Open Those Cages, and Set Them Free….

December 1, 2011 at 3:05 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animal Testing Hurts Animals and People, Animals Feel, Arrogant Energy, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Conscious Lifestyles, Dangers of Fluoride and Mercury, Dangers of the Nuclear Energy Industry, Do Something, Drugs, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Fluoride Kills, Government held accountable, Insecticides, Kindness to Animals, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Nazi-ism in Animal Testing is For REAL, Nuclear Energy Kills Everybody, Nuclear Industry Is A Killer, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Poisoned Food, Primate and Great Apes Recognized For Personhood, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Restore Freedom for Wild Mustangs, Restore Honesty In Politics, Reverse the Budget Bill Rider to kill our Wild Wolves NOW, Say Something, Small Government, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Dangerous Pollution From Fossil Fuels, Stop Genocide, Stop The Deforestation Now, Stop The Wasted Tax Dollars on Animal Vivisection, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable And Renewable Energy NOW, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Talk, The Cure For ADD/ADHD, The cure to cancer, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Toxic Water, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Values, Voices of Reason For Wild Horses, Water, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups | Leave a comment
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Animal Testing has long been known, by the most brilliant and visionary minds, to be an outright lie and betrayal to society as a whole.

Below is a web site that gives us revealing quotes from researchers themselves admitting the abysmal defeat that using animals has been in finding anything close to ‘the cure’ for various dis-eases that seem to plague modern society in ever greater numbers as more chemicals, petrochemicals, pesticides, vaccines, heavy metals, processed food, and other stupidity continues to pummeled on the innocent consumer:

The horrifying cruelty and the diabolical practices of vivisection would shut down this evil industry if the general public were clued into this cruelty every night on the national news. And make no mistake, it is an invisible industry that likes to take taxpayer money for this dirty practice but remains in the shadows, nearly unnoticed by most hardworking Americans.

Who in God’s name shut their eyes to the pain and suffering of these animals and granted the torture of innocent living beings? How can this possibly be “packaged and sold” to the public with a Benevolent face?

Propaganda and marketing… along with political lobbying and uncouth bribes have created a paradigm of outright terrorism.

And even more shocking is the fact that MOST animal testing is for Cosmetics [the toxic ones] and for household cleaners! So, only 6% is for “finding the cure” to something… but as stated earlier, the cure never comes by way of animal testing.

This is gross misconduct and deception that defies all reason.

And by the way, I have covered several times on my show, and subsequently in my blogs, the healthy and gorgeous alternatives to toxic cosmetics and also to household cleansers.

You can make the BEST cleansers yourself! Get a spray bottle, and fill it 1/2 way with either white vinegar or cheap vodka. Then fill the other 1/2 with water. Get some Essential Oils, such as Lavendar or Peppermint… drop in a few drops to your liking… shake it all together…. and you have the best household cleaner that smells divine and cleanses better than any toxic chemical could ever dream of…. and it’s cost efficient, too!

Need a scrub for your tub? Baking Soda.

There is also an Oxygen powder that is very good to use and good for the Environment, too.

And, to sum this all up, chemicals in medicine are all a lie, too. There is no drug [NO DRUG] that can heal you. It can mask symptoms, but it never heals. It will, however, cause nasty side-effects and might damage other unrelated organs along the way… what a tragedy. Really.

Holistic, natural healing is the only way to stay healthy. To seek the amazing powers of nature is the one way you can steer clear of becoming one of millions of victims every year that die at the hands of the bloody, big-pharmaceutical paradigm.

Chemical-laden medicine is straight out of Nazi Germany. Why some people have a difficult time understanding this [and even deny it altogether] is just a manifestation of the powerful use of Propaganda that the Third Reich invented, established and then sold to the American Government.

Chronic dis-ease is caused by chemical and petrochemical pollution. Added to this toxic mess is vaccines, then processed food, then pesticides and herbicides and even lawn products like chemical fertilizers. THEN add to this personal products like commercial deodorant, which most often contains Aluminum that soak right into your blood stream… and other products like dental materials [you really need to do your research here and protect yourself], fluoride, chlorine, radiation, and nuclear testing… there is certainly a long list…. but the only way to fight the enemy is to KNOW thine enemy!

Animal testing should never have been part of what is called medical research. Again, the buffoons that put this horrifying terrorism in place have a special place in Hell waiting for them. No kidding here. This is totally diabolical. Straight from Satan himself: torture innocent, living, sentient beings for profit?

It will take every one of us to fight this horror. Mr. Obama is part of the evil, as he was paid off and bribed by ALL of the above entities with campaign contributions and continued bribes throughout his short time in office. And by the way to anyone who can’t wrap their brains around the fact that Obama is one of the most evil, incompetent, and self-serving individuals to have sat in the Oval Office… Keep in mind, that just YESTERDAY, this lost soul signed into law a RETURN TO HORSE SLAUGHTER IN THE UNITED STATES!

Just a few years ago, Horse Slaughtering was outlawed in the United States. But the right lobbyists with the right groups with the power to bribe got this much needed law REVERSED by Obama… the liar and Con Man from Chicago.

No, I have no respect for thug politicians.

Veto the Horse Slaughter Bill HR 2112.

Restore Animal Reverence Now.

When Animals Talk

May 9, 2010 at 1:49 PM | Posted in Animal Communication, Animal Redemption & Environment, Best Practices in Business, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, In Loving Memory, Love, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic Health, Primate and Great Apes Recognized For Personhood, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Save the Oceans!, Talk, Think, Uncategorized, Wild Mustangs | 2 Comments
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Do you know what the animals are trying to tell us?

May 3, 2010 \"Conscious Lifestyles\" Radio Show

On “Conscious Lifestyles” Radio on WGCH this past week, on Monday, May 3rd, I interviewed Charles Peden, an Animal Communicator and “People” Communicator about animals and how to talk to them and really hear what they are trying to tell us.

Getting to a place where you are using your intuitive muscle, and allowing the subtle messages to be felt physically in your body as well
as learning to read the sensitive language of an animal is a great gift to the animal companions in your life…. and really, to the world…. because you are going to want to protect both wild and domestic, and farm animals from exploitation, abuse, and harm when you see how intelligent, curious, and beloved they are…. each with his or her own personality, just like a person– totally unique!

Charles Peden and I talked about HOW to get to such a place where you can receive the subtle, yet very direct messages from animals.

I know that for me, Kung Fu is one way to get to that higher level of spiritual reality, as well as Prayer, Mediation, watching the sun rise and sun set, being in nature, Poetry…. it could also be walking in the woods, Music, Gardening, Yoga, or rescuing animals….

But when you are assembling your “team” of specialists for your animal family, you need to also include a QUALIFIED Animal Communicator in this team to help you understand your Fur Kids during all the stages of their lives.

Check out Charles Peden’s website to learn more about communicating with your family’s best friend:, Animal Communication

Charles touched on being careful in selecting a qualified, honorable Animal Communicator. He warned that anyone who requests a photograph ahead of time is a sign that they are not totally in touch with the animal in a truthful way to the Guardian and should be avoided.

Charles also talked about one of the most heart wrenching subjects for all Guardians when he talked about death and dying. He reassured us that animals do not fear death the way the human [particularly ‘Western’] mind has been conditioned to fear this most natural of transitions into the spiritual world.

When my beloved best friend died I saw a vision of a bird flying. Now, whenever I think of her a bird flies over head, and I feel her presence…. I know she flies free from a body that was injured from bad doctors and toxic vaccines [another show for the future] that injured her immune system and damaged her Kidneys. Her spirit is free, and I believe in Heaven, so I know I will see her again HEALTHY and in perfect form.

I am grateful to the amazing Animal Communicators who have helped me with all sorts of questions I have for my animals, both living and passed on, and I continue to use this spiritual level of communication as an important component to the health and well being of my family.
WGCH Archives for Conscious Lifestyles

My ‘Notable Quotable’ for this show:

“Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.”
—- Paul Rodriguez

Very true. Now, let’s get our elected, overpaid, ‘asleep at the wheel’ Government officials to take action on this very concept of preserving all life and put an immediate END to all Hunting.

Hiking in the woods should be a SAFE activity for everyone!

The natural world is threatened by shortsighted greed and corruption. The majority of people in this world want our natural resources and all of nature to be preserved for all to enjoy. Amen.

In loving memory of Gabriel, Fur Child, Brandy, Chiquita, and all of the animals who now fly free. I will see you again.

April 12, 2010 Show: Saving our Primates and Great Apes. A Conversation with Lee Hall of Friends of Animals and Primarily Primates Sanctuary.

April 16, 2010 at 2:40 PM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Best Practices in Business, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Primate and Great Apes Recognized For Personhood, Truthful Healthcare | 1 Comment
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April 12, 2010 Show on \"Conscious Lifestyles\" with Lee Hall of Friends of Animals on our Great Apes and Primates: Need \"Personhood.\"

“Ever occur to you why some of us can be this concerned with animals suffering?
Because Government is not.
–Why Not?
Animals don’t vote.”
— by Paul Harvey

I dedicate this show to all of the magnificent, intelligent Primates and Great Apes who are alone and frightened in laboratory cages– stolen from their natural, wild habitats– and wait for someone to rescue them and return them to freedom.

Lee Hall told us all about the Chimpanzee, “Oliver” who is now living out his remaining Senior days at Primarily Primates. Watch the video of Oliver and hear his story on….

This sweet, and remarkable Chimp endured years of abuse in the Entertainment industry after literally being stolen out of the wild in Africa in 1962. His mother was murdered in front of him, and he was thrown into a bag by his brutal captors, and found himself “entertaining” people for many years in a totally unnatural and irresponsible environment.

After his owners were bored with him, and could not make any further money off of this Chimp, he was shipped off to an experimentation laboratory and to the Military for years of abuse, solitary confinement in a cage, and unthinkable experimentations.

Oliver’s story is representative of an unknown number of Primates and Great Apes in America alone.

The ‘Science’ behind the brutality of these animal experimentations in laboratories that think nothing of ripping these innocent animals from the wild, and then subjecting them to totally inhumane conditions and horrible experiments brings us not an inch closer to resolving the many health issues that plague the post-industrialized world…. perhaps looking at dangerous, synthesized chemicals and metals in the environment is too easy for the scientific community…. but the horrible reality is that most of the biotech firms doing these junk science experiments are the very same corporations that produce warfare and chemical hazards. They are all one big, scary circle of incestuous pollution, synthesized pharmaceuticals, and misinformation.

The National Institute of Health [NIH] is the main culprit behind this massive waste of tax dollars spent on useless, reckless, excruciating, and unthinkable experimentation on Primates.

Oregon National Primate Research Center is another notoriously evil laboratory that has a long history of abuse.

One wicked “experiment” that has wasted time, taxpayer money, and Primate life is one that keeps getting re-experimented for no good reason: They rip a baby Primate away from its mother– a heart wrenching thing to see as they pull a screaming, terrified baby away from an equally traumatized mother who has nothing else to live for sitting in a sterile cage– and they do this in the name of “research” explaining that they are studying “Trauma.”

Unbelievable. Careless. As close to a satanic ritual as anyone can get…. and this is all funded foolishly by our blindfolded Government.

This has got to stop.

Check out to find out more and get the details that you need to be fully informed of the quackery that really goes on behind the public relations blitzes by the very same ‘biotech’ firms who profit from such animal abuse.

The whole industry is secretive. Very little is revealed, and all undercover whistleblowers are attacked in every way imaginable in order to discredit anyone who stands up to bring justice for these innocent animals.

Now is the time. Bring your voice to our elected officials and tell them that they need to understand truth in health, and why biotech firms that are also chemical warfare manufacturers have a lot to hide. NO MORE funding for these wasteful, incomprehensible experiments!

Saving our animals starts with simply writing, emailing, faxing, calling on our elected officials to take action now. Educating our own officials is what we must do today to make the world Greener, Happier, Peaceful.

It is time for these intelligent living beings to be recognized legally for “Personhood.” They have complex family groups, feel pain, sadness, happiness, and express love and other emotions as clearly as humans.

The time has come, in 2010, to stop the Nazi-German warfare medical research that has failed miserably to find answers to anything related to the real world.

Please visit and to learn more about this most important modern-day issue that needs to be addressed in our culture.

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