When Skin Care Products Can Hurt You

December 23, 2014 at 3:01 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be A Natural Beauty, Be a voice for natural healing techniques and cosmetics, Best Practices in Business, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Makeup for a healthy body and planet, Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty and Healing Lifestyles, Think | 4 Comments
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Facial Massage for Indian Bride It seems no matter how careful you are, even when shopping at natural health stores or Whole Foods, the skin and hair care products that are marketed as “All Natural” and even “Organic” are filled with toxic, very dangerous ingredients that are known carcinogens. Here are several separate product names I was shocked to find have harmful ingredients covertly tucked into them [after using them myself thinking that they were safe and totally toxin free]:

1.) Juice Beauty- Uses a preservative called Sodium Benzoate that is highly, HIGHLY toxic once it enters the skin and into the blood stream. When combined with Vitamin C, it turns into Benzene, which is even more hazardous to your health. To boot, Sodium Benzoate CAUSES AGING of the skin!!!!! Even more problematic for Juice Beauty products is that they use Vitamin C fruit juices in their products, and when combined with Sodium Benzoate, it turns into the toxic soup of Benzene. This is not “Organic” nor remotely healthy for you and your skin. It is a travesty that the “Organic” label has been reduced to what it is today. When the USDA took over the so-called standards of the Organic labeling, they both corrupted its very meaning and bent over backwards for the chemical lobby to allow such toxic ingredients to be slipped into both food and body care products.

2.) Evan Healey- Very, very shocking and surprising here. I was a HUGE fan of all things Evan Healey! Even her packaging was recycled and eco-friendly and I just adored everything about this line of skin care. But, to my horror, as I quickly re-read the label on the packaging for her Tea Tree facial wash before re-purchasing her products at the Whole Body store within Whole Foods, I was absolutely horrified to discover “Sodium Benzoate” tucked into the ingredients. I could not believe it. I was stunned just thinking about how I would slather this product on my skin thinking I was using a superior, wonderful, and carefully made product. I am so angry I will actually write this once-pure ingredient company a letter, but I will never buy this product ever again after seeing something on the label that any honest, well-run, natural company would know better to not sneak into their product line.

3.) Dr. Hauschka- Where do I begin with this one? This is clearly now a mass produced and toxic product that I just don’t even bother with, and have not touched for many years now. Their makeup line is using Talcum in their eyeshadow products and powders. This is so toxic it has been linked to ovarian cancer and other serious immune damage. It should never be used in anything for either human or animal products, but it is so cheap [much cheaper than food-grade clays, for instance], that the ‘bottom line’ is what takes precedence for even these advertised ‘natural products.’ It is even more horrifying that baby powder has been sold for use on innocent babies whose immature immune system simply cannot handle such daily assaults that enter the blood stream. There are numerous toxic poisons that are legally used as fillers and preservatives in this makeup and skin care line that I think they should be banned from Whole Foods all together.

4.) Jason’s products- From their shampoo line to their skin care to their toothpaste. Uh, NO! Everything un-natural is in this highly advertised line of “Natural” products. Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Laurel Sulphate, Propylene Glycol, all the “parabens” like Methyl paraben, and the list goes on [including highly dangerous FLUORIDE in many of their toothpastes]. No way. I just don’t even touch the stuff. Again, WHY is this sold in Health Food Stores, Whole Foods, and even online “Natural” Retailers? They should just go ahead and take their place next to Colgate-Palmolive, Clorox, Proctor and Gamble, SC Johnson, Unilever, Kellogg’s, and the dirty-dozen list of toxic chemical companies that both damage the Earth by polluting our water and air with their poisons; test on terrified animals [horrifying undercover videos abound], and damage the immune systems of their unsuspecting customers….  None of this is acceptable, but strangely, it is all legal.

5.) Jane Iredale Cosmetics- Again, totally horrifying. They sneak in very skin-damaging and immune compromising ingredients like Dimethicone, which is a plasticizer. This is a terrible ingredient because it literally suffocates your skin, and your hair. It is used to give an instant smooth appearance, but it is a very harmful chemical. Dimethicone is put into their “Amazing Base” mineral makeup and other products like their liquid makeup, and it is something that explains why I used to have these painful break-outs on my skin that had never had any such problems in the past prior to using some mineral make-ups like this brand that freely put toxic chemicals and skin damaging products into their makeup. PVP- also snuck into their mascara. This is a Vinyl product that is highly carcinogenic and should never be put next to the delicate eye nor anywhere on the body. This is used in many commercial mascaras and hair care for its ability to create an even coating and keeps emulsions from separating. It is, once again, just fine by the FDA, USDA and other corrupted agencies to use in many foods like Beer, Wine, Vinegar, commercially produced juices and even on fruits.   skin_layers Our skin is hermetically sealed and has to filter out enough daily pollution as it is… please give it a break when choosing skincare, body care, household cleaning products and even food.

*Acure Products- Although these products have mostly but not entirely clean labels, they are promoting the WRONG people to find cures to the cancers, and other autoimmune dis-eases that are caused from chemicals in skin care, hair care, body care, toothpastes/mouth wash, household cleaning products, commercially produced food products, lawn products, animal-care products, baby products, paints, nail polish, carpets, etc. They claim to give money to “research” but the problem with this is that the very same people [chemical and pharmaceutical companies] that collect money for what is wrongfully termed “research” are also the ones responsible for the onslaught of dangerous chemicals that are brought to the marketplace every year and processed into consumer products. And by the way, the “research” labs and organizations have NO interest in finding a cure to anything. They would put themselves out of their lucrative, albeit disreputable business. The organizations that use the methods of the Nazi-invented Propaganda techniques to promote their contrived platform of “finding a cure” and other such empty promises are the very ones who are benefitting from the donations, marathons, women’s walks, and other fundraising that only lines the coffers of the most evil empire on this planet: The chemical/pharmaceutical industry.

Other toxic brands that masquerade as “Natural” are Burt’s Bees, Toms of Maine, Mrs. Meyer’s, and several other brands. They are owned by large, multi-national corporations that both pollute the Earth, use toxic chemicals, then test more toxic chemicals on terrified live animals [and then legally throw out and destroy any evidence that would prevent them from bringing a new chemical to market anyway]. I have just named a few bad apples here, but many more abound as the chemical corporations/skin care conglomerates vie for a larger share of the Natural, Organic lines of body care and food.

Don’t buy it. Read Labels. Understand the matrix behind the marketing propaganda techniques.

kid-lightbulb moment

Want some good companies to start your new, eco-conscious, healing lifestyle?

1.) Dr. Bronner’s- Excellent soaps. Pure, clean, and always in my house.

2.) Aubrey- Hair care that is the most pure you will find in a Whole Foods or Health Food Store. They also make pure skin care.

3.) Bragg’s- Wonderful Food products like Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil and Olive Oil that are both, by the way, excellent for your skin.

4.) Miracle Soap- Another excellent soap but must be bought online.

5.) Egyptian Magic- a pot of bee pollen, honey, and olive oil mixed together that when you cream in your palms, is amazing for fragile skin on face and elsewhere.

6.) DeVita makeup- pure, clean and a good line of makeup that makes beautiful products that can compete with the toxic brands in longevity, easy to use, etc.

7.) Aura Acacia Organic Oils- Jojoba, Sweet Almond and a few other beauty oils that are pure for your skin and gorgeous to use with a therapeutic grade Essential Oil.

8.) Alaffia- the only product from this line I recommend is the “Africa’s Secret” balm made with Shea butter, Coconut oil, Baobab Oil, African Honey, Neem Oil, Bee Pollen & Propolis.

9.) Honey Girl Organics- Excellent skin care from Hawaii. Simple and pure.

10.) Solar Recovery skin spray– An Essential Oils spray to soothe skin after a day in the sun. I like to use it as a “pick me up” spray and to lightly spray over makeup to set.

11.) Livpurely- just pure, organic Coconut Oil.

12.) Alteya Organics- Skin care and sprays that are pure. I love their sprays.

13.) Bee Magic- Great Balm for everyday or mixing with Essential Oils, Jojoba oil, etc.  for your own beautiful skin care.

14.) 1000 Likes Carrot Oil- I always have this on hand for mixing with with anything I desire for a more beautiful morning.

There are several other smaller, hand-crafted brands that I can only get online and/or directly from the maker, and I will have another blog on this….

Namaste. tree_in_rock

March 29, 2010 Show: Gnosis Chocolate Founder Vanessa Barg

April 6, 2010 at 4:12 PM | Posted in Chocolate, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Organic Health, Permaculture, Raw Cacao, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” Hippocrates

When you eat raw, handmade, sustainably sourced chocolate you feel its magical powers of total bliss, euphoria and the ultimate love…. and when you eat Gnosis Chocolate you will never go back to eating the processed, fake chocolate ever again!

Gnosis= Knowledge of the heart, experiential knowledge, intuitive knowledge.

My interview with Vanessa Barg, the founder of Gnosis Chocolate, was one that got lots of compliments from my listeners and lots of “Wow, I did not know that! Great Show!” comments from my fellow colleagues at WGCH Radio.

Thank you, Vanessa, for sharing such a wealth of information about the differences between raw Cacao and processed chocolate.

The health benefits of raw Cacao are very rich, indeed. The very minerals that 80% of the world’s population is deficient in, such as Magnesium, are found in abundance in raw, unprocessed Cacao.

However, all of these minerals are destroyed by using refined sugar, milk/dairy, chemical additives, or any other aggressive processing that you find in the mass produced chocolate….. read labels! You will be really disappointed to see how the majority of chocolate bars out there [including some other “Organic” labeled chocolate] have either refined sugar or ‘evaporated cane juice.’

Vanessa explained that we get way too much sugar in our diets to begin with, and the negative health implications of this is clear to see with the many degenerative diseases that are caused or exacerbated by the intake of Sugar. Sugar FEEDS the parasitic, unhealthy bacteria that every person today has to consciously rid their bodies of by way of CLEANSING and also simultaneously making food choices that heal the body.

Gnosis Chocolate infuses their handmade, raw cacao chocolate bars with vitamins, herbs, and minerals such as Maca Root, Siberian Ginseng, Ashwaganda, Gingo Biloba, Camu Camu, Lavender, Gotu Kola, Burdock, Blue Green Algae, and so many other awesome, yummy gifts for your God given body!

God’s garden is the gift of life. We are only now getting to realize that the industrial revolution took human beings, for at least the last three generations, away from this magnificent Garden of natural, organic food and humane thinking of our relationship to this earth and all life that was meant to symbiotically live in harmony. This is the very essence of life, health, longevity…

But why is the medical paradigm so ignorant of this and aggressively condescending of this ancient knowledge? By the way, the “Allopathic” medical regime that is the primary source of what is termed ‘Health Care’ in America today was spawned from the chemical/warfare industries before and during World War II [and primarily from German warfare technology].

It’s time to get back to our Mother Earth and demand, with our consumer dollars [and with our collective voices to our elected political leaders] that we are entitled to a world with healthy food and water… and future generations are entitled to this, too!

Children should be eating Chocolate, and not exploited by conglomerates that mass-market cheap, chemical-laden Chocolate to the developed world–

When you buy RAW Cacao Chocolate, you are voting with your dollars to STOP child labor in the third world… and the Chocolate industry has quite a wretched past with exploiting child labor.

Raw Cacao Chocolate is NOT exploitive, and does not use child labor for the product.

Cacao is a nut that grows on a Tree! I did not know this, but it makes sense. And I also did not know that when you buy Raw Cacao you are encouraging native growers to PROTECT their natural forests that would most likely be destroyed for destructive money-making industries such as raising cattle or soy.

There’s everything to feel good about eating RAW Cacao…. especially when it’s made with love like the special chocolate from “The Chocolate Girl” @ Gnosis Chocolate!

Available at Whole Foods or http://www.GnosisChocolate.com

P.S. My favorites are the Pomegranate Acai and SuperChoc!

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