Candida: Invisible Vampire

September 24, 2012 at 3:10 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Health, Holistic Healing, Natural Healing, Organic Health, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, The Cure For ADD/ADHD, The cure to cancer, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers | 6 Comments

Candida. Most “Conventional” or “American trained” Physicians don’t know a thing about this ferocious killer, and will even adamantly deny its existence when confronted.

Every major disease you can think of…. from Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Learning Disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Weight Gain… to Diabetes and Cancer…. the proximate cause that all of these dis-eases spawn from is Candida.

My conversation with Dr. Jeffrey McCombs on Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 unveils the truth behind this killer that almost every human today suffers from. What causes Candida to turn into a deadly Fungus within the digestive system are several assaults to the immune system:

#1.) Antibiotics
#2.) Pharmaceutical Drugs
#3.) Birth Control Pills
#4.) Processed/Genetically Modified “Frankenstein” food
#5.) Processed White Sugar and White Wheat [denatured] Flour
#6.) Petrochemicals/Pesticides
#7.) Fluoride
#8.) Heavy Metals [found in Silver Dental Fillings, Toxic Lipsticks, Processed Foods, Pesticides, Hair Color, Pollution]

Take the time to understand the underlying reasons for most diseases today.

The good news is that you can turn this around and clean your body of this killer! You don’t need to spend a lot of money going from one bad, clueless doctor to another…. you just need to know the truth and then take action to heal your body NATURALLY.

Sadly, our beloved Pets are now suffering from Candida overgrowth for all of the same reasons. The high rates of Cancer and other autoimmune dis-eases in our family pets is now staggering, and clearly, the corrupted medical system that enslaves humans has now wrapped its tentacles around the Veterinarian industry.

Living Consciously starts with knowledge and then making honorable choices that will both save your life and save the planet.

Check out Dr. McCombs’ web site and learn more about how to heal your body naturally.

Bees Dying And Our Girls and Boys Dying: All Man-Made Disasters

September 16, 2012 at 11:40 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Bees, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Consumer Choices, Drugs, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Ecologically Sustainable and Beautiful Landscapes, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Ethics in Business, fear, Gardasil Kills Girls, God-given Birthright, Government held accountable, Health, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Hormones, Industrial Revolution, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Local Farms, Organic, Permaculture, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Restore Honesty In Politics, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Natural Resources, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save Wildlife, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Genocide, Stop The Deforestation Now, Sustainable Agriculture, sustainable farms, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Vaccines | 2 Comments

Where are our pollinating bees going? What is causing the die-offs?

The answer is simple and the resolution should be just as simple, but the Politics that encumber the resolutions to being enacted are unbelievably complex.

On Conscious Lifestyles on September 15, 2012, my first Guest for the day was Bee Keeper and Educator Raymond DuBois.

He told my audience about the necessity of Integrated Crop Management and how maintaining a respectful balance of the indigenous environment will bring higher, more healthy yields of food crops…. and protect the NATIVE Bees to the geographical area.

However, this is the OPPOSITE of what our American Taxes are supporting! The Bee die-offs are a result of a poor understanding of how to properly produce food without Chemical Pesticides, Chemical/petroleum based Fertilizers, and the horrendous “clear cutting” and bulldozing of the natural, indigenous environment of the agribusiness practice of “Mono Crop” production.

This practice of removing and thereby destroying the entire environment to have thousands of acres of ONE crop [such as Corn, Soy, etc.] is destroying the native Bee populations.

Add onto this diabolical practice the usage of pesticides and fertilizers that KILL our natural Bees and other pollinators, and you have massive die-offs and a critical tipping point in our Environment that is now threatening food crops and our future.

Why would the EPA ignore this obvious raping of our Eco-system? Are they NOT “The ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY?” The obvious question is Why they are not living up to the title of their very own name. Politics, pay-offs, and Lobbying by large Agribusinesses and Chemical Fertilizer/Chemical Warfare companies is a huge percentage of the answer.

This is certainly no time to be a passive tax payer. Apathy is something that the very Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides CAUSE in the human brain, by the way! These very dangerous Chemicals kill brain cells, and cause immune dysfunction and endocrine/hormone harm.

The urgent need for the Consumer to take back the quality of food cannot be over-emphasized.

Write, email, call and be a voice to your local, elected Politicians to outright DEMAND that our taxes be funneled into Organic, Sustainable, Integrated Crop Production that respects both the Environment and our much-needed Pollinators!

Without our Bees, we have no future. No kidding here. It really is time for Action.

Check out Raymond DuBois’s Web Site

Support your LOCAL, Organic, SMALL and Humane Farms. You can internet search for your local Community Supported Agriculture organizations. There are many that will deliver to your town, and even to your front door weekly! Stop supporting ALL large-scale food manufacturers and put your efforts into healing your body with natural, sustainably grown and harvested food. Food can be your medicine, and it is the only thing that can truly heal your body.

The second half of my show broadcast on Saturday, September 15th explored more detail on the horrifying topic of Vaccines in general, but the “Gardasil” vaccine that is now marketed for BOTH girls and boys ages 9-26.

The carnage this toxic vaccine has left behind is nothing short of Genocide of our next generation. The over-vaccinating of our children with extremely toxic [never proven “safe”] witches brew of Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Mercury, unknown live viruses, other dangerous adjuvants like Squalane…. is it any wonder we have ADHD, Autism, Learning disabilities and behavior issues of ALL kinds, and an array of Autoimmune dis-eases?

I highly suggest that all of my blog readers and radio audience around the world take the steps to educate themselves, and ultimately ARM themselves against the falsified, fraudulent messages that are both subliminally and overtly sent to the Consumer daily.

The buzz of FEAR tactics that are expertly utilized to gain a firm CONTROL over your behavior that makes you a PASSIVE Consumer [sucker] for these wretched vaccines is part of the Propaganda that is part of the big-Pharmaceutical/Government collusion to keep you sick, and in need of more drugs, therapy, other toxic treatments, etc.

Check out Leslie Carol Botha’s website at and learn, each day, something new about your body, and how intricately balanced it is and certainly deserves to be treated with natural, healing respect.

Girls Dying From Gardasil… and a look at the concepts of “Intent” and “Ethics” in Business

September 5, 2012 at 3:41 PM | Posted in Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Be Careful With Contractors, Best Practices in Business, Beware of the Sociopath, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Codex Alimentarius, Consumer Choices, Drugs, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Ethics in Business, Gardasil Kills Girls, Government held accountable, Obama the liar and con man, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Restore Honesty In Politics, Save Our Great Apes and Primates from Pharmaceutical Torture, Save Our Natural Resources, Small Government, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Genocide, Sustainable Agriculture, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups | 5 Comments

The many thousands of girls who are permanently injured or dead from a totally heinous and unnecessary Vaccine touted to supposedly save girls from a cervical cancer is a wretched display of unleashed evil.

The fact that the pharmaceutical industry is primarily made of Genocidal germinated chemical warfare companies in Nazi Germany seems to escape most Government knuckleheads and even the general public at large.

Why are Physicians still irresponsibly ignoring the clear evidence and STILL vaccinating young girls [and soon YOUNG BOYS] for a Virus that most likely would never happen, and is also medically known to clear up on its own with NO intervention whatsoever?

Girls are disabled and dying from this Genocidal experiment designed only to make money for Merck and other pharmaceutical allies.

Check out the following websites for more information on the dangers of Gardasil: dangers

The consumer has been mislead with deliberate, scandalous cover-ups, outright lies, and
unrelenting propaganda.

You need to do your own homework, and understand your rights [and especially HOW both Physicians and Pharmaceutical Companies are held harmless legally if you or your loved ones are permanently damaged or killed.]

On August 25, 2012, and AGAIN on September 1, 2012, my conversations with Business Ethics Professor Scott Ventrella,, entailed this topic of Ethics and Honesty in Advertising of all products… and how the Consumer is left to fight back despite a big Government with many bureaucratic “agencies” that are supposedly in place to protect us.

Sadly, our tax dollars are clearly not at work when it comes to over-staffed, over-paid, and totally inept Government Bureaucrats.

Where are the Ethics in Government, Large Corporations, and even small ‘mom and pop’ businesses alike?

What is the motivation behind anyone who advertises, comes into your home for repairs, or puts up a shingle as a Doctor, Dentist or even car repair service? You need to arm yourself with Knowledge and Self-Empowerment to see behind the Intent of each and every person you deal with in today’s world.

And with Politicians… well, the sky is the limit for their promises. For example, why does Obama say he is an Environmentalist when his actions are the exact opposite? Pay attention to what he has done:

1.) Appointed Tom Vilsack, a Genetically Modified Organism and big ‘factory farm’ lobbyist as USDA Secretary. Calling this a “Conflict of Interest” is putting it lightly!
2.) Appointed Ken Salazar, a big-oil man and Cattle Rancher, to Secretary of the Department of Interior. The worst oil disaster in HISTORY happened under this numbskull. He allowed BP Oil to complete their own forms for safety on the Deepwater Horizon, thereby causing the environmental damage that is still unfolding to this very day. This wretched man also allows the Bureau of Land Management, under his convoluted mentality, to illegally “Round Up” our last remaining Wild Mustangs [on our TAXPAYER, FEDERAL LANDS!] and send them off to slaughter! This is ALL to appease the big oil/gas lobbies AND especially the cattlemen’s association who whine about having to “share” public, taxpayer lands with Wildlife! Unthinkable.
3.) The Obama Administration has quietly opened up the Alaskan Wilderness to Shell Oil, and has given the ‘green light’ for them to drill in deep water off the Alaskan Coast!
4.) “Obamacare” does nothing for the middle class. In this 2,000 page entangled mess, his cronies have added a 3.8% SALES TAX to ALL homes sold in the United States starting in 2013! And WHY would the IRS be in charge of this Sick-care bill? Controlling the masses is the answer, and if they can control your income, your privacy, and your body… then they have you. “Big Brother” is the short answer. The more complex one involves what is known as total mind and body control in a very bad way. Your future is in jeopardy here.

Health and Healing are nowhere in sight within the “Obamacare” bill.

Additionally, the big money that would be siphoned to the environmentally damaging Pharmaceutical industry would be staggering. Make no mistake, the Pharmaceutical industry literally rapes our natural resources, illegally [and without consequence] traps our wild Great Apes for their unspeakable lab experiments and tainted/toxic vaccines…. the list is endless for environmental destruction connected to the pharmaceutical industry.

All of this and more were discussed in both shows on August 25th and once again on September 1st, 2012.

Just some things to ponder.

Looking Behind The Veil To See The True Intent Of Vets, Doctors, Or Anyone In A White Coat

August 12, 2012 at 3:34 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animals Feel, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Best Practices in Business, Beware of Bad Vets, Beware of the Sociopath, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Canada For Dirty Energy, Chemical Trails, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Do Something, Drugs, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Holistic Healing, In Loving Memory, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Natural Children, Natural Healing, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Naturally., No Life Sacred In Wars, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Poisoned Food, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Say Something, Sociopathic Disorder, Stop Dangerous Pollution From Fossil Fuels, Stop Genocide, Stop The Wasted Tax Dollars on Animal Vivisection, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable And Renewable Energy NOW, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Think, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Toxic Water, Truthful Healthcare, Vaccine Dangers, Values, Women as Healers Naturally | Leave a comment

Always remember that a White Lab Coat is a COSTUME. It was developed as a method to soothe patients nearly 100 years ago with the feeling of purity and life that the color white was thought to bring in the patients mind.

However, there is evidence that many patients don’t feel so relaxed around someone with a White Coat. In fact, many people experience elevated blood pressure and worry just seeing a person approach them in such a costume.

The same feelings are exhibited by your family pets. And when you are not around [when you drop them off at the Vets and think they are safe] the unthinkable could happen.

My conversation on August 4th, 2012 with Pet Advocate Julie Catalano demonstrates to my audience how clearly urgent this matter really is in our world. It hardly ever gets exposed in the “mainstream” but it is still a huge issue. “Vet Abuse” has touched many of us, and even some people who simply don’t realize that their pet was killed or suffered injuries from a person they thought they could trust.

Our beloved Siamese cat, “Mina,” was horribly killed by a ‘holistic’ and even ‘famous’ Vets office…. and they ILLEGALLY charged my credit card on file [without my consent] for the $895 bill afterwards… sneakily, they waited about a month or so to do it.

Wow. I thought we could trust a Vet who wrote a book, gets himself on Television, Radio interviews, etc.

The Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, NY, run by Dr. Marty Goldstein really caused the biggest anguish, shock, and unthinkable pain and suffering to our 13 year old child who lost his beloved best friend on August 4, 2010 to egregious negligence. A totally irresponsible female Vet named Dr. Jaqueline Ruskin, was charged with Second Degree Negligence by the New York State Board.

Totally horrifying. The long fight to get the charges off of my card are a whole secondary insult to injury. I won’t bore you with these details, but the nasty “office manager” [who is so fat and wretched she should not be working in a “Holistic” Vets office or any medical establishment whatsoever] fought with all she had and even lied to American Express to keep the charges on my card! Can you imagine such a thing after killing someone’s cat?

This office negligently ripped open Mina’s Trachea when they were installing an intubation tube into her throat. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT? They did not practice one ounce of correct emergency measures to get air into her lungs. The New York State Disciplinary Department told me this after examining her X-Rays and files.

Smith Ridge Vet Office played mind games, and even tried to blame our Cat for their mistake! This is a true sign of Sociopathic and Deceptive behavior. Truly Dangerous.

This terrible behavior is certainly not acceptable. But it is an occurrence that happens daily somewhere in America.

Now really is the time to fight back as Consumers to protect our Pets. They deserve to be worth more than “property” and the bad Veterinarians should be subjected to the same scrutiny and legal action that a typical bad human Doctor would have to face.

Listen to the show in the Archives, and contact Julie Catalano at if you have ever suspected foul play with a Vet.

My second Guest was the very knowledgeable Medical Journalist, Sherri Kane.

Sherri has been reporting on what is now termed “Bad Science” for a few years now. She has uncovered, along with many other respected Journalists, the misinformation that is being bombarded upon the gullible American consumer when it comes to Vaccines, Chemicals, Dangerous Pharmaceuticals [that stay on the market way too long as the FDA deliberately drags its feet before removing such dangerous drugs], and everything you can imagine that is deliberately burdened upon you as an innocent consumer, whether you realize it or not.

Sherri’s message was to do your own research into natural healing. Autoimmune dis-ease is on the rise from vaccine “excitotoxins” and brain damaging neurotoxins, along with petroleum and warfare chemicals that masquerade as “Pesticides” or “Garden” helpers, etc., and bad, de-natured, GMO food.

I believe in Integrative care. Sure, technology is fantastic when needed, but you need to become well versed in the healing miracles of Nutrition, Herbs, Homeopathy, and other exciting ways to clean your body so you won’t fall prey to dis-ease.

I believe that we could really have world peace [no kidding here] if we could start to employ the common sense of utilizing God’s Garden that is so clearly spelled out for us in both The Torah and The Bible.

It’s time to protect this Garden from mass destruction by some really bad forces that aim to profiteer from keeping people sick, destroying our water supply, our air supply, our food supply, and our future.

“How?” is the question. First, do your own research into natural gardening, plant care, lawn care, home cleaning products, and even innocent things like Deodorant have ALUMINUM in them and get right into your blood stream and intoxicate your body! Read labels, and be a voice to demand that chemicals be taken out of our body care products, baby products, and our food.

This is a good start. You will be a whole lot healthier to fight back and start the revolution to demand cars and other machinery that run on water or even cooking oil rather than something that kills millions of people over wars, exhaust, fumes, and contamination.

Take action.

Interview with Raj Patel on The Hidden Battle For Your Food… and… Healing Your Body With Dr. Henry Grayson

June 21, 2012 at 5:22 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Holistic Healing, Insecticides, Longevity, Naturally., Organic Health, Spirituality, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Sustainable Agriculture, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Values | 1 Comment
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Raj Patel’s book, “Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle For The World Food System” is an eye-opening expose’ on the corruption behind the agricultural practices in both the USA and around the world.

The most greed emanates from the same players: the big “Agri-businesses” that lobby the US Congress to have their way with tax subsidies and then abuse the privilege by creating factory farms, intimidation of small [Organic] Farmers around the world, and severely limiting the food choices of the honest Consumer.

There are dozens of varieties of corn, for instance, but the American market is given a mere one or two at the Grocery store. Additionally, most corn is grown with very dangerous pesticides that poisons the soil, air, waterways and human health.

Pesticides and sludge from factory farms kills the important microorganisms that create fertile soil– so we have dead soil intoxicated with increasing rounds of chemical fertilizer toxins just to get something to grow… and then the Consumer pays with their health.

The circle of deception is far and wide reaching. Where does it end? Clearly, our elected officials talk a good game about “family” and “healthcare” and other such meaningless chatter just to get elected… but they have proven unreliable for the restoration of food integrity and even its safety for consumption.

The impoverished Farmers, leading to increasing Farmer suicides around the world, are directly the result of behemoth Agri-business intimidation, unlawful practices, deception, and even manipulative legal maneuvering in order to wipe out the culturally diverse food choices that are so important for the survival of entire cultural identities along with, of course, the health of a country’s people and micro-economies [“Main Street”] that are the real backbone of any civilization.

Raj Patel’s book is a tell-all that certainly opened my eyes, and I believe is one of the many voices today that can start a groundswell of protest that is so greatly needed if we are to take back our food system and thus, our true health…. and really, what else is there in life if you don’t have your health?
Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle For the World Food System

Part II of the June 16, 2012 show is an interview with Dr. Henry Grayson on the mind-body connection when it comes to healing.

Check out his new book, Use Your Body To Heal Your Mind: Revolutionary Methods To Release All Barriers To Health, Healing, and Happiness

Dr. Grayson makes the incredible point of how your mind and words alone can affect your wellbeing. He writes about an experiment that took place at a University where 4 identical plants were placed in identical rooms, with the same light sources, and given the exact same amount of water. Students were told to go into each room, daily, and speak sweet, encouraging sentiments to one plant, then to the second plant play classical music, then the third plant they were told to yell obscenities, speak harshly and negatively, and finally, the fourth plant, they were told to play acid rock to the plant only.

The first two plants that were given encouraging words, and loving energy thrived and grew. The last two plants withered and died, despite the attention that was given to give them adequate food/water/sunlight.

What does this tell us about the connection between self-talk, your environment, your exposure to either positive or to negative words/energy/people?

There is no question that there is a direct connection between your health, how well you heal, and the environment/words/energy that you are exposed to.

This fascinating book explains Dr. Grayson’s practice in healing with his patients and how all of us can choose the easy daily practices that allow our bodies to thrive.

I certainly choose to thrive and to live.

But how many of us have been exposed to negative environments or to people who simply manipulated their way into our lives… and stayed way longer than we should have ever allowed?

I now have a true consciousness on this topic after reading Dr. Grayson’s book. I always instinctively knew that someone’s energy was positive or negative, but I never really gave myself the permission to truly listen to this important message.

It is odd how the Western medical system has been so corrupted by the idea of “flat earth” science that they have completely disregarded the positive or negative energies that directly influence the outcome of your body’s healing abilities.

We are designed as SPIRITUAL living Beings [ALL of us! Including the plant kingdom]. Listen to your body, listen to your intuition, and pay attention to energies that are powerful forces on this Earth.

Vaccines: Assault With A Deadly Weapon?

June 4, 2012 at 2:57 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Be The Author of Your Life, Best Practices in Business, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Health, Holistic Healing, Homeopathy, Homeopathy and Animal Homeostasis, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Organic Health, Stop Genocide, Take Back Your Wellbeing, The Refusers, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Vaccines, Values, Women as Healers Naturally | 1 Comment
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Why are children in Amish Communities totally, 100% free of Autism and other autoimmune disorders?

They are not subjected to baby vaccines, nor any vaccines in life.

Is there a connection between aborted fetal tissue [in many vaccines], mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, squalane [toxic when injected], monkey kidneys, and other dangerous carcinogens being shot directly into the bloodstream of innocent babies, teens, adults, and even our pets?

Check out
Inform yourself with Mary Tocco’s incredible DVD and website.

I was personally injured from the Hepatitis A Vaccine in 1998, prior to leaving for my Honeymoon in Africa.

I was never given any forewarning of complications or injury from such a vaccine. Are Doctors not required to give such fair disclosure?

I had no idea that the CDC, The Center for Disease Control, was sending me false information regarding the “safety” of vaccines and that their recommendations were NOT requirements for any travel whatsoever!

I was not Holistic at the time, and had no knowledge of the dangers in the American Medical mis-managed “Sick care” system, and blindly trusted a Doctor in a white coat for my health care. What a terrible racket it is when a person is injured by the very person that they have been conditioned to totally trust.

This is referred to as an “Iatrogenic” injury, and it is the #1 cause of accidental serious injury and death in the USA.

Is it time for a really BIG adjustment, reconciliation, turn-around?

How many families are forever broken when a child is killed from the dozens of baby vaccines? Who truly could ever indemnify these parents, grandparents, and extended families for such a horrific loss of precious and innocent life?

Pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are not the answer.

Integrative medical practices respect the powers of Honest Food Nutrition, Ancient Healing Techniques such as Ayurvedic [oldest medical healing in the world], Homeopathy, Accupuncture, Ozone and Rife Technology, Superfoods, and so many other exciting practices that are entirely ignored by what has become a very arrogant American medical circus.

Why not shift the pendulum forward to empowering and educating ordinary people, and parents?

Who wins, in any society, if people are chronically ill and suffering from autoimmune dis-ease, mental disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, broken families, violence [also linked to pharmaceutical drugs, mercury poisoning, vaccines, and chemical poisoning], toxic food [Genetically Modified AND processed with chemicals]?

Please listen to this show in the Archives section of this blog. See Mary Tocco’s incredible research on the terrorism that is launched on schoolchildren, the elderly, and all Americans.

Cacao…. Eco-Conscious Fire Logs…. Magnascent Iodine: All Three I Love

May 22, 2012 at 3:39 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Companions, Be A Natural Beauty, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Best Practices in Business, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Station Broadcasts, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Enviro-Logs, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Magnascent Iodine, Natural Beauty, Nuclear Contamination, Nuclear Energy Kills Everybody, Organic, Organic Health, Raw Cacao, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vegetarian and Vegan Lifestyles | Leave a comment

My show broadcast on Saturday, May 19th, 2012….

My first interview was with Jeffrey Botticelli, founder of Fortina [Raw, Organic] Chocolate from Arizona.
Check out his amazing and informative web site: Fortina Chocolate

Cacao, in its raw, unprocessed form is a HEALTH FOOD. It is high in Magnesium, which every human being on Earth needs for health. It is also high in B vitamins, Enzymes, minerals, fiber, and Omega 6.

It was revered by the Inca, Aztecs and even Cleopatra used it in her beauty regimen.

Jeffrey Botticelli has been quite a wonderful teacher in the awesome subject of raw Cacao. He calls it a “magical experience.” And it really is.

Cacao, in its raw form, is one of the most comprehensive foods known to man. Its rich, anti-oxidant powers are incredible. When you eat raw Cacao, you have lasting, uplifting energy, clarity, mindfulness, bliss, stamina.

However, when you eat processed, chemicalized, sugar and dairy laden chocolate [that actually has VERY LITTLE cacao in it] you eat a junk food that causes hypertension, hyperactivity, cravings, the “sugar crash” and then you get fat, feel bad emotionally and get a host of dangerous chemicals to boot.

So, don’t be fooled by the myriad of commercialized chocolate companies who want to sell you expensive ‘sugar junk’ in a pretty box.

Get the real stuff. Feel and live the cool benefits of going Vegan, RAW, Fair-Trade/Organic, Artisanal Cacao.

Some of my favorite brands of raw Cacao are
LuLu's Chocolate
Fortina Chocolate
Fine and Raw Chocolate
Righteously Raw [love their Raw Coconut Macaroons]

….and these are just a few of my favorites!

The good life is awaiting when you seek the truth. Be a Natural!

My second Guest was Ross McRoy, President and CEO of “Enviro-Log” fireplace logs that are 100% recycled from wax corrugated cardboard boxes that deliver produce to supermarkets.

Check out their web site at

The Enviro-log is so eco-friendly that you can recycle the ashes into your compost and use it in your Garden!

I love eco-conscious companies like this where a group of innovative people provide “GREEN” jobs through creative, environmental thinking!

The logs will be available at TruValue Hardware and other retailers across the USA. Check out their website for a store near you… and see how gratifying [and healthy] it is to be a Green consumer!

My third Guest, John Brookshire, founder of a company that I love called “Magnascent Iodine.”

I use Magnascent Iodine everyday. It is invaluable in clearing your body and helping your hormones balance by cleaning up the FUNGUS that every human being is burdened with in this toxic world.

I keep a small bottle with me at all times, and when I travel, I pack this little bottle and put a few drops under my tongue several times on the day of travel.

If you are subjected to X-Rays, you should take a few drops before and after the procedure to protect your Thyroid.

John Brookshire explained how Magnascent Iodine has been used to help with Malaria victims in Africa, along with other parasitic infestations.

If you have hyper or hypo Thyroidism, you should include this in your daily regimen.

Magnascent Iodine, made for both internal and external use, is also a beauty supplement! It helps to build collagen in the skin and purifies your blood.

Take it in water, and put some in your pets water, too. You can put a few drops under your tongue throughout the day… make it part of your routine to combat the onslaught of chemical and viral airborne contaminants.

Magnascent [Nascent] Iodine is based on Edgar Cayce research. It is for internal use, unlike the external-use-only iodine you see sold at the drug store for cuts and scrapes. PLEASE do not confuse the two! They are vastly different. The drug store iodine is ONLY for external use… but is useful to paint onto the skin as it will show you if you are iodine deficient. IF you paint a circle or square of iodine on your inner leg or arm, and it disappears into the skin within 24 hours, you are iodine deficient, and you need to supplement with Magnascent Iodine daily.

My research has revealed so many horrifying realities about the exposure to radiation in daily life today. Computers, cell phones, televisions, iPads, environmental contamination from nuclear plants, legal dumping of Strontium 90 into our waterways [horrible, horrible practice that must be stopped], covert nuclear military testing, depleted uranium, and other exposures like x-rays and and cell towers are constantly attacking your body’s ability to maintain Iodine levels.

Take action for your life, and for our children, animals, and future.

magnascent Iodine

Open Those Cages, and Set Them Free….

December 1, 2011 at 3:05 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animal Testing Hurts Animals and People, Animals Feel, Arrogant Energy, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Conscious Lifestyles, Dangers of Fluoride and Mercury, Dangers of the Nuclear Energy Industry, Do Something, Drugs, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Fluoride Kills, Government held accountable, Insecticides, Kindness to Animals, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Nazi-ism in Animal Testing is For REAL, Nuclear Energy Kills Everybody, Nuclear Industry Is A Killer, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Poisoned Food, Primate and Great Apes Recognized For Personhood, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Restore Freedom for Wild Mustangs, Restore Honesty In Politics, Reverse the Budget Bill Rider to kill our Wild Wolves NOW, Say Something, Small Government, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Dangerous Pollution From Fossil Fuels, Stop Genocide, Stop The Deforestation Now, Stop The Wasted Tax Dollars on Animal Vivisection, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable And Renewable Energy NOW, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Talk, The Cure For ADD/ADHD, The cure to cancer, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Toxic Water, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Values, Voices of Reason For Wild Horses, Water, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups | Leave a comment
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Animal Testing has long been known, by the most brilliant and visionary minds, to be an outright lie and betrayal to society as a whole.

Below is a web site that gives us revealing quotes from researchers themselves admitting the abysmal defeat that using animals has been in finding anything close to ‘the cure’ for various dis-eases that seem to plague modern society in ever greater numbers as more chemicals, petrochemicals, pesticides, vaccines, heavy metals, processed food, and other stupidity continues to pummeled on the innocent consumer:

The horrifying cruelty and the diabolical practices of vivisection would shut down this evil industry if the general public were clued into this cruelty every night on the national news. And make no mistake, it is an invisible industry that likes to take taxpayer money for this dirty practice but remains in the shadows, nearly unnoticed by most hardworking Americans.

Who in God’s name shut their eyes to the pain and suffering of these animals and granted the torture of innocent living beings? How can this possibly be “packaged and sold” to the public with a Benevolent face?

Propaganda and marketing… along with political lobbying and uncouth bribes have created a paradigm of outright terrorism.

And even more shocking is the fact that MOST animal testing is for Cosmetics [the toxic ones] and for household cleaners! So, only 6% is for “finding the cure” to something… but as stated earlier, the cure never comes by way of animal testing.

This is gross misconduct and deception that defies all reason.

And by the way, I have covered several times on my show, and subsequently in my blogs, the healthy and gorgeous alternatives to toxic cosmetics and also to household cleansers.

You can make the BEST cleansers yourself! Get a spray bottle, and fill it 1/2 way with either white vinegar or cheap vodka. Then fill the other 1/2 with water. Get some Essential Oils, such as Lavendar or Peppermint… drop in a few drops to your liking… shake it all together…. and you have the best household cleaner that smells divine and cleanses better than any toxic chemical could ever dream of…. and it’s cost efficient, too!

Need a scrub for your tub? Baking Soda.

There is also an Oxygen powder that is very good to use and good for the Environment, too.

And, to sum this all up, chemicals in medicine are all a lie, too. There is no drug [NO DRUG] that can heal you. It can mask symptoms, but it never heals. It will, however, cause nasty side-effects and might damage other unrelated organs along the way… what a tragedy. Really.

Holistic, natural healing is the only way to stay healthy. To seek the amazing powers of nature is the one way you can steer clear of becoming one of millions of victims every year that die at the hands of the bloody, big-pharmaceutical paradigm.

Chemical-laden medicine is straight out of Nazi Germany. Why some people have a difficult time understanding this [and even deny it altogether] is just a manifestation of the powerful use of Propaganda that the Third Reich invented, established and then sold to the American Government.

Chronic dis-ease is caused by chemical and petrochemical pollution. Added to this toxic mess is vaccines, then processed food, then pesticides and herbicides and even lawn products like chemical fertilizers. THEN add to this personal products like commercial deodorant, which most often contains Aluminum that soak right into your blood stream… and other products like dental materials [you really need to do your research here and protect yourself], fluoride, chlorine, radiation, and nuclear testing… there is certainly a long list…. but the only way to fight the enemy is to KNOW thine enemy!

Animal testing should never have been part of what is called medical research. Again, the buffoons that put this horrifying terrorism in place have a special place in Hell waiting for them. No kidding here. This is totally diabolical. Straight from Satan himself: torture innocent, living, sentient beings for profit?

It will take every one of us to fight this horror. Mr. Obama is part of the evil, as he was paid off and bribed by ALL of the above entities with campaign contributions and continued bribes throughout his short time in office. And by the way to anyone who can’t wrap their brains around the fact that Obama is one of the most evil, incompetent, and self-serving individuals to have sat in the Oval Office… Keep in mind, that just YESTERDAY, this lost soul signed into law a RETURN TO HORSE SLAUGHTER IN THE UNITED STATES!

Just a few years ago, Horse Slaughtering was outlawed in the United States. But the right lobbyists with the right groups with the power to bribe got this much needed law REVERSED by Obama… the liar and Con Man from Chicago.

No, I have no respect for thug politicians.

Veto the Horse Slaughter Bill HR 2112.

Restore Animal Reverence Now.

Thugs, Drugs, and the War on Bugs

September 25, 2011 at 2:27 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Beware of Bad Vets, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Government held accountable, Health, Healthy, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Longevity, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers | 11 Comments
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Imagine, every day, 5 full 747 Jets dropping out of the sky, and killing everyone…. every day of the year. That’s a lot of people.

This is the estimated number of innocent people who are killed every year in America from taking pharmaceutical drugs as prescribed, medical goofs, vaccine injuries/deaths, and medical procedures such as surgery.

This statistic does not include the rest of the Western world, such the European Union.

A lot of people. And let’s not forget our beloved pets. They are also subjected to the same horrifying toxic medical paradigm that has taken its wretched toll on their lives, too.

Who made it this way? How did we get so far off track with our elected officials constantly spewing out false statements about the ‘safety’ of allopathic procedures and practices that they clearly have no business or knowledge to comment on???????

I cannot fathom the stupidity of mandating vaccines [that have a terrible, destructive, lethal track record] like Gardasil or any other toxic substance to be shot into the body via needle or otherwise.

Oh, and the big pharmaceutical/nazi originated evil cartels AND the CDC ARE in cahoots, with our own tax dollars to boot. Any Journalist worth their salt or talking head on TV who masquerades as a Journalist who does even a 5 minute search on the internet will be bombarded with story after story of girls permanently injured, dying, dead, or constantly fatigued after having the Gardasil vaccine…. if the dangers of vaccines were acknowledged for the destruction they have caused millions of people and pets, they would ALL be abolished.

The horror does not stop in the developed world. Big Pharma, with the help of organizations like the "Red Cross," "The World Health Organization," "Unicef" and various other related organizations that are in unbelievable compliance with big pharma to injure and kill people in the Third World with an arsenal of vaccines. Health and wellness IS NOT found in a toxic laden syringe! These people need stable infrastructure, clean water, shelter, food, and an end to the ongoing wars that separate families and annihilate their culture, productivity, and their strength. Perhaps this is all part of the original Third Reich idea of taking over the whole world? Just do it with a vaccine and toxic products and call it "medicine."

Below are just a few YOU TUBE hits I got after less than a 5 minute search on Gardasil alone…. but think about the dozens of vaccines that cause constant inflammation [proven to cause disease in the body] and autoimmune diseases.

Wow. How could anyone who is an elected official be so ignorant to not bother to partake in a quick internet search, read the dozens of books and journals that have been published by many top Doctors, Researchers, and yes, even super vigilant investigative Journalists.

1.) watch?NR=1&v=R2z6RK2uTWc

2.) watch?v=pLqnnxlXcRw&feature=related

3.) watch?NR=1&v=0gCVCP8BFrU

4.) watch?v=YlNv5z7f80g&feature=related

5.) watch?v=KB2ZvCWXSY0&feature=related

6.) watch?v=O7LH9TRCHuA&feature=related

7.) watch?v=XK97CHQZhq0&feature=related

8.) watch?v=vqMK_yu8APg&feature=related

My conversation with Dr. Brad Case, the Author of “Thugs, Drugs And The War On Bugs” broadcast on Saturday, September 24th, 2011 on WSTC/WNLK radio, and will broadcast again on KFNX Phoenix on Thursday, September 29th, 2011.

Thank you, Dr. Case, for this incredible book that will give every consumer who takes the time to read this book the ammunition to fight back against the outrageous Propaganda [invented by the Nazi Regime, no kidding] and the pressure and FEAR that the pharmaceutical pushers want to instill in people who simply don’t know any better.

DO NOT TRUST ANY DOCTOR. Do your own research…. as Dr. Case stated in our conversation, the truth is out there in the printed word, on the internet, and other sources. Take an active part in uncovering the honorable, holistic, natural pathway to true homeostasis.

You will find that no drug, no vaccine, no GMO ‘food’ or packaged soda/processed food will bring health. It has only brought misery, dis-ease, suffering, and a world of chronic illnesses/death.

This is a Genocide of innocent living beings…. all life has been affected by the Military Industrial Complex that encompasses the pharmaceutical industry, the oil/gas industry, the GMO/toxic agri-business industries, the AMA, the ADA and other various ‘organizations’ that seek to maintain undeserved control over the choices that the innocent consumer has access to in the name of PROFITS.

Where are the politicians on this? Most are ignorant regarding toxicity. Most are ignorant on anything remotely related to the horrors of ‘allopathic medicine.’ — And MOST are bribed, paid off, given perks and financial donations for re-election by this very complex group of empires who will not give up control, profits, power, influence despite the evidence against them. The people “in charge” in Washington are involved in the incestuous exchange of power and deception.

Now really is the time to stand up. The Military Industrial Complex is real, and it involves the quality of life and the lives of all future generations…. Don’t be conned by the slick TV advertising, the paid-for lies broadcast as “news stories” or the mountains of literature that is spewed into mainstream magazines, newspapers, and journals [also internet ‘literature’] that maintains this propaganda deception. It is all unrelenting.

We need to protect our children.

Awareness is key. Protect yourself, your family, your loved ones, and be a voice in your community. I believe that each one of us can cause quite a backlash and overcome these diabolical forces that only see you as a number, a statistic, a taxpayer, a serf.

Thanks to the many great Doctors and other Journalists who have come forward to help awaken the world to this scam that is costing our world its fresh water, fresh air, choices to eat organic/sustainable food, and countless human lives that have been taken prematurely….tragically….from the medical, petrochemical, and agri-business cartels.

Sustainable. Fair Trade. Organic. Humane. Local.

July 16, 2011 at 2:47 PM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Buy from Small, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Organic, Organic Health, Poisoned Food, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Truthful Healthcare, Vegetarian and Vegan Lifestyles | 4 Comments
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It’s paramount that everyone understand the importance and the difference between these terms for our food sources.

Your life, indeed, does depend upon how much you know. The public is deliberately led to believe that “Organic” equals Humane or even Sustainable…. but because of the mad rush to cash in on the public’s demand for Organic, the unethical Agri-businesses have lobbied unrelentingly to get the USDA to take over the “Organic” certification so that they, too, can somehow be marketed as kinder, gentler, healthier, and even life loving companies.

Nothing is natural or remotely good about companies like “Monsanto” or “ADM” or “Quaker Oats”…. and the list is staggeringly long… So, your voice as an American Citizen who works hard to pay the very taxes that are mis-used and abused in wasteful subsidies to these earth-destructing companies MUST be heard by your State representatives.

The chain of deception is really un-American, and totally un-Constitutional. But it’s happening, and only our Voices today can stop it. The will of our double-tongued, elected officials is just simply not there. The disappointment of this reality is very deep for me, and it should be for you, too. The money-donations-financial support– whatever you want to call it… has become this nearly perfect circle of corrupt crony-ism and political favors that sell everybody else short, and literally kills our environment.

What are we if we don’t have clean air, water, soil, food? What is our future? Why is nobody in Washington asking this very important question? And why are they forcing the working American population to subsidize their own poisoning? Why are we so submissive to this tragic, circle of evil?

One of the great things about my job as as Talk Show Host is that I get to meet and talk to so many honorable, brilliant Visionaries in our world today.

It was a great pleasure to talk to Dr. Arie McFarlen on my show. Her message is one that we all, as good people, need to recognize as a wake-up-call to fight back against the big-agribusiness deceptions.

The unthinkable cruelty, cramped confinement, and horror that takes place in the Nazi-style “factory farms” [paid for by your taxes] is unacceptable. The toxic drugs, hormones, and other toxins injected and fed to the animals are directly winding up in the very neatly packaged, “innocent” looking meat products in most chain grocery stores today.

Anything you can imagine as unconscionable happens behind those factory farmed walls.

The adrenaline and other fear hormones that pump through the bodies of terrified animals also gets into the animal products that get sold in cellophane packages in grocery stores.

These toxins are proven carcinogens to humans.

Why are we forced to pay for this misery and sickness? Don’t we have a collapsed, untenable “health care system” that will never be solvent until the very Citizens of this country are given honest, healthy food choices that are the “norm” and not the exception for the wealthy?

Why are our Organic, sustainable, local, humane, small farms NOT given our Tax Subsidies? Can someone in Washington with a brain please stand up and give us, the people who care about quality of life on Earth, an answer?

“He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals.” —- Immanuel Kant

Check out Dr. Arie McFarlen’s website and become conscious of the life that you were supposed to be granted in this world.

I advocate a Vegetarian lifestyle and certainly a Vegan lifestyle. It is healthier for the Environment and for your digestion, your brain, your entire body/mind connection. You will feel lighter, think more clearly, and realize the health benefits within a few weeks of being conscious of your food choices.

However, if you do eat animal products, I highly advocate all people to ONLY support your local, humane, organic, sustainable farmers for this. EVERY township has local farmers who are humane and honorable in their farming practices, and NOW is the time to vote with your dollars for all products that are not produced with toxic drugs, anti-biotics [literally means anti-life] and with pesticides.

Our waterways are our lifeblood. We, as the people who pay the taxes that our over-grown government relies upon, need to stand up and be a collective voice for our lives today and certainly for the innocent lives whose existence will be in question if we do not preserve the future by demanding sustainability right now.

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