The Dog Whisperer and The Pet Whisperer

May 18, 2014 at 9:24 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Dr. Blake The Pet Whisperer, John Gagnon, The Dog Whisperer, The Pet Whisperer, Think | 4 Comments


All animals have feelings and can suffer from PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome] just like people.

Abuse, neglect, and trauma can affect their behavior, immune system, and even their outlook on life. Yes, animals have an outlook on their own lives just like we humans do.

Their very DNA can be damaged from processed food, vaccines, dangerous and toxic drugs… just like people.

If you have a family pet with any fear or behavioral issues, there is hope for rehabilitation with both emotional healing AND learning how to utilize the many natural healing modalities that are available EVERYWHERE [except at a conventional Vet’s toxic and ignorant office].

Herbs, Nutritional Supplements that are natural and whole food based, PURE FOOD, detoxification via Ozone and herbal therapies, Homeopathy, LOVE, ENCOURAGEMENT, Accupuncture, Chiropractic adjustments, and the list goes on…. there is always a more economical way to help your pet other than with expensive/processed/toxic drugs and junk food.

Check out and

Take control of your own life with this information so that you can help your beloved best friend.


The Killing Fields: When Wind Energy is Black and NOT Green Energy!

January 15, 2014 at 3:59 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Arrogant Energy, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Earth Keeper, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Think, Wind Turbines That Kill Birds, Wind Turbines that Kill Endangered Birds | Leave a comment

wind turbine bird kill

wind farm obscenity photo

Open-blade wind turbines are built, deliberately, right in the pathways of the millions of migrating birds. The sad fact that these birds are the casualties of a foolish ‘Gold Rush’ to irresponsibly pretend to go ‘green’ with killing blades that spin in the pathways of these much-needed Wild Birds….

Isn’t saving our Wildlife and our Environment [thus, our own lives and futures] the whole point of ‘going green’ in the first place?

wind turbine bird kill 2

The above photo is a rare migrating bird dead after wind-turbine blade collision, which was witnessed by a group of Bird Watchers.


A Bald Eagle killed by a wind turbine. Is this acceptable?

Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles, Owls, Bats, Song Birds, Falcons and many rare and Endangered Birds are being killed by open-blade turbines.

When you buy a fan for your home, the blades are covered by a grate, as the home fan photo depicts below:home fan with grate

The fact that the older-style spinning blade turbines [that can span as wide as a football field] are irresponsibly installed across open lands across the USA is a despicable act of arbitrary Wildlife warfare.


Please visit the excellent website to learn more about the realities of the carnage that wind turbines are creating with the Federal Government ignoring this violation of Wildlife Protection Laws.

In fact, there is a ONE BILLION DOLLAR corporate welfare give-away to all wind farms and companies that are arbitrarily cropping up in order to take ahold of this taxpayer windfall. But who is really gaining anything from this pathetic, uneducated decision to run in the wrong direction with a blindfold on?

What can we do? Support responsible and truly green companies like the “FloDesign Wind Turbine” company along with other more innovative and eco-responsible organizations like “Sky Sails” and “Humdinger Wind Energy” companies. Check out the “Wind-It” concept on and how wind energy can be non-threatening to wildlife when designed properly and integrated [ingeniously] into existing power transport towers that are already in place. The wind production hardware itself has no spinning blades that kill.

Finally, let your local and state elected officials get an email from you regarding YOUR KNOWLEDGE about the unacceptable and brutal killing of our beloved migrating Birds from the open-blade, propeller turbines.

Check out the video on to fully understand the magnitude of this issue.


The Beagle Freedom Project

October 6, 2013 at 8:25 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Animals Tortured in Vivisection | 1 Comment

Beagle Angel

Who could hurt this sweet Angel?

Horrifyingly, Beagles and other innocent, docile animals are used in evil, unnecessary, junk-science, nazi-inspired “laboratory experiments.”

Take a look at the amazing work that Beagle Freedom Project is doing to bring this sadistic, sociopathic, arrogant, wretched practice to an end.

Take a look at the realities of the false-positives and false-negatives in this so-called scientific testing…. people are dead and dying from such diabolical ‘science’ that creates dangerous chemicals, toxic drugs, and harmful home/garden/laundry/personal care products that are laced with some of the most DNA destroying chemicals on the planet.

My conversation with Kevin Chase of the Beagle Freedom Project on October 5th, 2013 revealed these realities to my radio Audience that are totally unimaginable to most people in this supposed “modern” time in history. 

This show is available right now in the Radio Archives Section of this Blog.

We need to write/email all of our elected officials, and the NIH needs to either be shut down [for total cleansing of its own filth and corruption] and/or it must be ordered to STOP ALL FUNDING [several BILLION] for specific ‘animal testing.’

This has got to Stop! Wow! Can you imagine all of the hungry children in America alone we could feed with this money? Nutrition, or lack thereof, is the #1 cause of death and dis-ease of the body…. so why are they funding dangerous, destructive, wretched animal experiments that benefit absolutely no-one?

Who benefits from this waste of our tax dollars? Who in their right mind would justify this carnage of innocent, precious life with our tax dollars?

These images are just a few that show the lonely, painful horror. It must stop now.

beagle terrified must stopTerrified, alone, tortured, in a constant state of stress/fear, and left to suffer in un-natural/sterile/unlivable/uncomfortable cages as they live a life of horror every day until they are killed. …. and this is “Scientific”? Stop the Deception. This is Diabolical.

beagle terrified in cage must stop NOW

Beagel undercover lab photo

L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Physicians Formula, Cover Girl, Maybelline, Revlon…. these are just a FEW of the animal testing cosmetic companies that are selling dangerous, toxic chemicals in their UGLY formulas that actually cause aging and other serious dis-eases [yeah, like Liver/Kidney dis-ease and cancer].

Additionally, the household cleaners that are so darn dangerous to breathe let alone to allow your home to be cleaned with them… these are also highly tested on innocent animals [without consumer knowledge, of course.]

Proctor and Gamble is one horrible company. They are a big, arrogant animal tester for their wretched, chemicalized products that pollute our waterways to boot.

Household cleaners/disinfectants like “Lysol” and “Ajax” and “Comet” and “Clorox”…. bad, bad, bad, BAD. Even “Febreze” and “Mr. Clean” [Mr. Mean, as it has been dubbed] are TERRIBLE in every way.

All of these products, and many more that are heavily advertised on TV,  have been ruthlessly tested on animals yet they remain, ironically, extremely DANGEROUS to YOUR health, and to the health of our Waterways, Air quality, and to the entire eco-system.

Remember, everything, EVERYTHING you put down the drain or wash your laundry with is recycled back to YOU in your water that comes through your tap! 

Dangerous chemicals will not become safe just because an animal died a miserable, horrifying death for it. 

Speak up. Take Action.

water quality

Restore Your Life.

July 20, 2013 at 5:41 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Animal Testing Hurts Animals and People, Animals Tortured in Vivisection, Arrogant Energy, Be A Natural Beauty, Be a voice for natural healing techniques and cosmetics, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Beware of the Sociopath, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Station Broadcasts, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Fire Your Doctor, Fluoride, Fluoride Kills, Free Life, Fresh Food, God-given Birthright, Government held accountable, Health, Industrial Revolution, Insecticides, Kindness to Animals, Natural Healing, Natural Healing and Lifestyles, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Organic Health, Stop Genocide, The New Police State, Toxic Water, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

My conversations over the past weeks have been so fascinating with my various Guests on Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show.

When I interviewed Dorit of “Green Lifestyles” in the July 6th show, http:// the connection between the suffering of animals and the destruction of our wilderness AND our own personal HAPPINESS & Wellness quotients is profound.

Why we are not taught this in basic Religion classes or even Ethics and Health classes is truly the missing keystone to resolving much of the unrest and dysfunction in this world.

Then you add to this paradigm of misinformation & corrupted dogmas the added burden of toxicity on the physical level… and you have the world of strife, sickness/chronic dis-ease, war, and apathy that we see today.

Dr. David Kennedy is one smart Researcher and Dentist. He has made 27 Documentaries to educate the public on the physical and psychological harm that both Fluoride and Mercury do to the human body, and to all life on Earth. Check him out on YOU TUBE. Just type in Dr. David Kennedy and you will get to his many Documentaries, including the most recent one titled “Fluoridegate.” Watch it and pass on the information!

It’s not easy to take all of this in, especially if this is the first you have heard of any of this. But it is imperative that you mull this information over one piece at a time and then get angry enough to take action personally with your lifestyle choices and in your community.

We cannot sit back like apathetic Wimps and let a rogue, overgrown, dictator-style Government poison our lives for another day, year, decade.

The after effects of the chemical air spraying make all of us feel like we are in a Haze, and we are tired a lot… this is all by design. The after effects of Fluoride [poured into the water of Nazi prisoners] make us passive, with lowered IQ and intoxicated Livers and Kidneys to boot.

None of this if fair. You are trying to work, earn a living, support a family, find meaning to your life, and be a good citizen.

But somewhere along the line, somewhere in time, the bad guys took over decision making— everything from Medical School curriculum, our public schools curriculum, public policy, foreign policy, energy dependance, the way houses are constructed in the USA [total crap], and the very food we eat, to the information that is fed to us via the media… it was all taken over through the past generations while the good and honest people were actually working for a living and unknowingly allowing this mind/body/education/lifestyle control to take place.

Where were the Religious Churches and Synagogues to preach to their Flocks to WAKE UP and to be stewards for the Earth? It appears, from my research, that many organized religions were in collusion to control “the masses” and did nothing to point their followers to the Truth [which is clearly spelled out in both the Torah and the Bible]. YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE. God’s Garden has ALL of the healing and wellness that both sustains and flourishes all life.

Why have these religious outfits remained silent on the very terrorism that has been very deliberate and planned and organized? Terror in Government photo
Terrorism Collage

Vaccines= Terrorism
Genetically Modified Food= Terrorism
Chemical Air Spray Programs “Chem Trails”= Terrorism
Toxic Home Building Products= Terrorism
Toxic Chemicals in Beds/Sofas/Baby Clothes/Body Care/Makeup/Hair Care= Terrorism
Toxic Dentistry= Terrorsim
Heavy Metals= Terrorism
Fluoridation= Terrorism
Indoctrination= Terrorism
Warmongering= Terrorism
Mind Manipulation= Terrorism
Animal Testing [“Vivisection”]= Terrorism
Oil and Gas Drilling/Spilling/Poisoning= Terrorism
Religious Dogmas that have nothing to do with God= Terrorism
Deforestation= Terrorism
Induced Apathy= Terrorism
Taxation without Representation= Terrorism
Wild Horse “Round Ups” with Tax Dollars= Terrorism
Hunting/Steel-leghold Trapping/Killing= Terrorism
Lying to the Consumer/Public Policy Manipulation= Terrorism
Killing Animals [including Euthanizing animals unnecessarily in Shelters]= Terrorism
Prejudice/Shunning/Taught Ignorance= Terrorism
Racism/Sexism= Terrorism
Water politics= Terrorism

I believe that we have been Terrorized for a very long time in some heinous and insidious ways. We have even been “indoctrinated” by powerful forces that put themselves in positions of Authority… Religious Leaders, Politicians, Educators, even parents.

Earth Dead 2
We have a very short amount of time in the history of this world to put on the brakes and re-direct the Trajectory of our entire Society. I believe the time is now. It is the NOW Generation that has to make this happen or there is no future for any life.


Horse Slaughter Reality: Total Horror

July 10, 2013 at 3:16 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, A Face For The Horrors of Domestic Horses Betrayed, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Environment, Save Our Wild Horses from "Round Ups", Save our Wildlife, Save U.S. Wild Mustangs and Burros, Save Wildlife, Say Something, Scribbles the Horse Rescued From Slaughter by Omega Horse Rescue, Self Respect Reflects In Respect For Our Wildlife, Take Action For Animals, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Photos You Need To See For Taking Action Right Now.


I don’t understand why the Obama Administration has allowed the Horse Slaughter ban to “Expire” and not bother to do anything for our most innocent and beautiful living beings. Not a word, a peep, or a casual mention of this terrible and bloody killing.

Where is the pro-active legislation to care for our Wildlife, Environment, Domestic Animals and such important social issues? We were given big promises, but there is blood on the hands of all elected individuals who turn their back on protecting our natural world, and of course, our Wild Horses.

Horse Slaughter is a horrendous, horrifying reality and every person reading this blog should, at the very least, email their Congress persons and Senators immediately to stop this abomination.

Only the Will of good people coming together, in FAITH and Conviction, will change the corrupted trajectory of this current world.

Are we, perhaps, without realizing it… the generation who are living within the genuine Dark Ages?

Save Horses NOW #2

Your Pet is Scared of the Vet for a Very Good Reason!

May 13, 2013 at 12:21 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Beware of Bad Vets, Beware of Frontline and Other Chemical Meds For Pets: They CAN Kill, Beware of the Sociopath, Cat & Dog Vaccine Dangers, Chemical Warfare: Vaccines & Flea Liquids, Consumer Awareness Saves Pets Lives, Don't Buy It: Horrors Behind the Lies of Vaccines, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Jan Rasmussen, Author of “Scared Poopless: The Straight Scoop on Dog Care,” was my Guest on the Show on May 11th, 2013.

Her advocacy for our beloved Pets has brought about a Buzz with many millions of loving Pet Guardians and Families around the world.

However, the USA remains the ONLY Nation on Earth that promotes yearly, dangerous vaccines.

There really are no words that can better describe the tragedies that both over-vaccinating [and vaccinating AT ALL to begin with], and chemicalized/processed food can do to your Best Buddy than the Videos that Jan Rasmussen’s foundation has given to the public to learn from.

Please watch these videos and take action for your family’s best friend.

Vaccine Reactions: Be Informed and Well Armed For Your Pet

America’s Wild Horses: It’s Critical.

February 14, 2013 at 5:56 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Conscious Lifestyles, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Save Our Wild Horses from "Round Ups", Uncategorized, Wild Horses | Leave a comment

Our Wild Horses, indigenous to the Americas dating back thousands of years, have been “rounded up” off of their rightful wild lands deeded to them by an act of Congress in 1971. They live in unnatural, filthy conditions, and left in extreme weather without shade or shelter.

This is all with American Tax dollars, courtesy of The Department of Interior and the
Bureau of Land Management.

Something has got to change here. Our wild life, along with our last remaining free lands are being “sold” out from under us to the Oil, Gas, and Cattle ranching industries that don’t want to bother co-existing with innocent wild life like our indigenous Mustangs, Wolves, Bears, Coyotes, or even the Native American people.

The Cloud Foundation

Wild Horse Preservation Blog

Save Our Horses From Slaughter

This show broadcast on February 9th, 2013. This is a re-run, but much needed and one of my most popular and favorite shows.

Please support the organizations that valiantly work to save our Wild Horses, and all Wildlife.

Four Messengers

October 4, 2012 at 4:26 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Ethics in Business, Government held accountable, Health, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Oil and Gas Costs Everyone Too Much, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Poisoned Food, Read The Book, Restore Freedom for Wild Mustangs, Restore Honesty In Politics, Save Our Natural Resources, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save U.S. Wild Mustangs and Burros, Save Wildlife, Say Something, Self Respect Reflects In Respect For Our Wildlife, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Dangerous Pollution From Fossil Fuels, Stop Genocide and Restore Freedom in The Sudan, Support Small, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable And Renewable Energy NOW, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, The cure to cancer, The Rainbow Bridge, The Zapper, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Uncategorized, Values, Where is Clean, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups, Wild Horses, Wild Mustangs, Women as Healers Naturally | 1 Comment

My show last Saturday, September 29th, 2012, had four Guests whom I consider to be Messengers of Truth in a world of misinformation, propaganda, and constant jingles, riddles, and flashing time stealers.

Steve McIntosh, Author of “Evolution’s Purporse: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins,” made several incredible points in our interview.

First, the “Big Bang” theory is not a theory. It is a fact. However, the difference with the factual beginnings of the Universe is that it is compatible with Spirituality. There was an Entity [God] before the Universe came into being.

Life and the universe are not purposeless accidents, as the original ‘scientific’ theory hypothesized.

Secondly, the Environmental movement must evolve in order to achieve its goals.

Steve says that as global warming increases, Environmentalists need to recognize how anti-establishment stridency is discouraging to the mainstream whose support they need to be effective in combating the proximate causes of climate change.

The solution to bringing this Environmental movement into the “mainstream” for immediate, full-scale community [and corporate] action requires a cultural shift that better integrates the Environmental movement with everyday society, and thereby creating greater solidarity within American [and world] culture overall.

I would like to add that I do see this happening as more people start to understand the direct correlation between their consumer and daily choices and the ecological damage that occurs as a result of these choices. I have seen an evolution in the past few years that is exciting to be a part of [albeit it very slow in some parts of the USA].

Third, Economic dominance is not the only way to provide global leadership.

Steve McIntosh encourages Americans to embrace their country’s changing responsibilities.

America’s role in the world is inevitably changing as the globalized economy increasingly empowers other countries, such as China, India and the Middle East.

As our world changes, Americans can prevent the decline of America’s global leadership by evolving their definition of leadership, and thereby evolving their culture into the next stage of historical development.

Through this cultural evolution America can demonstrate a successful form of sustainability, post-material society that provides deeper forms of fulfillment than the rewards offered by consumerism and status.

Fourth, Can artificial intelligence ever truly replicate the human self, resulting in self-conscious machines? “Trans-humanists” subscribe to the theory that self-replicating computers will soon undertake their own evolution, but Steve McIntosh explains how this premise disregards the nature of the self and what it means to be conscious.

Many of Steve’s points are incredibly rich in complexity, and really requires all of us to start thinking. This book stretched me intellectually. This is a “must read” for every person who seeks knowledge and personal empowerment.

Check out Steve’s web site for more:

I have talked on several shows about the horrifying, diabolical dangers of Pesticides.

ALL chemical pesticides are chemical warfare weapons that are re-packaged as “home use” pesticides. Don’t be fooled when it comes to the misleading, even fraudulent marketing and advertising when it comes to the supposed safety of chemicals used for pesticides. All of these DNA damaging substances came directly out of Nazi Germany. They are, indeed, chemical biological weapons, and they do hurt people, animals, plants, groundwater, food sources, and all life.

My Guest for this segment, Josh Vincent of the Northwest Center for Alternative to Pesticides, explained the many autoimmune disorders that are directly related to exposure to chemical pesticides that are sprayed routinely around residential homes, in our food agriculture, in our skies [for the misguided and downright stupid “West Nile” spraying], and in gardening.

The pathetic apathy that has overcome our elected officials, and then literally blanketed the consciousness of the Taxpayer is certainly something to be alarmed about. We need to stand up to these powerful Chemical lobbies that don’t care about your future, your health, your food quality, your children’s health, or your pets.

And by the way, those supposed “flea and tick” toxic chemicals that get put into the shoulder blades of our animals are ALSO deadly killers. DO NOT USE THEM! Instead, put Garlic powder into your pets food along with Grapefruit Seed Extract into their water, and just give them a nice shampoo with non-toxic, essential oil shampoos that are now readily available to keep your pets flea free.

When you can trace the DDT exposure all the way to the North Pole, and into the blubber of marine mammals and Polar Bears… you know that these chemicals are persistent and do not ‘fade’ over time. They simply travel throughout the eco-system causing damage to everything they contaminate.

We cannot afford to fall asleep on this issue. This is a big, big issue to overcome and to combat since the Chemical companies are relying on both the ignorance and trust of society to get away with murder, literally.

Check out this informative website and please take action for yourself and for your community:

Hemp’s incredible importance to the environment is above and beyond what any other agricultural product today can offer.

Hemp is a highly nutritious “Superfood” with all Essential Fatty Acids [3,6,9] and protein that can literally feed the world because it is both easy and ecologically friendly to grow. It needs very little water, and actually remineralizes the ground soil as it grows in a process called “phytomerediation.”

Hemp can be used for housing, fuel [replacing petrochemicals], replace nylon, clothing, medicine, PAPER, replaces toxic chemical plastics, food, beauty treatments, making automobiles, airplanes, boats, agricultural feed, natural antiseptics, natural pest control …. and the list goes on endlessly.

So, why would the United States turn their backs on this opportunity to help re-charge both the Environment AND the Economy in one shot by re-establishing a PRO-Hemp agenda?

Why is it currently illegal to grow or cultivate Hemp in the United States? Why are we, as Americans, sending our money to China, India, Canada, Pakistan and other countries in order to IMPORT Hemp seeds, Hemp oil products, Hemp clothing, etc?

The Forestry and Cotton industries are behind the demise of this amazing crop from the United States. They were intimidated and obviously concerned enough to lobby Congress to prohibit Hemp because it was the same family as “marijuana.”

However, Hemp is not a hallucinogenic plant and cannot be smoked for the mind-altering affects that Marijuana offers. Although Hemp is from the Cannabis species, its THC content is negligible and cannot be used for ‘getting high’ as Opponents of Hemp argue in order to keep their special interests as the tax-guzzling crops in America’s farmlands.

The positive attributes of Hemp also include cleaning the air, preventing soil erosion since its roots grow deep, and one acre of Hemp plants produces more agricultural products than 2 acres of Cotton or 4 acres of trees! Hemp trees/plants also clean the air as they release a ton of Oxygen into the air as they grow heartily and quickly in just about any climate.

Thanks to Eric ‘the red’ Hughes of Chi Hemp Industries for his magnificent research over the past few decades, and for your voice in this very important matter for the Ecology and for the future of the Earth.

Check out and get some yummy Hemp products and educate yourself. Let’s take back our future by restoring common sense to both our politics and to the taxpayer/consumer.

Entire families are broken apart… babies are run over cliffs or run to exhaustion and die… mothers are separated from their babies and the cries are unthinkable and heart wrenching… the Stallions are abused and castrated with crude means… the ones that are ‘too wild’ are shot dead…. and too many other wretched and totally un-American abuse of our National Heritage.

The story of our Wild Horses and the ILLEGAL Round-ups overseen by Ken Salazar of the much-corrupted Department of Interior and the ‘subsidiary’ Bureau of Land Management [BLM] has increased, surprisingly, under the Obama Administration. Sadly, it is just one more lie that our current President made when he was campaigning in 2008 and appealing to many Environmentalists like me.

When he appointed Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Department of the Interior, I had a foreboding feeling that nothing good was going to come from this very unhealthy appointment to the Cabinet to the President. This was four years ago, and it got worse with every year in terms of our Environment and our Wildlife.

And, indeed, my sense in 2008 was right. Under Mr. Salazar, we have these illegal Round-ups that kill, disable, and terrorize innocent animals, and then we saw the worst oil tragedy in the history of the world take place in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Thugs that declare a war of Terror are doing it at the bequest of the Oil and Cattle industries.

This is exactly WHY you, as a Consumer, should NEVER buy any beef from just any store under just any name [or McDonald’s or any other fast food chain– the food is NOT REALLY CHEAP! IT HAS A COST UNIMAGINABLE TO YOU, THE TAXPAYER]… you should ONLY buy Local, Organic, Humane, Sustainable, Grass Fed, and small farmed. Every time you ignore your power as a Consumer to create the change you really wish to see in this world, you are denying innocent living beings like our Wild Horses and our Wolves and all other Wildlife the right to live freely… simply because you are inadvertently supporting blood-industries like the big Agribusinesses that lobby Congress to have their way on OUR public, taxpayer lands!

Better yet, go Vegetarian. You’ll be Alkalinizing your body, and naturally healing your body. You’ll also be supporting the Environment in the right way by your lifestyle choices. Remember, all animal products create an ACIDIC body, which is the breeding ground for disease.

The point to my conversation with Suzanne Roy of the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign was to both raise awareness to the Consumer and to hopefully inspire people to take Action for our beautiful remaining Wildlife, and for the ecological balance of our last remaining open spaces.

Please take a look at this amazing web site and give your support to save our Wild Horses and Burros from the horrors of Slaughter. They need us.

Thanks for listening. This was an incredible show, and is available in the “Archives” section of this blog.

Healing Your Pet Naturally

September 5, 2012 at 12:18 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Animal Communication, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Beware of Bad Vets, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Domestic Animals, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Enercel, Holistic Healing, Homeopathy, Homeopathy and Animal Homeostasis, Organic, Organic Health, Sustainable Agriculture, sustainable farms, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Vaccines | 2 Comments

Enercel: A Homeopathic healing modality for your family pet that could be the missing connection to a full recovery for any illness.

I have known about Enercel for a little over a year, and I have been delighted to have Veterinarian Dr. Jan Hale on my show several times to talk about the incredible healing that Homeopathy can add to your animal companion.

However, if you are neglecting to feed your pet a whole-food, naturally derived menu…. then you are denying your best friend the vital life force he or she needs to maintain or achieve true health and healing.

Love means going the long haul. I urge all of my Radio Audience [and blog readers] to do their own research into natural foods for their pets, and PLEASE understand the MOST Veterinarians know NOTHING about the important connection between FOOD CHOICES and Healing.

It is astonishing to me how, after Hippocrates [known as the ‘FATHER’ of all medicine] had stated many eons ago “Let Food Be Thy Medicine, and Medicine Be Thy Food”…. we are still seeing both human and animal Doctors devoid of any Nutritional knowledge.

I believe that because our Medical and Veterinary Schools are funded by the big pharmaceutical and processed foods conglomerates, this most-important LINK to health is deliberately ignored entirely in the training programs.

Thus, you need to be your pets advocate.

1.) Think of their food choices as life giving: They need species-appropriate food to feed their unique biological and physiological bodies.

2.) Cats are Carnivores. Dogs are too, but slightly less so. They can have SOME grains. However, Both need high quality food to thrive. Horses and larger Vegetarian animals also have specific food needs that will keep them healthy and happy for many years.

3.) Buy from local, Community Supported Agriculture associations/groups in your State. Their are many who will deliver fresh vegetables, fruits, and humanely raised meats to your town or even to your door once a week! Be sure to visit your local outdoor Farmer’s market whenever you can. This is one of the most economical ways to get great food for both you and your pets at a fraction of the cost of a high-end Organic Grocer.

4.) Cats should not have grains. This, to my recent discovery, can cause serious imbalances in their digestion and even cause bladder stones.

I do a “trio” feeding regimen:

a.) High quality raw meat [mixed with veggies] that I first freeze, then thaw [and will ‘blanche’ with hot water on the outside in a glass pyrex pan to make it warm and inviting to eat.]
b.) I buy ONLY high quality canned/dehydrated food and treats made in small batches in the USA ONLY! Some great brands are Weruva, Stella and Chewy’s, Wysong, Spot’s Stew, Lotus, Organix, Orijen, Country Naturals, Tropical Traditions [frozen Raw food that is excellent], Fromm, Halo [dehydrated treats], and Whole Life [dehydrated treats]. There are other good brands like Holistic Pet, so be sure to have an in-depth conversation with a Pet Nutritionist or a small, high-end Pet store that is truly honest. Additionally, there are some New Zealand made natural foods, but you still need to do your homework on these and make certain they are NOT made in China!


c.) High quality dry food from the above named companies. This is given NOT as their main meal, but more as a small treat in a bowl. However, I prefer to give the dehydrated chicken and Bonito fish flakes [you get in the Asian section in any good food store] in a bowl for snacks throughout the day.

Finally, you should be adding Probiotics, Enzymes, Green Powder, either Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds and Flax Oil to your pets food is key to maintaining a successful protocol.

Especially when your pet has been ill, you MUST look at their food sources.

Animals are here to give us incredible love, wisdom, truth, and Guidance from the Divine. There is no question about it.

The current medical system of only harsh drugs and aggressive surgeries are taking way too many lives [both Human and Animal].

Look at the natural alternatives that are certainly more gentle in healing, and in maintaining true health.

Any pet trying to recover from any illness needs additional probiotics, minerals, and herbal remedies [I love “Animals Apawthecary,” and “Amber Technology” along with “Pet Wellbeing” and “Pet Alive” and “Vetionx Homeopathics.”] Cranberry Powder is great for Urinary issues, along with Homeopathic Remedies such as “Nux Vomica 30C,” “Causticum 30C,” and the really important remedy of “Urtica Urens 200C.” You can get these from Washington Homeopathics via mail order. Whole Foods will sell the 30C remedy strength.

Also, learn how to give subcutaneous fluids properly and safely. This can literally be a lifesaver. I buy Lactated Ringers bags and small needles [22 gauge] from an online store called “Atlantic Medical.” Any good Veterinarian or Vet Tech can teach you how to give sub-q fluids and you can work with your Vet on how much to give. My 7 pound cat got 100 cc’s every day when she really needed it. This helped with getting the much-needed electrolytes into her body.

Another good thing to include in your loving regimen for any animal who needs extra care is to have some Witch Hazel and Rose Water to help clean them with a warm wash cloth. I even bought a baby’s soft hair brush to brush my kitty softly when she was not able to fully clean herself. This is very healing, and a kind act of love that will also help the two of you bond even closer while the process of healing [or even the process of transitioning] takes place.

Lastly, vaccines are filled with highly corrosive, toxic and dangerous by-products like Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Mercury, live Viruses, and Chemicals that have no business being shot into your arm or into your animal’s body. These have been linked to many degenerative dis-eases, including aggressive cancers and even diabetes. Learn the facts about the dangers of Vaccines, and do not let any bad Veterinarian bamboozle you into shooting up your beloved pet!

Remember, the Vet AND the Pharmaceutical company are held LEGALLY “Harmless” from any and all damages and death they cause from administering a vaccine! Who would ever imagine that any industry would enjoy such immunity from any responsibility.

This blog is in loving memory of Furchild, Maggie, and the millions of animals who were killed or ravaged with autoimmune diseases caused by the very vaccines that are purported to “help” them. The reality about vaccines is very, very different than what we are being told via propaganda and fear tactics.

Water: Revisited.

August 18, 2012 at 8:54 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Conscious Lifestyles, Consumer Choices, Dangers of Fluoride and Mercury, Do Something, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Water | 1 Comment

August 11th’s show was a much needed re-visiting of the May 26th Show on Water.

1.) Our resources for clean drinking/living water are disappearing [from chemical contamination, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, petroleum/gas exploration and extrapolation, household chemical products, body care products that all get washed down the drain or seeped into our groundwater and then into our lakes, streams, oceans].

2.) How can we protect our remaining water supply?

3.) What can you do now as an educated Consumer to obtain clean drinking water and be part of the answer to restoring our water supply?

My interview with Winston Kao from May 26th is worth revisiting.

Check out his website at

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