have no idea how our beautiful, intelligent, gentle, graceful horses are found in “kill buyer” auctions and then sold for slaughter in Mexico and Canada! This horrible ‘business’ is an underworld of horror that most horse owners, let alone the general public, are totally unaware of.

Well, these kill buyers are bidding the lowest price on every horse, whether they are a previous loved pet or a race horse to even a breathtakingly beautiful Wild Mustang…. they are all vulnerable to winding up in these kill pens and sold literally to the
slaughter houses that are so horrifying that if everyone could see the undercover footage that I have seen…. there would be an outcry to STOP this evil practice immediately.

Why is it so difficult to enact laws immediately here in the United States to permanently BAN the act of crossing the border with truck loads of horses to be inhumanely and horrifyingly killed in slaughter houses? The “industry” of killing opposes it [of course] and they lobby, unrelentingly, our elected officials who apparently have no issues with shielding their own eyes from this inhumane, wretched business.

We, as American Citizens, Taxpayers, and Citizens of this world, need to send our emails, letters, postcards, and phone calls to every local, state and federal official to raise our voices to stop this crazy destruction of life.

I wanted to bring this issue to light for my listeners to show that one person, like Jo Deibel, the founder of Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue, has made a difference in her community and in the entire State of Pennsylvania by simply taking action to help these gorgeous creatures.

Check out Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue Web Site

Take action by supporting rescue organizations, sending emails to elected officials, and being conscious of all the environmental, wildlife, and domestic issues that impact our own quality of life and certainly have an impact on our future.

This post is dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of innocent horses who have been mercilessly and brutally murdered in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and France.

Stop this madness. Honor and Ethics can save this world.

“Think like a man of action– act like a man of thought.”
— French Philosopher Henri-Louis Bergson, Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, 1927

Holistic Healing… A Journey To Empowerment

March 26, 2011 at 9:05 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Celebrate This Life, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Holistic Healing, Organic, Organic Health, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Self Love, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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“The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality.”
— Herbert Spencer

The show today, March 26th, with the LA Natural Healing Correspondent, Peter Bedard, was electric! You can listen to the show in my “Archives” section for today’s date.

I love hearing about Peter’s personal journey to healing. He is an inspiration and a true light in this world to bring Natural, Holistic healing modalities and lifestyle choices to the attention of all good people who believe in the Creator of all life and intrinsically know that the body wants to heal itself.

Peter makes it easy for all of us to see what innovative, and even ancient modalities are available to heal your body [mind, and spirit, too]. You can watch Peter receiving a number of healing therapies on his web page: www.CreateYourHealth.com

To quote Author Jean Hanner, “More and more people these days are waking up to the fact that it’s all the layers of their personal story that are blocking their progress, and they’re working hard to clear them so they can move forward in a whole new way.”

This powerful statement is what I believe is behind the body’s desire to achieve TOTAL HEALING, or Homeostasis.

When you begin to acknowledge the spiritual and mental blockades that any past trauma or life experiences have on one’s health and well being, you are ready to discover the great power of healing that the “Western/Allopathic/Scientific” community simply ignores altogether. Alas, such ignorance costs too many people their very lives, livelihood, vibrancy, and even their spiritual purpose for being on this Earth.

But you can, indeed, take back your whole body, mind and spirit… experiencing something majestic, blessed, vibrant, spectacular… Holistic balancing of your whole being is the greatest gift you could give to yourself, your family, the world.

The three natural healing therapies Peter Bedard shared with us today were:

1.) Prolotherapy. Re-discovered by Dr. Marc Darrow at ULCA Medical Center in Los Angeles. This therapy is actually an ancient therapy that Dr. Darrow discovered in his research. He has brought this amazing, cartilage-growing therapy back to the future and Peter Bedard experienced miraculous healing that he told us about on the show.

2.) The Cold Laser, Erchonia. Peter told us about a serious injury he had to his eye that was healed when a qualified practitioner who was trained in this cold laser therapy used this on his eye.

3.) The Beck Protocol. This multi-dimensional protocol utilizes Colloidal Silver, Oxygen, and energy current healing. It can help the body to re-balance itself, and achieve homeostasis. These protocols are very cool because they naturally, and without harmful drugs and chemicals, destroy pathogens and viruses so your body can actually be fed and nourished with the Organic food choices that everyone should be choosing for longevity and health.

Check them out for yourself at Peter’s website: www.CreateYourHealth.com

As consumers, we need to be a strong, collective voice to keep these modalities available to all of us.

The very dark, greedy powers that are [horrifyingly] in both elected and non-elected powerful Government offices are not interested in natural healing for the general population. It is terrible to realize that keeping people sick, and thereby passive and vulnerable, is exactly how they maintain power over what is available to you.

These very negative entities are ensconced in seemingly benevolent organizations [like the American Medical Association, The National Cancer Institute, the Federal Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Dental Association… and the list goes on].

Awareness is key here. It is NOT a ‘conspiracy theory’ as these entities have successfully spun their dark behavior as being via the millions [even billions] they have invested in falsified information, falsified public relations spin doctoring, and media campaigns that are constant, consistent, and unrelenting.

Taxpayers, consumers, and all living beings– including our beloved animals, natural resources [yes, these are living!]– deserve to have a clean Earth. Do you believe you deserve access to non-toxic, natural, holistic, God-given herbs and vitamins that are vital to our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical healing for ourselves and for the entire Universe?

The toxic medical waste, the toxic industrial waste, the toxic radiation fallout, the toxic warfare waste…. it kills the very natural environment that everyone is dependent upon for life.

“Imagine” by John Lennon is one of my favorite songs for the simple message of Peace being attainable if everyone stepped outside of the confining boxes of ‘conventional’ and constrained mind enslavement.
\"Imagine\" by John Lennon via You Tube

Man-made religious doctrines [that have nothing to do with God or Spirituality], Prejudice/Bigotry, Idolatry, Hatred, Deception, Carelessness, Ignorance, Warfare…. they are killing off the whole point of being alive!

Something to ponder.

Take action for life and start somewhere. I believe that the physically more detoxified you are, the more you are of clear mind and spirit.

Who benefits from warfare? There would be no war if everyone was of ‘clear body and clear mind!’


Go Beyond Organic: A Few Things You Need To Know

March 5, 2011 at 10:08 AM | Posted in Best Practices in Business, Build Green Save The Planet, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Health, Longevity, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Think, Uncategorized, Water | 7 Comments
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“Our destiny is largely in our own hands. If we find, we shall have to seek. If we succeed, it must be our own energies and our own exertions. Others may clear the road, but we must go forward, or be left behind in the race of life.”
— Frederick Douglass, Former African-American Slave And Abolitionist Leader, 1866

My show today, March 5th, 2011, with Winston Kao, whom I like to call a “Voice of Reason” in the haze of misinformation that is unrelentingly fed to Americans daily, was quite lively and I certainly learned a few things I did not know before! Winston is an Inventor and Researcher in the fields of Agriculture, Nutrition, Water and Soil based organisms. You can find him at www.gobeyondorganic.com

Did you know:

1.) Aspartame– aka “Nutrasweet”– is really an ANT poison? It was never tested nor passed for food safety, and never approved for human consumption. It works great as a poison for Carpenter Ants because it is an Insecticide!

Researchers developing this toxic powder discovered that it tasted good, sweet, and looked like powdered sugar.

However, it is highly toxic to your endocrine system, your nervous system, and every organ in your body.

If you get it on your body, wash it off immediately! And certainly do not let it into your mouth!

2.) Did you know that Big-Agribusiness– aka, Factory Farms that crowd in animals and utilize abuse as part of their practices– are legally allowed to put Arsenic into Chicken Feed?

They justify this criminal act by stating that it makes chickens fatter faster.

3.) Did you know that Fluoride is NOT good for your teeth, your bones… and in fact, it is a rat poison, along with being a highly volatile and toxic industrial waste?
Every wonder why it is put into drinking water? Hitler, Stalin, and now the United States Government have put this “stupid, passive maker” into your water supply…. in order to control you. This has been a multi-decade lie to the innocent consumer…. Don’t drink tap water in a Town/State that unabashedly puts poison into the water! And DO NOT use Fluoride tooth paste! It can kill you, and it has, horrifyingly, killed many children who have eaten a tube of toothpaste!

The tell tale sign that the U.S. Government is well aware that Fluoride is damaging your health, the health of your environment, and poisoning your brain cells is this little, terrible fact:

In July 2010, the United Nations declared access to clean water a human right.

The U.S. was among 41 Nations that ABSTAINED from supporting this resolution!

4.) Did you know that both Gardening AND Home Building products, like Asphalt Roof Shingles and many different types of fertilizers, bags of non-organic soil [with additives], and other products sold to the unknowing Consumer contain Radioactive Waste from the Nuclear Industry?

Do I have your attention? I certainly hope so. The U.S. Government starts to look more Rogue than the very Middle-East Countries that they publicly condemn.

Our own Government is unabashedly poisoning its own people… Ironic, they are poisoning the very taxpayer base that they rely upon to be as big, and dastardly as they are… Yet they are poisoning all living beings continually, 24/7, with political cover-ups and hugely mismanaged waste disposal programs that also happen to have very strong lobbies in Washington.

Your well being has been traded for political favors, power, money, greed.

Have you had enough? Time to be a voice.

No wonder it is extremely challenging to be well and stay well in this intoxicated environment!

Winston opened our eyes on the show: He talked about why the Bees are disappearing, Salt in our diet, and WATER– the single most important thing your body needs to survive.

The Bees. Why are they dying? How does this affect your life?

Winston informed us that, in the stupidity of big-agribusiness, the Bees are denied their own fortifying honey nectar to feed themselves with, and are given SUGAR WATER as a substitute when the agri-bee farmers steal the honey out of the hive!

Sugar is toxic. It is a toxic drug to humans, and certainly to Bees who are not evolved to eat anything other than their own honey!

How stupid can anyone get? This toxic substitute is killing bees in large numbers. Their bodies contract infections and they die in mass numbers because they cannot get the NUTRITION that they need to survive in the Winter.

Sound familiar? When people consume Sugar [and chemical sugar substitutes, like Nutrasweet] they get sick, and eventually die of some dis-ease.

Bayer Pharmaceutical is also a big part of this horrifying picture in American Agriculture. They are the evil empire behind Insecticides and Pesticides called “Organophosphates” or also known as “OP’s” that are now used by ‘Conventional/Pesticide using Farmers’ on crops. The specific chemical pesticide that started the domino effect of massive BILLIONS of Bees being killed is called,

This intoxicates and kills the Bees that collect the Pollen from these poisoned plants.

Buyer/Homeowner BEWARE: It is also SOLD TO CONSUMERS for home-use pesticides! It is one of the toxic chemicals that pest-control companies are also using. Don’t use it around your home! IT KILLS, and will cause birth defects, retardation, CANCER, neuralgia, lung and thyroid issues…. Chemical pesticides are NERVE GAS AGENTS and affect humans, too…. but NOBODY HAS TO SAY A DAMN WORD TO YOU ABOUT THIS WHEN THEY ARE SELLING IT TO YOU! WOW!!!! Death by a million cuts is what is killing our planet, and is exactly why so many people are getting sick with degenerative diseases that are so deadly and suck out your very life essence.

As we discussed on the show, Bayer is owned by AG Farben, aka IG Farben, the largest Chemical Warfare company in the world. Oh, and they also owned Auswitz concentration camp.

Yes, they are responsible for Nerve Gas and all sorts of sinister things like “Agent Orange” and weapons of mass destruction.

Check out a great web site that can explain, in great detail, the crimes that Bayer and its parent company are responsible for: www.corporatewatch.org

Salt. Why untouched, unadulterated Sea Salt [and rock salts from mountains] are good for you.

Sea Salt that has been simply dried in the sunshine, and hand harvested without machines and certainly without any refining process whatsoever is a LIFE GIVING food that everyone, EVERYONE needs in their bodies…. including the animals.

Salt is high in Magnesium and many trace minerals that are nearly impossible to find in our food today because of the depletion of our soil.

I personally take about a 1/2 teaspoon of salt in my water/organic smoothie juice every morning. You can even put it into your Organic cup of Java in the morning to really give you a boost!

Winston puts it onto his food quite liberally, and tells everyone to pay attention to the quality of different salts that are available.

He highly recommends “Celtic” sea salt. I love it, too. There are a few brands that are very good, but what you should be looking for in physical properties are the following:

1.) It should be damp.
2.) It should be gray/green in color.
3.) It should be hand harvested, dried in the sun, and never processed.

This life giving food not only tastes amazing in your cooking, but you can be assured you are getting the nutrients your body craves.

You will feel more satisfied when you eat. The ‘mouth feel’ of your food will be enlivened and you will have an ‘aha’ moment after you change out the highly processed, highly heated and chemicalized, average table salt that looks like sugar and start to become your own hero for good eating choices.


Earlier in this blog, I touched on the toxic water additive that the U.S. Government is poisoning us with: Fluoride.

Winston told us it is very difficult to get rid of, and most water filtration units are lousy/ineffective at getting even an ounce of this toxic waste out of tap water.

I spent a whole bunch of money on a JUNK and ineffective water filtration Whole House unit that was a waste of money.

Winston told us that Fluoride is also Prozac! “Fluoxetine” is the generic drug term for Prozac, and it is being dumped into our water by State Governments!

What is going on? Winston did a great job in educating both my audience and me about the powers behind this big lie to the consumer and what we can do about it.

Fluoride is a by-product of the Pesticide industry, the Heavy Metal industry, including the Aluminum industry.

It is so toxic that these big businesses could not afford to properly dispose of this waste, so a campaign to tell people it was good for their teeth started in the 1940’s and has perpetuated ever since.

Rather than pay fines and find safe ways to dispose of Fluoride, a neurotoxin, these industries have taken part in the biggest swindle in world history!

The people who inhabit this planet are entitled to fresh drinking water. This is the ONLY way your body is going to find homeostasis, and it is the only way to truly achieve world peace. The bloodiest wars are fought over land rights, which include water rights.

Winston Kao has designed an under the counter and whole house water unit that can properly remove the Chlorine [another toxic gas] and the Fluoride.

Visit his web page www.gobeyondorganic.comand find out more on water filtration for your home.

I urge my listeners and all people reading this blog to write letters/emails and make phone calls demanding that both Chlorine and Fluoride be removed from our drinking water supplies.

This is poisoning and medicating masses of people and this is totally in violation of our Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

OZONE is what should be used to clean the water and good old fashioned hydrogen peroxide could be used rather than these poisons that are the very cause of the many dis-eases that may have different names and appear differently in different people…. but they all share the same Proximate Cause.

Take Action.

Thanks To George Clooney, et al, The Sudan Has Hope?

October 14, 2010 at 3:20 PM | Posted in Darfur and The Sudan, Government held accountable, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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I certainly hope so.

The raping of little girls as young as 1 year old, the brutal killings of children, and entire families…. boys stolen and brain washed or tortured and then killed….

The madness has got to stop.

I saw George Clooney on Larry King Live/CNN tonight so eloquently making a strong case for every living being in the Western world to take notice and DO SOMETHING to help these innocent people.

This war is about natural resources, and about RELIGION. It is an ethnic massacre mandated by Omar Al Bashir, an arrogant war monger and rogue thug who has got to be removed from office and tried in the court of law as a war criminal.

I have interviewed The Persecution Project twice on my Radio Show this year. Check them out, and please help support saving the people of the Sudan.

Thank you.

The Persecution Project: The Cost of Ignoring Genocide

August 1, 2010 at 11:51 AM | Posted in Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Darfur and The Sudan, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Help Southern Sudan Christians, In Loving Memory, Obama the liar and con man, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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My July 26, 2010 show was the continuation of the discussion started back in April with Photojournalist Lucien Niemeyer regarding the ignored mass Genocide in The Darfur, and all of Southern Sudan.

My guests for this show were Mr. Matt Chancey, Director of Communications and a founding Board Member of The Persecution Project, headquartered in Culpepper, Virginia, and Mr. Ed Lyons, Director of Ministry Advancement for The Persecution Project. Visit The Persecution Project.

The Darfur lies within the Sudan, and both are under siege by a madman, killer, thug named “President Omar Al Bashir.”

This Genocide is the direct result of the United States [under Obama’s weakling, uninterested Foreign Relations non-policies] and other Western countries yawning at this mass killing, rape, and pillaging…. and doing virtually nothing.

This tragedy involves the mass killing of children. The boys who are strong physically are stolen, abducted from their families and then brainwashed and trained to become child soldiers for the very Genocidal Koo that murdered their very own families.

In Darfur: It is Muslim killing Muslim for water and oil rights….

In Southern Sudan: It is Northern Muslim killing/raping/abducting/enslaving the Southern Christian people.

This is one of the worst Genocides of this world, and after Rwanda, former President Clintion promised, “Never AGAIN.” The world, in fact, promised… “Never Again.”

This Genocide is what Matt Chancey called “Rwanda in slow motion” during our interview…. and where is the civilized, Western world to come to the rescue? Where is the USA?

Why does Mr. Obama, who is a Muslim himself, not stop this besiegement by Radical Killers? Why has the USA become so weak and ineffective under this current Administration? What is there NOT to understand here?

This lack of caring [even a little] to remove Dictator Al-Bashir from his undeserved power and to restore peace is beyond alarming, shocking, and horrifying.

Who are we, as Americans, to talk about the concepts of “Freedom” and “Liberty” if we are unable to act on Genocide, Enslavement, Rape of little girls as young as 6 years old, Abduction of children, and killing of masses of innocent, peaceful people?

Please visit the Persecution Project, and see the videos, read the truth, and I urge you to TAKE ACTION in every way you can…

Girls stolen, and enslaved by Northern Muslim radicals are raped, beaten, killed, and never see their families again.

This is unthinkable violence against an entire race of people whose only “crime” is being Christian.

“You might not take an interest in politics, but politics takes an interest in you.” — Plato

Take Action. Thank you.

Beauty, Brains, Philanthropic, Inspired… Eco-Consciousness is hip.

June 17, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Posted in Animal Communication, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Ayurvedic Natural Skin Care, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Build Green Save The Planet, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Mineral Makeup, Love, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Save the Oceans!, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Wild Mustangs | 1 Comment
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If most Celebrities care about the environment, animals, holistic health, Organic food, being conscious consumers…. shouldn’t everyone?

Anthony Kideis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers-- A champion for the environment, animals, organic/vegan lifestyles.

Aren’t we all stewards of God’s gift of this earth that sustains all life? Don’t we all have a responsibility to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions and rally for ecologically responsible governance, companies, products, and services?

Nicole Sherwin, the eco-gorgeous, “Green Guru,” is the founder of Nicole Sherwin Events, domiciled in LA, California.

Nicole does the job of sifting through all of the “green washing” that is out there and brings the many honorable, truthfully “Green” companies and products to her hip, Eco-Zen “Green Lounge” experiences that showcase valuable information and products, organic food and alcohol, along with eco-furniture, eco-travel…. everything.

Nicole’s new site will be launching at the end of June to bring these products and fun facts to all consumers who want to “Go Green” but need a little help in deciphering what is real, and what is– well, totally fake information that is called ‘green washing.’ You can check out http://www.greenloungeexperience.com later this month…

“Some people shy away from responsibility because it brings with it accountability. So let me ask you this, is it more empowering to be accountable for your own actions and attitudes, or to make somebody else responsible?

You see, when we give away accountability we create a state of helplessness.

So I encourage you, liberate yourself—- accept responsibility.”
— Jonathan Wells, Founder, “Advanced Life Skills.”

Countless Celebrities have become Eco-Warriors! Now it’s time for everyone to join this cause for life….

Nicole and I agree that beauty starts on the inside with your heart, soul, spirit, life, thoughts, actions, food choices, what you put into your body both mentally and physically, and with contributions to life.

Be amazed at how beautiful you are when you give back to society, take care of your body organically, holistically, and methodically. A clear mind and a clear body bring a beautiful, thoughtful, graceful, grateful, productive, and successful life.

“The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land.”
— Leviticus 25: 23-24

Your Vitamins Taken Away By Big Pharma?…. And What Are Those Lines In the Sky?

May 11, 2010 at 10:13 AM | Posted in Best Practices in Business, Chemical Trails, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Mysterious Lines in the Sky, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | 2 Comments
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Listen to the May 10th Show here: Save Dietary Supplements & Chem Trail Warfare.

My show yesterday, May 10th, was quite a doozie. A big topic for a short amount of time… but we will have Part II on Monday, May 17th!

If you can’t listen live on 1490AM WGCH, you can check out the Podcast afterward on http://www.wgch.com and click into “Conscious Lifestyles.”

My guest, Dr. Gwen Scott, a Naturopathic Doctor, talked with me about the dangerous, outrageous ‘big brother’ Bill that Senator John McCain is responsible for irresponsibly bringing to the Senate floor for a vote is “Bill 3002.”


This bill is horrifying because it literally abolishes your rights to healthy, natural, herbal supplements. Period.

Your right to the supplements you see on the shelves at Whole Foods or any good health food store would be GONE.

What? Oh yes, the big pharmaceuticals– which I have established in my shows are tied directly to Chemical Warfare Conglomerates that were conceived in Nazi Germany– are fighting [quietly, yet UNRELENTINGLY]
to refuse all Americans the right to buy healthy herbal supplements.

Why? Because it pays THEM if you are sick, debilitated, unhealthy, weak, and desperate. You will have to take their toxic drugs for ‘supplementation.’

Where would you get herbal supplements? You wouldn’t have them. You could only see a Doctor in hopes of getting a “prescription” for any herbal supplement, but it would– by law– be a MUCH LOWER, and virtually ineffective dose than what is available over the counter today.

Impossible? Well, the pharmaceutical industry is whittling away at your rights to access to ALTERNATIVE, HERBAL, NATURAL HEALTHCARE.

The big pharma is literally bribing your Elected Senators with campaign contributions, money, MONEY, and more money to get them to finally give in and betray their own constituents.

Don’t buy it. Send a 5 minute EMAIL and/or Post Card to your Local, State, and Nationally elected representatives. NOW.

And then we started the “ChemTrails 101” conversation that opens up the much needed awareness of what is, exactly, being sprayed in our skies….
Check out this informative Website by Clifford Carnicom: www.carnicom.com

To understand this topic that seems so close to ‘Science Fiction’ you should read two books:

1.) The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs

2.) Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara

This is one of the most important conversations that the media today can have with all Americans and Humans around the world. Why is it being ignored by the main stream?

This conversation will continue on “Conscious Lifestyles” next Monday @ 4.30PM Eastern Time on WGCH Radio.

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