When Skin Care Products Can Hurt You

December 23, 2014 at 3:01 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be A Natural Beauty, Be a voice for natural healing techniques and cosmetics, Best Practices in Business, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Makeup for a healthy body and planet, Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty and Healing Lifestyles, Think | 4 Comments
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Facial Massage for Indian Bride It seems no matter how careful you are, even when shopping at natural health stores or Whole Foods, the skin and hair care products that are marketed as “All Natural” and even “Organic” are filled with toxic, very dangerous ingredients that are known carcinogens. Here are several separate product names I was shocked to find have harmful ingredients covertly tucked into them [after using them myself thinking that they were safe and totally toxin free]:

1.) Juice Beauty- Uses a preservative called Sodium Benzoate that is highly, HIGHLY toxic once it enters the skin and into the blood stream. When combined with Vitamin C, it turns into Benzene, which is even more hazardous to your health. To boot, Sodium Benzoate CAUSES AGING of the skin!!!!! Even more problematic for Juice Beauty products is that they use Vitamin C fruit juices in their products, and when combined with Sodium Benzoate, it turns into the toxic soup of Benzene. This is not “Organic” nor remotely healthy for you and your skin. It is a travesty that the “Organic” label has been reduced to what it is today. When the USDA took over the so-called standards of the Organic labeling, they both corrupted its very meaning and bent over backwards for the chemical lobby to allow such toxic ingredients to be slipped into both food and body care products.

2.) Evan Healey- Very, very shocking and surprising here. I was a HUGE fan of all things Evan Healey! Even her packaging was recycled and eco-friendly and I just adored everything about this line of skin care. But, to my horror, as I quickly re-read the label on the packaging for her Tea Tree facial wash before re-purchasing her products at the Whole Body store within Whole Foods, I was absolutely horrified to discover “Sodium Benzoate” tucked into the ingredients. I could not believe it. I was stunned just thinking about how I would slather this product on my skin thinking I was using a superior, wonderful, and carefully made product. I am so angry I will actually write this once-pure ingredient company a letter, but I will never buy this product ever again after seeing something on the label that any honest, well-run, natural company would know better to not sneak into their product line.

3.) Dr. Hauschka- Where do I begin with this one? This is clearly now a mass produced and toxic product that I just don’t even bother with, and have not touched for many years now. Their makeup line is using Talcum in their eyeshadow products and powders. This is so toxic it has been linked to ovarian cancer and other serious immune damage. It should never be used in anything for either human or animal products, but it is so cheap [much cheaper than food-grade clays, for instance], that the ‘bottom line’ is what takes precedence for even these advertised ‘natural products.’ It is even more horrifying that baby powder has been sold for use on innocent babies whose immature immune system simply cannot handle such daily assaults that enter the blood stream. There are numerous toxic poisons that are legally used as fillers and preservatives in this makeup and skin care line that I think they should be banned from Whole Foods all together.

4.) Jason’s products- From their shampoo line to their skin care to their toothpaste. Uh, NO! Everything un-natural is in this highly advertised line of “Natural” products. Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Laurel Sulphate, Propylene Glycol, all the “parabens” like Methyl paraben, and the list goes on [including highly dangerous FLUORIDE in many of their toothpastes]. No way. I just don’t even touch the stuff. Again, WHY is this sold in Health Food Stores, Whole Foods, and even online “Natural” Retailers? They should just go ahead and take their place next to Colgate-Palmolive, Clorox, Proctor and Gamble, SC Johnson, Unilever, Kellogg’s, and the dirty-dozen list of toxic chemical companies that both damage the Earth by polluting our water and air with their poisons; test on terrified animals [horrifying undercover videos abound], and damage the immune systems of their unsuspecting customers….  None of this is acceptable, but strangely, it is all legal.

5.) Jane Iredale Cosmetics- Again, totally horrifying. They sneak in very skin-damaging and immune compromising ingredients like Dimethicone, which is a plasticizer. This is a terrible ingredient because it literally suffocates your skin, and your hair. It is used to give an instant smooth appearance, but it is a very harmful chemical. Dimethicone is put into their “Amazing Base” mineral makeup and other products like their liquid makeup, and it is something that explains why I used to have these painful break-outs on my skin that had never had any such problems in the past prior to using some mineral make-ups like this brand that freely put toxic chemicals and skin damaging products into their makeup. PVP- also snuck into their mascara. This is a Vinyl product that is highly carcinogenic and should never be put next to the delicate eye nor anywhere on the body. This is used in many commercial mascaras and hair care for its ability to create an even coating and keeps emulsions from separating. It is, once again, just fine by the FDA, USDA and other corrupted agencies to use in many foods like Beer, Wine, Vinegar, commercially produced juices and even on fruits.   skin_layers Our skin is hermetically sealed and has to filter out enough daily pollution as it is… please give it a break when choosing skincare, body care, household cleaning products and even food.

*Acure Products- Although these products have mostly but not entirely clean labels, they are promoting the WRONG people to find cures to the cancers, and other autoimmune dis-eases that are caused from chemicals in skin care, hair care, body care, toothpastes/mouth wash, household cleaning products, commercially produced food products, lawn products, animal-care products, baby products, paints, nail polish, carpets, etc. They claim to give money to “research” but the problem with this is that the very same people [chemical and pharmaceutical companies] that collect money for what is wrongfully termed “research” are also the ones responsible for the onslaught of dangerous chemicals that are brought to the marketplace every year and processed into consumer products. And by the way, the “research” labs and organizations have NO interest in finding a cure to anything. They would put themselves out of their lucrative, albeit disreputable business. The organizations that use the methods of the Nazi-invented Propaganda techniques to promote their contrived platform of “finding a cure” and other such empty promises are the very ones who are benefitting from the donations, marathons, women’s walks, and other fundraising that only lines the coffers of the most evil empire on this planet: The chemical/pharmaceutical industry.

Other toxic brands that masquerade as “Natural” are Burt’s Bees, Toms of Maine, Mrs. Meyer’s, and several other brands. They are owned by large, multi-national corporations that both pollute the Earth, use toxic chemicals, then test more toxic chemicals on terrified live animals [and then legally throw out and destroy any evidence that would prevent them from bringing a new chemical to market anyway]. I have just named a few bad apples here, but many more abound as the chemical corporations/skin care conglomerates vie for a larger share of the Natural, Organic lines of body care and food.

Don’t buy it. Read Labels. Understand the matrix behind the marketing propaganda techniques.

kid-lightbulb moment

Want some good companies to start your new, eco-conscious, healing lifestyle?

1.) Dr. Bronner’s- Excellent soaps. Pure, clean, and always in my house.

2.) Aubrey- Hair care that is the most pure you will find in a Whole Foods or Health Food Store. They also make pure skin care.

3.) Bragg’s- Wonderful Food products like Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil and Olive Oil that are both, by the way, excellent for your skin.

4.) Miracle Soap- Another excellent soap but must be bought online.

5.) Egyptian Magic- a pot of bee pollen, honey, and olive oil mixed together that when you cream in your palms, is amazing for fragile skin on face and elsewhere.

6.) DeVita makeup- pure, clean and a good line of makeup that makes beautiful products that can compete with the toxic brands in longevity, easy to use, etc.

7.) Aura Acacia Organic Oils- Jojoba, Sweet Almond and a few other beauty oils that are pure for your skin and gorgeous to use with a therapeutic grade Essential Oil.

8.) Alaffia- the only product from this line I recommend is the “Africa’s Secret” balm made with Shea butter, Coconut oil, Baobab Oil, African Honey, Neem Oil, Bee Pollen & Propolis.

9.) Honey Girl Organics- Excellent skin care from Hawaii. Simple and pure.

10.) Solar Recovery skin spray– An Essential Oils spray to soothe skin after a day in the sun. I like to use it as a “pick me up” spray and to lightly spray over makeup to set.

11.) Livpurely- just pure, organic Coconut Oil.

12.) Alteya Organics- Skin care and sprays that are pure. I love their sprays.

13.) Bee Magic- Great Balm for everyday or mixing with Essential Oils, Jojoba oil, etc.  for your own beautiful skin care.

14.) 1000 Likes Carrot Oil- I always have this on hand for mixing with with anything I desire for a more beautiful morning.

There are several other smaller, hand-crafted brands that I can only get online and/or directly from the maker, and I will have another blog on this….

Namaste. tree_in_rock

Mind, Body, Spirit and Food

September 16, 2013 at 5:19 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, A Plant Based Diet, Abundance in the Natural World, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Alkaline Food Heals, Be A Natural Beauty, Be An Earth Keeper, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Genetically Modified Organisms, God-given Birthright, Healthy, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Juicing: Key to Life, Kindness to Animals, Life is Meant To Be Lived Naturally, Life's Purpose, Local Farms, Natural Beauty and Healing Lifestyles, Natural Health, Natural Hormone Balance, Natural Sexy Health and Beauty, Naturally., Serenity Spaces with Dorit | 7 Comments

mind,body,spirit stones

It’s easy to get confused.

Understanding how your food quality, and food choices directly affects your mind, body, spirit and entire existence on this earth [including how smart you are] is a confusing mine field of bad advice everywhere….

Except when you’ve got the 100% Truth, and you know it! My Guest on the weekend of September 15th, 2013 was Dorit of http://www.serenityspaces.org and http://www.greenlifestyles.org. 

This is my second interview with Dorit, and we always seem to have a blast together and show ends way too quickly.

For me, it has taken more than a few years to truly get the right information and learn how to decipher the wrong information immediately when you see it or hear it. There are well meaning “Natural” practitioners and even Nutrition advisors who are totally wrong in their advice to innocent people [and animals, too.]

I have been in go-nowhere discussions with these very kinds of misguided people many times. It is always pathetic and even horrifying to see them barreling down the wrong road, filled with life-costing mistakes and acid-inducing health issues.

ALL animal begotten products are ACID. ALL. This includes cheese, butter, milk, and by-products from ALL animals. Of course, eating ALL meat products creates ACID in your body. ACID = Disease. Period. No further discussion should be needed.

Meat products are for true Carnivores, like Cats. Look at their teeth! They are like little mountain peaks all the way through their mouth!

But when you come across ignorant people who don’t want to veer away from what their parents ate [somehow a  strange band of loyalty] or their man-made Religious dogmas [never a good place to get advice of any kind…. READ THE BIBLE/TORAH for yourself!] or even people who “heard” or “read” from somewhere that eating animal products is necessary…. it becomes a time for serious education and re-inforcing the TRUTH about how to obtain health, wellness, and total purity in your Spirit, outlook, and Life.

Dorit is a Raw Food Chef. Her breadth of knowledge and work with many Notable people is remarkable. Her encouragement in my own life with making my own Nut Milks for my “milk” needs has totally changed my tastebuds for the better!

I LOVE my Cashew nut milk [so easy, and creamy] and I love my Brazil nut, Sunflower nut and even Macadamia nut and Hazel nut milks. I find it easier to get Organic Cashews and Sunflowers in my area, so I just use these with great pleasure! I don’t bother straining these when I whirl them in the morning [after draining the spring water they soaked in the night before] in my VitaMix with boiling hot spring water, and a dash of Organic Vanilla Extract.

I can tell you from first hand, there is NO animal milk that can compare to the taste, satisfaction, and high-powered protein and vitamins that are in this one easy nut milk I make within 5 minutes every morning! Yum!


Take control of your life by understanding the FOOD you are putting into your body! It’s fun, easy, and once you start the first step on the journey to a plant-based lifestyle, you won’t look at eating meat/dairy or processed food the same ever again!

Dorit also explained the dangers of drinking processed juices you buy in the grocery store. They are filled with stabilizers, SUGAR, pesticides, and have no nutritional value since they have been processed at HIGH HEAT to
Pasteurize them.

Remember, Louis Pasteur admitted to being a total Fraud on his death bed! He admitted that the body’s Terrain [immune system] must be protected and built up rather than focusing on killing Germs.

Soda Pop. Dorit and I had a very long discussion about the terrible consequences of drinking ALL Soda, including [and especially] the “Diet” Soda.

Aspartame is a deadly poison. It was created to be an ANT poison! Want to get rid of Ants? Use diet soda.

The many KNOWN carcinogens in soda are many. But here’s a few things: the synthetically induced bubbles are toxic, the phosphoric acid is toxic to all organs in the body, the High Fructose Corn Syrup is GMO [Genetically Modified] and a known source of Diabetes and Obesity, the Caramel food color is a known cancer causing product…. and the list goes on. In fact, manufacturers are not required to list every ingredient on the label due to their lobbying for ‘Proprietary Secrets’ so they often list some nebulous like “flavor” or even “natural flavors.”


Time for a real Change?

I believe that if we all said “NO” to Genetically Modified Organisms, processed food, processed sugar, white bread [notoriously bad], soda pop, all animal products, and pesticide-laden crops [labeled innocuously as “Conventional”], and started on a NEW path to wellness by investing in a juicer, smoothie maker [I love the VitaMix, but another one I love is the Nutribullet and the Tribest personal blender]…. then we COULD CHANGE the trajectory of this world to a place of Honor, Truth, Happiness, Harmony.

Why? For starters, we would be putting out of business the very conglomerates that seek to imprison the Consumer/Taxpayer into buying cheap, processed food that causes Illness AND Mental Illness, to boot. These foods are cheap because the lobby for these conglomerates in Washington has made it so that YOU, the Taxpayer, are subsidizing the growing and manufacturing of these toxic products! This is what is referred to as “Corporate Welfare” at it’s worst.

Secondly, if your body and mind and spirit are nourished and at peace then we would not have the increased violence, harassment, derangement, abuse that we see so prevalently today. How many of us have become nearly immune to the horrible stories we see and hear about on the News?

We can start with our Food, Food Sources, Food Wisdom, and daily practices.

As the Father of all Medicine has stated many, many Generations before us:

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine.” — Hippocrates.


Fire Your Doctor

September 2, 2013 at 6:49 AM | Posted in A Plant Based Diet, Abundance in the Natural World, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Alkaline Food Heals, Community Supported Agriculture, Don't Buy It: Horrors Behind the Lies of Vaccines, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Fire Your Doctor, Herbal Natural Healing, Insecticides, Natural Beauty and Healing Lifestyles, Natural Health, Natural Sexy Health and Beauty, Think | Leave a comment

My conversation with Dr. Bruce Hagen on the show this Memorial Day weekend of 2013 was eye-opening, I hope, for many listeners.

Most people are fed up with the lack of complete and even correct information that each Doctor they go to dispenses to them. Often times, they are not even spoken to… they are dictated to without any conversation whatsoever. Is this acceptable “Health” services when you are denied information that is natural, God-given, and less invasive/expensive?

Sheeple fools who believe the mainstream news has no agenda but to report the truth

The fact remains that “mainstream” allopathic [Americanized] medical information is WRONG. It is wrong for your health, wellness, and for your brain and longevity.

Most Doctors know nothing about Nutrition! You even mention the word Nutrition and most people’s eyes glaze over, including most Doctors. They were never taught a darn tootin’ thing about Food Choices in any of their ‘indoctrination’ in med school [which are primarily owned, operated and overseen by the big Pharmaceutical companies whose vested interest is to make money, and not to make you well.]

It was the Father of all Medicine, Hippocrates, who stated, “Let Food be thy Medicine…” yet most industrialized countries today have ignored this to their own peril.

Genetically Modified Organisms [GMO’s], Pesticides, Factory Farming, Insane Mono-crop Farming [entirely ignores the natural probiotic regeneration of the soil to nourish all varieties of grown food], and pre-mature harvesting/shipping of unripe food long distances…. these bad practices ALL have a direct toll on your health AND your Intelligence!

The current American and European populations have become ‘dumbed down’ and categorized as “Sheeple” for good reason. This is no mistake here.

The sicker,  and intellectually and spiritually weaker the population… the easier it is to control and rule them.


Pay attention to NATURAL, PURE healing methods that are literally thousands of years old. Ayurveda [the oldest medicinal and herbal system in this world], Native American Indian and Southwestern Herbal therapies, VEGANISM, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and other incredible daily modalities that are easy to incorporate into your life are all there for your benefit once you take the first step to learn about them….. BUT THE BEGINNING is your FOOD.

Food=  Pure, local, sustainable, Organic, fresh, and nourishing for your body.

“Warning! Your Doctor May Be Hazardous To Your Health” and “How To Live To Be 100 In Spite of Your Doctor” are required reading for anyone who wants to begin the journey of natural healing and lifestyle exuberance.

Doctor Bruce Hagen’s Website is http://www.drbrucehagen.com [my upload/link system is not working on my blog at the moment, so I have just written it for you to take a look at].

When Will They Ever Learn? The True Health Dangers and Environmental Disasters of Fluoride in Your Water [and personal products, too].

August 19, 2013 at 1:12 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be A Natural Beauty, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Consumer Choices, Dangers of Fluoride and Mercury, Dental Education, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Essential Oils, Essential Oils Heal YOU, Ethics in Business, Fluoride, Fluoride Kills, Government held accountable, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

fluoride water in glass
Wow. Just when you think you have learned everything about the dangers of Fluoride, a great Voice of knowledge like Dr. David Kennedy comes along and proves that the insidious aftermath of the insane practice of Fluoridating water and Dental products is much bigger than you can imagine.

I could never blog enough about this insanity. Luckily for all of us, Dr. David Kennedy has produced more than 27 Documentaries for you to learn from for FREE on You Tube. Check out his page on You Tube under “Dr David Kennedy.”

Got tooth decay? It’s really the Fluoride. Got fog brain? It is once again, Fluoride. Got stomach disorders? Fluoride. Obesity? Fluoride coupled with really bad food choices [that also contain Fluoride]. What about erratic thinking and violent behavior? Fluoride. Osteoporosis? Fluoride. ADD/ADHD? Fluoride. Discolored teeth? Fluoride. Joint Replacement? Fluoride. Low Libido? Fluoride. Lowered Intelligence? Fluoride. Thyroid Issues? Fluoride. Skin Issues? Fluoride. Tired A Lot? Fluoride. Emotional Issues? Fluoride. Kidney and Liver Issues? Fluoride contributed to this. This is only a small sample of what Fluoride in your water and other consumer goods can do to your body and brain. IT IS A NEUROTOXIN!

You cannot name ONE disorder without having Fluoride, one of the most toxic substances on Earth, be the direct culprit or the major contributing cause of your issues along with bad lifestyle choices.

Who is to blame for this Fluoride poisoning? Dr. Kennedy pointed out that major manufacturing of Metals [like Aluminum], Pesticides, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Coal burning, and other industries have been behind the “cover up” of the Fluoride deception because their practices create Fluoride as a waste product…. and they need a place to put it rather than having it discarded as the Hazardous Waste that it is!

So, they lobbied to put the Fluoride into the drinking water [and subsequently tooth paste] of Americans and Marketed it as ‘being good’ for your teeth! Imagine such a big, fat lie being perpetuated simply through incessant lobbying efforts and an advertising campaign to dupe the public?

It is hard to wrap your brain around the deception. This very dangerous byproduct of major manufacturers has been dumped into our water AND many dental products.

Now, bathing and taking a shower are hazardous to your health! No kidding here.

All of us now need to find a water filtration system that is going to be expensive to install for the entire whole house. Why should the innocent Taxpayer have to deal with this Toxin when it is our local Townships and States AND the Federal Government who should burden themselves with cleaning up our water supplies? None of this makes any sense.

Visit Dr. David Kennedy on You Tube, and find out for yourself the incredible information that your own Dentist is totally ignorant of. This has got to be one of the biggest scandals of all time.

FluoridePoisonLabelThis is what they dump into our Water! Notice it says not to ingest?

I really have deep concern for people who cannot give their pets [and Shelters, too] pure Spring Water because of the expense. Dr. Kennedy suggests investing in a countertop distiller.

Also, make sure you get some INTERNAL grade Iodine drops [must order on the internet] and take a couple of drops in water a day. You can take this throughout the day, if needed. Make sure you put a couple of drops of this in your pets water. This both helps to kill viruses, bacteria, and boosts the immune system and also counteracts the Fluoride damage.

Let’s take a look at this commercial toothpaste label: Active Ingredient: Fluoride, which we know is a Poison.

Now, let’s look at the other toxic substances in this commercial tooth paste marketed in pretty packages to children:
Inactive Ingredients:
1.) Sorbitol: A known toxic artificial Sweetener that has been in the medical literature for more than two decades. It causes premature Cataracts, retinopathy, and can cause dangerous cases of chronic Diarrhea.This should have been removed from the marketplace many years ago.

2.) PEG-12- Poly Ethylene Glycol is a known carcinogen. It absorbs through skin, teeth, and gums very easily and goes directly into the blood stream. It is cheap, and that is why uncouth companies use it. PEG is made by stringing together molecules of Ethylene Glycol, into a larger polymer chain. Remember, Ethylene Glycol is used as an automotive antifreeze and brake fluid. It tastes sweet, much like Arsenic, and is extremely toxic. PEG causes neurological disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems. PEG can contribute to Autism, Dementia, Depression, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and similar other disorders. PEG is similar to Lead and Mercury in its neurotoxic effects as it is slow acting, and accumulates in the body. PEG also causes Kidney damage and allergy related like Hives, along with esophageal perforations. It is an industrial chemical that is used in wood treatments, paints, coatings, rubber, textiles, detergents, and toilet bowl cleaners! It damages the large intestines by killing all healthy intestinal probiotics [the good bacteria], which has a cascading effect on the body by reducing immunity. To say the least, this is not a product that should be in anyone’s mouth or body. But you will be amazed at how many company’s put this into their products!

3.) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate- A chemical used to make “suds” or give foamy effect. It damages the skin by causing corrosion of mucous membranes, causes hair loss by permanently damaging the hair follicle, and also causes permanent eye damage. And it is highly toxic to the Liver. 16,000 Studies prove its toxicity! So why is this very irritating and corrosive chemical put into commercial toothpastes, hair shampoo, and skin care? Stay away from any product with this chemical added to it.

4.) Flavor- Anything labeled with “Flavor” on the label is just another word for MSG [monosodium glutamate]. Highly damaging to the endocrine system, and is highly damaging to brain cells. This is really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what MSG can do to your body. Do not ingest or buy any products with this dangerous ‘flavor’ enhancing chemical.

5.) Sodium Saccharin- Made from Coal Tar. Originally chemically created as an Ant poison! It is also known as “Aspartame” which is marketed as an Artificial Sweetener, despite its proven toxicity. Highly toxic to the nervous system, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive System, and Brain.

6.) Mica- Aggravate the respiratory system, can cause internal lung scarring.

7.) FD&C Colors- You NEVER want to buy or use anything with FD&C colors of any kind. Highly toxic. This is artificial food coloring, and the FDA is ridiculously [and deliberately] ignorant to its inherent dangers in processed foods and consumer products. It causes hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, induces cancer cells to multiply, and is contaminated with known carcinogens! It is an unnecessary risk to any living being to consume or use any product with FD&C dyes.

So, how do you feel about commercially produced toothpaste now?

There are so many amazing alternatives that are good for your health, it is just outrageous that most Dentists remain ignorant to the dangers of the commercial toothpastes and are clueless to the healthy choices that are readily available.

There are non-toxic tooth powders you can buy primarily made of essential oils and baking soda. There are non-toxic, “Holistic” brands of toothpaste made without dangerous chemicals and certainly without Fluoride. There are many wonderful, small companies that sell incredible dental products that are healthy for you and the planet. You will have to buy them online, but it is worth it.

Also, you can make your own with Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap, some peppermint [organic] Essential Oil, and baking soda. You can make an effective mouth wash with 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and Spring Water.

Learn to read labels, as many of the so-called “Natural” toothpastes have now been quietly bought up by the same dubious multi-national companies that manufacture the commercial toxic toothpastes! One example to stay away from is “Toms” toothpaste… it was bought by a toxic, Chemical-minded multi-national company. Remember, the mega-corporations that have been in business to cheaply manufacture toxic products are very clever in keeping their market share by simply buying-out smaller, “natural” brands of products without the Consumer realizing it. MAKE SURE YOUR READ LABELS!

Restore Your Life.

July 20, 2013 at 5:41 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Animal Testing Hurts Animals and People, Animals Tortured in Vivisection, Arrogant Energy, Be A Natural Beauty, Be a voice for natural healing techniques and cosmetics, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Beware of the Sociopath, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Station Broadcasts, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Fire Your Doctor, Fluoride, Fluoride Kills, Free Life, Fresh Food, God-given Birthright, Government held accountable, Health, Industrial Revolution, Insecticides, Kindness to Animals, Natural Healing, Natural Healing and Lifestyles, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Organic Health, Stop Genocide, The New Police State, Toxic Water, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

My conversations over the past weeks have been so fascinating with my various Guests on Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show.

When I interviewed Dorit of “Green Lifestyles” in the July 6th show, http://http://greenlifestyles.org the connection between the suffering of animals and the destruction of our wilderness AND our own personal HAPPINESS & Wellness quotients is profound.

Why we are not taught this in basic Religion classes or even Ethics and Health classes is truly the missing keystone to resolving much of the unrest and dysfunction in this world.

Then you add to this paradigm of misinformation & corrupted dogmas the added burden of toxicity on the physical level… and you have the world of strife, sickness/chronic dis-ease, war, and apathy that we see today.

Dr. David Kennedy is one smart Researcher and Dentist. He has made 27 Documentaries to educate the public on the physical and psychological harm that both Fluoride and Mercury do to the human body, and to all life on Earth. Check him out on YOU TUBE. Just type in Dr. David Kennedy and you will get to his many Documentaries, including the most recent one titled “Fluoridegate.” Watch it and pass on the information!

It’s not easy to take all of this in, especially if this is the first you have heard of any of this. But it is imperative that you mull this information over one piece at a time and then get angry enough to take action personally with your lifestyle choices and in your community.

We cannot sit back like apathetic Wimps and let a rogue, overgrown, dictator-style Government poison our lives for another day, year, decade.

The after effects of the chemical air spraying make all of us feel like we are in a Haze, and we are tired a lot… this is all by design. The after effects of Fluoride [poured into the water of Nazi prisoners] make us passive, with lowered IQ and intoxicated Livers and Kidneys to boot.

None of this if fair. You are trying to work, earn a living, support a family, find meaning to your life, and be a good citizen.

But somewhere along the line, somewhere in time, the bad guys took over decision making— everything from Medical School curriculum, our public schools curriculum, public policy, foreign policy, energy dependance, the way houses are constructed in the USA [total crap], and the very food we eat, to the information that is fed to us via the media… it was all taken over through the past generations while the good and honest people were actually working for a living and unknowingly allowing this mind/body/education/lifestyle control to take place.

Where were the Religious Churches and Synagogues to preach to their Flocks to WAKE UP and to be stewards for the Earth? It appears, from my research, that many organized religions were in collusion to control “the masses” and did nothing to point their followers to the Truth [which is clearly spelled out in both the Torah and the Bible]. YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE. God’s Garden has ALL of the healing and wellness that both sustains and flourishes all life.

Why have these religious outfits remained silent on the very terrorism that has been very deliberate and planned and organized? Terror in Government photo
Terrorism Collage

Vaccines= Terrorism
Genetically Modified Food= Terrorism
Chemical Air Spray Programs “Chem Trails”= Terrorism
Toxic Home Building Products= Terrorism
Toxic Chemicals in Beds/Sofas/Baby Clothes/Body Care/Makeup/Hair Care= Terrorism
Toxic Dentistry= Terrorsim
Heavy Metals= Terrorism
Fluoridation= Terrorism
Indoctrination= Terrorism
Warmongering= Terrorism
Mind Manipulation= Terrorism
Animal Testing [“Vivisection”]= Terrorism
Oil and Gas Drilling/Spilling/Poisoning= Terrorism
Religious Dogmas that have nothing to do with God= Terrorism
Deforestation= Terrorism
Induced Apathy= Terrorism
Taxation without Representation= Terrorism
Wild Horse “Round Ups” with Tax Dollars= Terrorism
Hunting/Steel-leghold Trapping/Killing= Terrorism
Lying to the Consumer/Public Policy Manipulation= Terrorism
Killing Animals [including Euthanizing animals unnecessarily in Shelters]= Terrorism
Prejudice/Shunning/Taught Ignorance= Terrorism
Racism/Sexism= Terrorism
Water politics= Terrorism

I believe that we have been Terrorized for a very long time in some heinous and insidious ways. We have even been “indoctrinated” by powerful forces that put themselves in positions of Authority… Religious Leaders, Politicians, Educators, even parents.

Earth Dead 2
We have a very short amount of time in the history of this world to put on the brakes and re-direct the Trajectory of our entire Society. I believe the time is now. It is the NOW Generation that has to make this happen or there is no future for any life.


Raw Food: It’s Easy, Fun, Satisfying, Gratifying, and Healing

June 17, 2013 at 1:22 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, A Plant Based Diet, Abundance in the Natural World, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Alkaline Food Heals, Be A Natural Beauty, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Holistic Healing, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Organic Health, Uncategorized | 5 Comments
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Raw Food 1

My conversation on Saturday, June 17th with Raw Food Central’s Curtis Griffing inspired me to get several Organic Cucumbers, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Garlic, and other delectable Fruits and Vegetables on my way home from the show!

I have been “Cooking” Raw Food all weekend! I made the Zucchini ‘pasta strips’ with my Joyce Chen spiral [very cool and easy to use] crank spiral machine…. and then I made two separate and totally AMAZING Sauces: one Tomato, Garlic and the other Creamy, Garlic with Coconut Cream and a few soaked nuts. Of course, I used lots of fresh spices like Oregano, Marjoram, Paprika, Basil, and even Cayenne and Saffron!

Everything was so delicious, fresh, and satisfying that I could not believe that I had not been ‘cooking’ like this everyday!

I have a kitchen-grade Ozone machine I keep on my counter in my kitchen with a big container for cleaning all of my produce. I put Spring water in the container, and then I wash the produce really well before throwing them into the Ozone machine for at least 10 to 20 minutes.

I am still learning new recipes whenever I can, and I plan to learn how to make ‘raw’ crusts for raw-food pies.

I have been a Vegetarian for a few years now. The only reason why I don’t say “Vegan” is because I use Bee products like Pollen and Raw, Organic Honey.

Curtis Griffing pointed out to my Audience that Raw Food preparation does not have to be complicated or intimidating.

You would be wise to have a good, slow-masticating Juicer, a Vita-mix, and a spiral device like the Joyce Chen brand. Raw Food Photo 3

With these few tools, you can get started right away with nourishing your body 100% purely with the food choices [and preparation choices] you make.

Check out Raw Food Central

Raw Food Photo 2
Total Yum!

Raw Food Photo 4

The Healing Formula: Detoxify then Nourish

June 5, 2013 at 12:36 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, A Plant Based Diet, Abundance in the Natural World, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Dr. Andrew Saul, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Fire Your Doctor, Uncategorized | 1 Comment


“Fire your Doctor!” are the words [and title of the best-selling book] of Dr. Andrew Saul.

Why are mentally unwell people NOT being given the cheap, effective natural Vitamin “Niacin” to help them balance their bodies?

Why does the average Doctor NOT know anything about the incredible healing of high-dose Vitamin C for Pneumonia, Flu, and other Viral strains?

What about oxygenating your body? Not even supposed “Naturopathic” Doctors know about this incredible gift from God. Oxygen in your body can kill all pathogens, heal your digestion, restore the health of your blood, clean your arteries, clear your mind, clean your colon, and even restore your youthful vigor. Why never taught?

Why is a Detox and Mineral/Vitamin/Plant based-diet for total body re-nourishment not known by most Doctors? THIS IS THE BASIS FOR ALL HEALTH.

Is any of this ignorance acceptable given the high cost of illness in the convoluted, taxpayer-funded “sick care” system in the United States, UK, and other developed countries?

Basic Nutrition is not taught in Medical Schools, let alone Dental or Veterinarian Schools. Is this deliberate censorship the proximate cause to most of the autoimmune diseases and unnecessary deaths that modern society has been forced to accept as “normal”?

At what point is there going to be an outright Revolution? Will any ‘mainstream’ media [idiots] pick up on this tragic circle of pharmaceutical-drug-surgery-processed food matrix?

Dr. Andrew Saul urges his readers to be their own source of information and to stop relying upon an ignorant system to help them heal. The cold fact is that you cannot rely on any Doctor to know [or take responsibility for] your body, your child’s body, or your beloved pet’s body.

Please! Take the time to look at the videos, books, and incredible information that Dr. Saul has on his website Doctor Yourself

organicfoodmatters-natural products

Start juicing with a slow-press juicer. You need the incredible life-giving Vitamins and oxygenating properties of this lifestyle food choice everyday.

Organic, Wildcrafted, LOCAL and sustainable Farm-grown fruits and vegetables are KEY in detoxing and rebuilding your body.

Utilizing a high-quality Herbal LIVER detoxication program and then detoxing from Candida, Parasites, and then finally a whole-body cleanse are necessary to do at least every six months. This is my Protocol, and it has become a top priority in my healing lifestyle.

There are so many natural healing modalities you can cost-effectively and easily implement at home, without the cost and stress of Doctors visits. Dr. Andrew Saul is a wealth of information in guiding you to empowerment in your life by healing you naturally.

rainbow with red barn

Make Love With Your [Naturally Healed] Life

May 19, 2013 at 1:18 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Abundance in the Natural World, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be A Natural Beauty, Be a voice for natural healing techniques and cosmetics, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Be The Author of Your Life, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Celebrate This Life, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Free Life, God's Garden is a Treasure of Health, Health, Herbal Natural Healing, Holistic Healing, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Juicing: Key to Life, Life is Meant To Be Lived Naturally, Life's Purpose, Longevity, Love, Love Life, Love What You Do In This Life, Love your life naturally, Make Love with Your Life, Make Love With Your Natural Life, Markus Rothkranz, Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty and Healing Lifestyles, Natural Healing, Natural Healing and Lifestyles, Natural Sexy Health and Beauty, Natural Way to Overcome Addictions, non-boring Nutrition Knowledge, Organic, Organic Health, Peace and Forgiveness, Poisoned Food, Secrets to True Success in Life, Self Love, Stop Genocide, Survivor: Real Life Version, Sustainable Agriculture, Take Back Your Wellbeing, The power of Juicing, The Secrets To Longevity, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Beautify Life with Markus Rothkranz

Looking at Markus Rothkranz today, at the age of 50, you would think he was in his 20’s…. and you would never know that he was deathly ill as a child and through young adulthood.

Today, he lives the life that everyone in their right mind wants: Vibrancy, Love, Happiness, True Health, Wisdom, and Abundance.

When conventional Doctors told him at a young age that he would not live long, Markus looked to Nature for the answers. He went into the Desert, observed the beauty and healing of our natural world, and found the way to heal his body through unloading the physical and emotional “junk” he realized he had been carrying around. He detoxed his body, mind, and spirit… and found life.

Markus’s story is remarkable, but certainly not unusual in the natural healing community.

But why is this miraculous bodily [and subsequently spiritual healing] so unthinkable in the conventional, American-style of pharmaceutical, surgery-based medicine?

Why are natural detoxification methods and truthful Nutrition kept out of the equation in “modern medicine?”

In our conversation on Saturday, May 18th, 2013, Markus explained the simple keys to wellness, longevity, and abundance in life.

I call this healing a Gift from God’s Garden. In both the Torah and the Bible, the Herbs and other nature-given healing properties [including Essential Oils] are clearly described and very clearly decreed as Gifts to all living beings to gain healing from. Why are they ignored today, in our supposed “modern” world? Are politics, profits, and control at play?

You can be healed naturally. You can leave behind the pain, suffering and confusion. You can start again, and be better than ever. Markus shows people how to turn their lives around and live 100% healthily.


Here’s the show with Markus that broadcast May 18, 2013 worldwide. Take back your life. Be free!


Sitting, Sleeping, and Lounging on Chemical Warfare?

April 3, 2013 at 1:19 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Best Practices in Business, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Chemical Contamination in the Home, Chemical Trails, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Domestic Animals, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Ethics in Business, Hemp, Hormone Health, Hormones, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Sullivan Sofa F230

The State of California Legislature got bamboozled back in the mid 1970’s by the Chemical industry to make it the Law to install toxic, off-gassing, chemical warfare into all upholstered furniture.

The reasoning [the DECOY] for this argument to install such horrifying chemicals into furniture was for ‘flame retardant’ properties of such chemicals.

This has proven to be so damaging to the environment and people that it’s now become an epidemic to have Thyroid disorders, Hormone disorders, hyperactivity in children, and other illnesses that were not at all commonplace prior to these chemical additives.

Why the United States is the ONLY developed country in this world to require such chemicals proves the power of LOBBYING by specific industries ON THE STATE LEVEL, and not just the national level.

Because California required these ‘flame retardant’ chemicals, all manufacturers simply added these chemicals to ALL of the furniture they made for the USA market. Thus, everyone else who was not living in California has been contaminated with these dangerous, and often deadly chemicals when they buy most upholstered furniture in the USA.

The ONLY way to avoid this toxic soup of chemicals coming into your home, you must buy truthfully Organic furniture that has NO polyurethane foam or other batting that has been treated with such flame retardants. And by the way, when a “Green Washing” company states that they use “Soy” foam…. this is just as toxic, but with some soy oil added! Don’t buy it!

Another issue to pay attention to is WHAT the sofa/chair is made with on the inside! Are they using chemical-laden plywood? Most of the time they do. Are they using other toxic things like chemically treated fabrics that are ‘easy to clean?’

Don’t buy this. You WILL have to be Vigilant, but it’s worth saving your life over.

My conversation on Saturday March 30th, 2013, with Travis Nagle, one of the founders of Viesso Furniture in Southern California, was informative to many people who many have learned about this whole new paradigm of dangerous chemical exposure.

Check out Viesso
Also check out these additional natural furniture makers:
Ekla Home
Cisco Brothers
Endicott Home

Dr. Arlene Blum’s Green Science Policy Institute

Most eco-friendly furniture is made with Latex rubber, but there are other natural products available like Hemp stuffing and Organic Cotton. There are many options, but the Consumer as of today in the USA does not know about them. You might need to do a bit of research, but all of the information is out there for you to gather.

My working with Travis has been a pleasure. I found some Hemp fabric that was the color I wanted, so I had it sent to Viesso for some pillows they are making for me.

As Consumers, if we continue to voice our dissatisfaction with toxic and Earth poisoning furniture and REFUSE to BUY it…. and put our money into healthier [and ecologically responsible] choices…. don’t you think the furniture industry will finally get the message? Will they be motivated to improve their business practices?

Also check out Mother Jones Magazine’s excellent article on this matter: http://http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2012/11/couch-flame-retardants-cancer-toxic

Cats have been besieged with Hyper and Hypo-thyroid issues after the introduction of Fire Retardant Chemicals in Furniture. Our children have been hurt by these chemicals as well and it's showing up as ADHD, Hyperactivity, low academic performance, mental and emotional disorders and other dis-eases. Is this acceptable? Should we continue to let the Chemical Industry Lobby to have their way into our homes?

Cats have been besieged with Hyper and Hypo-thyroid issues after the introduction of Fire Retardant Chemicals in Furniture. Our children have been hurt by these chemicals as well and it’s showing up as ADHD, Hyperactivity, low academic performance, mental and emotional disorders and other dis-eases. Every living being who lives in your home, including you, has been affected by these chemicals in some way. Is this acceptable? Should we continue to let the Chemical Industry Lobby to have their way into our homes?

Why Can’t You Know The Truth?

March 15, 2013 at 3:20 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Gerson Media, Life is Meant To Be Lived Naturally, Natural Healing and Lifestyles, Uncategorized, Understand the Dangers of Chemical Chemotherapy | Leave a comment


My conversation with Howard Strauss of Gerson Media on March 9th, 2013, is one of many I have had over the years with a man who has generously shared his passion and knowledge of natural healing for all modern-day disease.

Viruses and Bacteria are nothing to be afraid of. Why? They have been part of life since the beginning of time. And they can’t hurt you if you BUILD your immune system naturally and maintain a lifestyle that is utilizing God’s Garden the way we were actually mandated to do… God gave us the herbs and minerals and all of his Garden to heal and live well.

Why have we, as humans, been denied the information that is life saving, money saving, time saving, and downright easy to implement?

The ‘powers that be’ are very well organized and have infiltrated every single circle of Government, thereby creating regulations and ‘Laws’ that benefit themselves.

Money, Profits, Power. These are the reasons why natural healing methods for all levels of dis-ease have been hidden from [primarily] the American consumer. An America that is very much a sick nation is very profitable for Hospitals and Pharmaceutical interests.

Healing modalities like slow masticating juicing, healing Nutrition, Ozone, Herbal and Homeopathy therapies are imperative to understand if you want to achieve homeostasis.

Read more about healing naturally at Gerson Media.

You can listen to this important show in the Archives section of my blog.

Save your life and save our world by living consciously.

gerson norwalk juicer

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