Four Messengers

October 4, 2012 at 4:26 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Ethics in Business, Government held accountable, Health, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Oil and Gas Costs Everyone Too Much, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Poisoned Food, Read The Book, Restore Freedom for Wild Mustangs, Restore Honesty In Politics, Save Our Natural Resources, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save U.S. Wild Mustangs and Burros, Save Wildlife, Say Something, Self Respect Reflects In Respect For Our Wildlife, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Dangerous Pollution From Fossil Fuels, Stop Genocide and Restore Freedom in The Sudan, Support Small, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable And Renewable Energy NOW, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, The cure to cancer, The Rainbow Bridge, The Zapper, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Uncategorized, Values, Where is Clean, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups, Wild Horses, Wild Mustangs, Women as Healers Naturally | 1 Comment

My show last Saturday, September 29th, 2012, had four Guests whom I consider to be Messengers of Truth in a world of misinformation, propaganda, and constant jingles, riddles, and flashing time stealers.

Steve McIntosh, Author of “Evolution’s Purporse: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins,” made several incredible points in our interview.

First, the “Big Bang” theory is not a theory. It is a fact. However, the difference with the factual beginnings of the Universe is that it is compatible with Spirituality. There was an Entity [God] before the Universe came into being.

Life and the universe are not purposeless accidents, as the original ‘scientific’ theory hypothesized.

Secondly, the Environmental movement must evolve in order to achieve its goals.

Steve says that as global warming increases, Environmentalists need to recognize how anti-establishment stridency is discouraging to the mainstream whose support they need to be effective in combating the proximate causes of climate change.

The solution to bringing this Environmental movement into the “mainstream” for immediate, full-scale community [and corporate] action requires a cultural shift that better integrates the Environmental movement with everyday society, and thereby creating greater solidarity within American [and world] culture overall.

I would like to add that I do see this happening as more people start to understand the direct correlation between their consumer and daily choices and the ecological damage that occurs as a result of these choices. I have seen an evolution in the past few years that is exciting to be a part of [albeit it very slow in some parts of the USA].

Third, Economic dominance is not the only way to provide global leadership.

Steve McIntosh encourages Americans to embrace their country’s changing responsibilities.

America’s role in the world is inevitably changing as the globalized economy increasingly empowers other countries, such as China, India and the Middle East.

As our world changes, Americans can prevent the decline of America’s global leadership by evolving their definition of leadership, and thereby evolving their culture into the next stage of historical development.

Through this cultural evolution America can demonstrate a successful form of sustainability, post-material society that provides deeper forms of fulfillment than the rewards offered by consumerism and status.

Fourth, Can artificial intelligence ever truly replicate the human self, resulting in self-conscious machines? “Trans-humanists” subscribe to the theory that self-replicating computers will soon undertake their own evolution, but Steve McIntosh explains how this premise disregards the nature of the self and what it means to be conscious.

Many of Steve’s points are incredibly rich in complexity, and really requires all of us to start thinking. This book stretched me intellectually. This is a “must read” for every person who seeks knowledge and personal empowerment.

Check out Steve’s web site for more:

I have talked on several shows about the horrifying, diabolical dangers of Pesticides.

ALL chemical pesticides are chemical warfare weapons that are re-packaged as “home use” pesticides. Don’t be fooled when it comes to the misleading, even fraudulent marketing and advertising when it comes to the supposed safety of chemicals used for pesticides. All of these DNA damaging substances came directly out of Nazi Germany. They are, indeed, chemical biological weapons, and they do hurt people, animals, plants, groundwater, food sources, and all life.

My Guest for this segment, Josh Vincent of the Northwest Center for Alternative to Pesticides, explained the many autoimmune disorders that are directly related to exposure to chemical pesticides that are sprayed routinely around residential homes, in our food agriculture, in our skies [for the misguided and downright stupid “West Nile” spraying], and in gardening.

The pathetic apathy that has overcome our elected officials, and then literally blanketed the consciousness of the Taxpayer is certainly something to be alarmed about. We need to stand up to these powerful Chemical lobbies that don’t care about your future, your health, your food quality, your children’s health, or your pets.

And by the way, those supposed “flea and tick” toxic chemicals that get put into the shoulder blades of our animals are ALSO deadly killers. DO NOT USE THEM! Instead, put Garlic powder into your pets food along with Grapefruit Seed Extract into their water, and just give them a nice shampoo with non-toxic, essential oil shampoos that are now readily available to keep your pets flea free.

When you can trace the DDT exposure all the way to the North Pole, and into the blubber of marine mammals and Polar Bears… you know that these chemicals are persistent and do not ‘fade’ over time. They simply travel throughout the eco-system causing damage to everything they contaminate.

We cannot afford to fall asleep on this issue. This is a big, big issue to overcome and to combat since the Chemical companies are relying on both the ignorance and trust of society to get away with murder, literally.

Check out this informative website and please take action for yourself and for your community:

Hemp’s incredible importance to the environment is above and beyond what any other agricultural product today can offer.

Hemp is a highly nutritious “Superfood” with all Essential Fatty Acids [3,6,9] and protein that can literally feed the world because it is both easy and ecologically friendly to grow. It needs very little water, and actually remineralizes the ground soil as it grows in a process called “phytomerediation.”

Hemp can be used for housing, fuel [replacing petrochemicals], replace nylon, clothing, medicine, PAPER, replaces toxic chemical plastics, food, beauty treatments, making automobiles, airplanes, boats, agricultural feed, natural antiseptics, natural pest control …. and the list goes on endlessly.

So, why would the United States turn their backs on this opportunity to help re-charge both the Environment AND the Economy in one shot by re-establishing a PRO-Hemp agenda?

Why is it currently illegal to grow or cultivate Hemp in the United States? Why are we, as Americans, sending our money to China, India, Canada, Pakistan and other countries in order to IMPORT Hemp seeds, Hemp oil products, Hemp clothing, etc?

The Forestry and Cotton industries are behind the demise of this amazing crop from the United States. They were intimidated and obviously concerned enough to lobby Congress to prohibit Hemp because it was the same family as “marijuana.”

However, Hemp is not a hallucinogenic plant and cannot be smoked for the mind-altering affects that Marijuana offers. Although Hemp is from the Cannabis species, its THC content is negligible and cannot be used for ‘getting high’ as Opponents of Hemp argue in order to keep their special interests as the tax-guzzling crops in America’s farmlands.

The positive attributes of Hemp also include cleaning the air, preventing soil erosion since its roots grow deep, and one acre of Hemp plants produces more agricultural products than 2 acres of Cotton or 4 acres of trees! Hemp trees/plants also clean the air as they release a ton of Oxygen into the air as they grow heartily and quickly in just about any climate.

Thanks to Eric ‘the red’ Hughes of Chi Hemp Industries for his magnificent research over the past few decades, and for your voice in this very important matter for the Ecology and for the future of the Earth.

Check out and get some yummy Hemp products and educate yourself. Let’s take back our future by restoring common sense to both our politics and to the taxpayer/consumer.

Entire families are broken apart… babies are run over cliffs or run to exhaustion and die… mothers are separated from their babies and the cries are unthinkable and heart wrenching… the Stallions are abused and castrated with crude means… the ones that are ‘too wild’ are shot dead…. and too many other wretched and totally un-American abuse of our National Heritage.

The story of our Wild Horses and the ILLEGAL Round-ups overseen by Ken Salazar of the much-corrupted Department of Interior and the ‘subsidiary’ Bureau of Land Management [BLM] has increased, surprisingly, under the Obama Administration. Sadly, it is just one more lie that our current President made when he was campaigning in 2008 and appealing to many Environmentalists like me.

When he appointed Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Department of the Interior, I had a foreboding feeling that nothing good was going to come from this very unhealthy appointment to the Cabinet to the President. This was four years ago, and it got worse with every year in terms of our Environment and our Wildlife.

And, indeed, my sense in 2008 was right. Under Mr. Salazar, we have these illegal Round-ups that kill, disable, and terrorize innocent animals, and then we saw the worst oil tragedy in the history of the world take place in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Thugs that declare a war of Terror are doing it at the bequest of the Oil and Cattle industries.

This is exactly WHY you, as a Consumer, should NEVER buy any beef from just any store under just any name [or McDonald’s or any other fast food chain– the food is NOT REALLY CHEAP! IT HAS A COST UNIMAGINABLE TO YOU, THE TAXPAYER]… you should ONLY buy Local, Organic, Humane, Sustainable, Grass Fed, and small farmed. Every time you ignore your power as a Consumer to create the change you really wish to see in this world, you are denying innocent living beings like our Wild Horses and our Wolves and all other Wildlife the right to live freely… simply because you are inadvertently supporting blood-industries like the big Agribusinesses that lobby Congress to have their way on OUR public, taxpayer lands!

Better yet, go Vegetarian. You’ll be Alkalinizing your body, and naturally healing your body. You’ll also be supporting the Environment in the right way by your lifestyle choices. Remember, all animal products create an ACIDIC body, which is the breeding ground for disease.

The point to my conversation with Suzanne Roy of the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign was to both raise awareness to the Consumer and to hopefully inspire people to take Action for our beautiful remaining Wildlife, and for the ecological balance of our last remaining open spaces.

Please take a look at this amazing web site and give your support to save our Wild Horses and Burros from the horrors of Slaughter. They need us.

Thanks for listening. This was an incredible show, and is available in the “Archives” section of this blog.

Thanks To George Clooney, et al, The Sudan Has Hope?

October 14, 2010 at 3:20 PM | Posted in Darfur and The Sudan, Government held accountable, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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I certainly hope so.

The raping of little girls as young as 1 year old, the brutal killings of children, and entire families…. boys stolen and brain washed or tortured and then killed….

The madness has got to stop.

I saw George Clooney on Larry King Live/CNN tonight so eloquently making a strong case for every living being in the Western world to take notice and DO SOMETHING to help these innocent people.

This war is about natural resources, and about RELIGION. It is an ethnic massacre mandated by Omar Al Bashir, an arrogant war monger and rogue thug who has got to be removed from office and tried in the court of law as a war criminal.
I have interviewed The Persecution Project twice on my Radio Show this year. Check them out, and please help support saving the people of the Sudan.

Thank you.

The Persecution Project: The Cost of Ignoring Genocide

August 1, 2010 at 11:51 AM | Posted in Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Darfur and The Sudan, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Help Southern Sudan Christians, In Loving Memory, Obama the liar and con man, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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My July 26, 2010 show was the continuation of the discussion started back in April with Photojournalist Lucien Niemeyer regarding the ignored mass Genocide in The Darfur, and all of Southern Sudan.

My guests for this show were Mr. Matt Chancey, Director of Communications and a founding Board Member of The Persecution Project, headquartered in Culpepper, Virginia, and Mr. Ed Lyons, Director of Ministry Advancement for The Persecution Project. Visit The Persecution Project.

The Darfur lies within the Sudan, and both are under siege by a madman, killer, thug named “President Omar Al Bashir.”

This Genocide is the direct result of the United States [under Obama’s weakling, uninterested Foreign Relations non-policies] and other Western countries yawning at this mass killing, rape, and pillaging…. and doing virtually nothing.

This tragedy involves the mass killing of children. The boys who are strong physically are stolen, abducted from their families and then brainwashed and trained to become child soldiers for the very Genocidal Koo that murdered their very own families.

In Darfur: It is Muslim killing Muslim for water and oil rights….

In Southern Sudan: It is Northern Muslim killing/raping/abducting/enslaving the Southern Christian people.

This is one of the worst Genocides of this world, and after Rwanda, former President Clintion promised, “Never AGAIN.” The world, in fact, promised… “Never Again.”

This Genocide is what Matt Chancey called “Rwanda in slow motion” during our interview…. and where is the civilized, Western world to come to the rescue? Where is the USA?

Why does Mr. Obama, who is a Muslim himself, not stop this besiegement by Radical Killers? Why has the USA become so weak and ineffective under this current Administration? What is there NOT to understand here?

This lack of caring [even a little] to remove Dictator Al-Bashir from his undeserved power and to restore peace is beyond alarming, shocking, and horrifying.

Who are we, as Americans, to talk about the concepts of “Freedom” and “Liberty” if we are unable to act on Genocide, Enslavement, Rape of little girls as young as 6 years old, Abduction of children, and killing of masses of innocent, peaceful people?

Please visit the Persecution Project, and see the videos, read the truth, and I urge you to TAKE ACTION in every way you can…

Girls stolen, and enslaved by Northern Muslim radicals are raped, beaten, killed, and never see their families again.

This is unthinkable violence against an entire race of people whose only “crime” is being Christian.

“You might not take an interest in politics, but politics takes an interest in you.” — Plato

Take Action. Thank you.

Beauty, Brains, Philanthropic, Inspired… Eco-Consciousness is hip.

June 17, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Posted in Animal Communication, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Ayurvedic Natural Skin Care, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Build Green Save The Planet, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Mineral Makeup, Love, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Save the Oceans!, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Wild Mustangs | 1 Comment
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If most Celebrities care about the environment, animals, holistic health, Organic food, being conscious consumers…. shouldn’t everyone?

Anthony Kideis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers-- A champion for the environment, animals, organic/vegan lifestyles.

Aren’t we all stewards of God’s gift of this earth that sustains all life? Don’t we all have a responsibility to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions and rally for ecologically responsible governance, companies, products, and services?

Nicole Sherwin, the eco-gorgeous, “Green Guru,” is the founder of Nicole Sherwin Events, domiciled in LA, California.

Nicole does the job of sifting through all of the “green washing” that is out there and brings the many honorable, truthfully “Green” companies and products to her hip, Eco-Zen “Green Lounge” experiences that showcase valuable information and products, organic food and alcohol, along with eco-furniture, eco-travel…. everything.

Nicole’s new site will be launching at the end of June to bring these products and fun facts to all consumers who want to “Go Green” but need a little help in deciphering what is real, and what is– well, totally fake information that is called ‘green washing.’ You can check out later this month…

“Some people shy away from responsibility because it brings with it accountability. So let me ask you this, is it more empowering to be accountable for your own actions and attitudes, or to make somebody else responsible?

You see, when we give away accountability we create a state of helplessness.

So I encourage you, liberate yourself—- accept responsibility.”
— Jonathan Wells, Founder, “Advanced Life Skills.”

Countless Celebrities have become Eco-Warriors! Now it’s time for everyone to join this cause for life….

Nicole and I agree that beauty starts on the inside with your heart, soul, spirit, life, thoughts, actions, food choices, what you put into your body both mentally and physically, and with contributions to life.

Be amazed at how beautiful you are when you give back to society, take care of your body organically, holistically, and methodically. A clear mind and a clear body bring a beautiful, thoughtful, graceful, grateful, productive, and successful life.

“The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land.”
— Leviticus 25: 23-24

The Sudan Genocide & Why It Takes Star Power Like George Clooney For Air Time In America … My Interview With Author And Photojournalist Lucian Niemeyer

April 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM | Posted in Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Help Southern Sudan Christians, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Uncategorized | 3 Comments
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Genocide in the Sudan: Why? Listen to \"Conscious Lifestyles\" Here.
“Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work– that goes on, it adds up.”
— Barbara Kingsolver

My interview on Monday, April 19, 2010, with Author and Photojournalist Lucian Niemeyer was eye-opening. The atrocities in the Sudan were and are avoidable and could be resolved, but no one in the current Presidential cabinet appears to care.

Why do we have a non-existent foreign policy? Is Genocide not something we vowed to never tolerate again at the end of World War II?

“The religious differences between Islam and Christianity have magnified a Genocide between people that history will regard as the worst ever recorded.” — Lucien Niemeyer

The inspiration for this show was a single photograph taken by Kevin Carter in 1993, and won a Pulitzer Prize. Photojournalist Carter committed suicide only three months after the photo was taken due to the enormous burden he could no longer bear of the horrors he had witnessed on the front line in the Sudan.

This innocent little girl did not have to starve to death. This very photo haunts me, and the entire world was and is moved by this child who struggles alone. Where are her parents? Were they murdered? Where is the UN? Where is the U.S. and E.U. with all of our military power?

Where is the humanitarian aid today and where was it then?

In Southern Sudan today, women and children and entire families and villages are murdered in cold blood.

Women are raped, taken into custody by the Northern Sudan Arabs [who have become increasingly radical] and sold into slavery. The female children are also subjected to rape, and many starve to death and are brutally murdered.

The Southern Sudanese people are docile, gentle farmers who live on the land that they have known for hundreds of generations. When they are displaced from their native land– much like the Native American Indians– they are stripped of their self-sufficiency, culture, and food sources. They are rounded up, similar to what happened during the reign of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany, and most of the men are murdered and the women are stolen into a world of horrors that is worse than death.

The question that needs to be answered is why, under the Obama Administration, this unthinkable killing of the Southern Sudanese Christians has once again begun.

This is an Ethnic Cleansing: History keeps repeating itself, and some Politicians care and others don’t so they keep having their power lunches with their big bellies full of arrogance and just don’t give a damn…. Is this not the very face of evil we are told our Military power is to overcome?

What I did not know was that under the Bush Administration, Senator Danforth was sent to the Sudan to assess the dire situation there and reported an account that needed immediate action.

Guess what? The Bush Administration was actually very strong on this issue, with a strong Foreign Policy and strong Advisors– they stopped the Northern Sudanese warfare for the time that this Administration was in office. This was a big surprise to me– and a pleasant one– but wow, how can Obama now not care to take as strong a stand here? These innocent people are DYING horrible, unnecessary, gruesome deaths that NO ONE in the 21st Century should be left to endure.

The whole world needs to get involved in the Sudan.

Here’s how to help:

1.) Support the “Persecution Project Foundation” located in Culpepper, Virginia. Brad Phillips has done a monumental job without any government help, and he could do so much more with our help.

2.) Write your local and state elected officials to ask what in God’s name they plan on doing to save these innocent people?

3.) Read Lucian Neimeyer’s writing on his eye-witness reports of these atrocities.

Lucien’s books are available on
“Africa: The Holocausts of Rwanda and Sudan”


Do not turn away.

I cannot eat another morsel of food without deep prayer, thought, and desire to do SOMETHING right this moment to help these innocent people.

Please contact The Persecution Project immediately to ask what you can do to help.

How can President Obama, and all of his very unqualified Cabinet along with every Senator, Representative, and elected official sit down to eat any meal without caring one iota for these children who are starving to DEATH?

What have hateful people done to our most innocent?

Thanks to ordinary people like Heather Stewart of the UK who is single handedly flying a single airplane in the Sudan, risking her own life, to help people in every way she can. God Bless you, Heather.

Thanks to Brad Phillips of The Persecution Project Foundation and to Photojournalist Lucian Niemeyer, and to all of the small groups of honorable people who are the “Davids” against the “Goliath” of the radical, hateful Muslim warfare.

David MUST win. Everyone can help. The time is now.

“……. the executives of the worlds leadership have selectively chosen which Genocides to address.” — Lucien Niemeyer

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