Saving Our Wild Dolphins and Marine Mammals: Easy, But Where Is The Will?

August 27, 2011 at 4:04 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Communication, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Kindness to Animals, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save Our Wild Dolphins, Save the Oceans!, Save Wildlife, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Stop Killing Our Dolphins In Japan, Stop The Japanese Government Ignorance From Destroying Our Planet, Uncategorized, Values | Leave a comment

The sea in Taiji turns blood red from the murder of thousands of Wild Dolphins

Part II: August 27th, 2011 Show: The Earth Island Institute and Saving Our Wild Dolphins From Brutal, Bloody Murder In Taiji, Japan….

This topic I highlighted last year with Ric O’Barry, who won the Oscar for the incredible Documentary, “The Cove” this past year. The spectacular team of Producers, Directors, undercover camera people, and everyone involved in the making of this Documentary are the greatest movie makers and news makers on this planet.

To outsmart the Japanese [Hostile and Arrogant] government was a feat in itself, and to then to display for all the world to see the bloody killing of these elegant, intelligent, beautiful Sentient Beings was unforgettable… and for me, it was the impetus to taking immediate action to help save these important living beings.

My interview with Mark Berman of The Earth Island Institute was, once again, eye opening. I cannot imagine the low level of ignorance that a person must be reduced to so that they can justify this Genocide. It is totally horrifying, and the world has GOT to step up and stop this massively wretched behavior on the part of the Japanese Government, who PAYS for the Taiji fisherman to stab to death these beautiful, important Marine Mammals.

Is this acceptable today?


Ric O’Barry has put his physical life on the line for these majestic, intelligent Marine Mammals and will continue to be a voice for their savior until the killing stops.

Why is the United States and other ‘super powers’ silent on this Genocide?

I was astonished to learn from Mark Berman in the interview that it is “TRADE” and Politics that stops any country of strength from stepping up and standing up for these innocent Dolphins.

….WHAT? The insanity of “Trade” being the reason for the SILENCE of our own current President and Administration and the apathy to stopping these senseless murders… this RAPE of our Oceans…. is unconscionable.

Where is the Ethical base in our own Government? With all of the taxes we currently pay, you would think that we could accomplish some ENVIRONMENTAL Justice in this world.

If I were President, I would slap a 10,000% Tariff on all Japanese imports and I would be a direct, very loud and clear voice around the world to Boycott Japan and its wretchedness until this Genocide stops. And stops permanently.

Look at the photos and ask yourself what letters, emails, phone calls…and any additional actions you can take for these Dolphins today to help save them. I urge all of my listeners to be a VOICE for our natural world before the darkness of bad politics destroys all of our natural resources forever. Honestly, there is no life on Earth after the natural balance has been irreparably destroyed.

I don’t want to live in a world where we have killed every beautiful, Sentient, intelligent living being and destroyed the natural wonders of this gorgeous world God gave to us to PROTECT and to be good stewards of.

Wow. I cannot imagine the self hatred, arrogance, ignorance, diabolical and sociopathic, twisted thinking it takes to take a sword and lift a hand to stab to death such an innocent, sweet, loving, and kind Marine Mammal.

Take Action to save our world. Now really is the time.

Living Consciously With The Earth + Listening To Animal Wisdom

April 10, 2011 at 4:00 PM | Posted in Animal Communication, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Conscious Lifestyles, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Health, Kindness to Animals, Longevity, Pet Nutrition, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save the Oceans!, Save Wildlife, Self Love, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” — Mahatma Gandhi

My Guest on Saturday, April 9th, 2011, was Animal Communicator Maia Kincaid. You can work with Maia directly for your own Animal Companions, Wildlife in your yard, or yourself. Check out her website at

Maia believes in her practice that all good people are able to learn to effectively listen to and communicate with animals, and the natural world around them.

Why is this important? When your animal is ill or in need of your ability to communicate with him/her for any reason, your ability to intuitively know what to do is paramount to their well being, longevity, and health.

This gift of communication with other living beings, along with the natural environment that sustains you, is an awesome tool that expands your horizons and even makes an impact on your own mental and physical well being.

Intuition is spiritual. Communication with animals is spiritual. Going Green has a spirituality to it that compels good people to clean up Mother Earth and to take responsibility for innovative, healthier lifestyle choices.

If Honor were a required part of corporate business planning, it would bring cleaner energy, respect for the earth and all life IMMEDIATELY.

Our natural world is relying on every person, consumer, taxpayer, business person, mom, dad, child, politician, teacher, school, community to be a voice of Honor and reclaim our connection to the Earth. Our lives are dependent upon our taking action, and standing up for changing the paradigm of oppressive, ‘box’ thinking– and subsequent behavior of blinded, uninspired, corrupted people who put themselves into leadership positions– but continue the endless spiral of degradation of our quality of life by giving polluting and destructive corporations carte blanche to reduce this life to one of autoimmune diseases, toxic water, toxic air, toxic food, sick children, and mentally and physically unhealthy people and animals.

We need to reach back to the ancient wisdom of the Earth and save our selves by first respecting our Environment, Animals, God, Spirituality, Intuition, Truth, and our purpose for being alive.

When you seek these primary tenants for a good life, you create abundant opportunities for the most innocent among us to live freely in this world.

The broadcast of this show is now on podcast in the Archives section of this blog.

Being Conscious is a life of being Ethical, and this brings great rewards.

Fluoride and Mercury: The Great Deception

April 2, 2011 at 7:23 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Dangers of Fluoride and Mercury, Dental Education, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Fluoride, Government held accountable, Health, Holistic Healing, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Stop Genocide, Uncategorized | 2 Comments
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All water, no matter how far ‘inland’ from the Ocean– every Stream, River, Brook, Lake–finds its way into every Ocean body around the world.

All life on earth is dependent upon the health of the Ocean!

So, why are we deliberately contaminating our water with highly corrosive toxins like “Fluoride” and “Lead” and the many heavy metals that are both legally and illegally dumped into the water supply??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is behind the grand fabrication that falsely promotes “Fluoridation” as being HEALTHY for teeth?

My Guest on today’s show, April 2nd, 2010, is Dr. David Kennedy. He has been a great voice in America to debunk the pathetic lie that started in 1945 to Fluoridate water… The repercussions of dumping this toxic waste have been damaged teeth, skeletal fluorosis, cancer, leukemia, brain damage, violence, thyroid disorders, kidney and liver damage…. this list is only a small sample of what the deception of Fluoridation has caused the American people, our Oceans and Marine Life AND the Economy!

Who is benefitting from dumping this toxin into the water supply? Surprisingly, the Aluminum Industry, the Pesticide/Herbicide Industry, the NUCLEAR Industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and all heavy metal producing industries.

Fluoride INCREASES the uptake of Lead into the human body, as well as the living bodies of water and animals, too.

To quote Upton Sinclair, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Why has our Senate done NOTHING to stop this crazy poisoning of our water supply?

Dr. Bill Hirzy, EPA Senior Scientist, called for a “moratorium on fluoridation” as he testified before the U.S. Senate on June 29, 2000 alerting our elected officials of the dangers of water fluoridation.

Dr. Hirzy was testifying on behalf of ALL of the Scientists who have studied the dangerous impact of Fluoridation, and our very own Congress rolled over and went back to sleep! They have done NOTHING to help the American people re-gain their right to choose whether or not they will be drugged.

Fluoride is dangerous for everyone, but Dr. Kennedy reminded us that Hispanic and African heritage children are at even greater risk of serious bodily injury. Is this a deliberate act of hurting minority groups?

Dr. Kennedy told us that children have died right in the dental office chair when they were given a Fluoride ‘treatments’ and swallowed even a little of it!

Dentists are NOT Toxicologists. Most do not know anything about toxic dangers, and simply act as “tooth carpenters” as Dr. Kennedy calls them because they do not think independently for themselves and just re-iterate and copy whatever they were told in Dental School. No thought process or questioning of the ‘system’ whatsoever.

Children have also died from eating Fluoridated toothpaste at home. You could not get your child to the Hospital on time to save them if they ate even a little of toothpaste…. So vote with your buying power as a Consumer and buy ONLY non-Fluoridated tooth powder/paste/rinses that are even more effective at keeping teeth clean, naturally… and saving their developing brain cells, too!

Fluoride makes you stupid, literally. It kills brain cells and makes you PASSIVE. Both Stalin and Hitler deliberately installed this into the drinking water of their people, and the USA has been doing this to control YOU since 1945. Fluoride was never approved for water-supply dumping by the FDA. The FDA has categorized Fluoride as an ‘Unapproved Drug.’

Mercury. A horrible brain and body toxin that should have never been introduced into Dentistry. The Mercury fillings have caused unthinkable suffering to this world as it has the incredible ability to damage brain cells, alter DNA, destroy digestive enzymes and find its way into your blood [crossing the blood/brain barrier] and lodging in every cell and organ in your body…. a direct correlation has been made to all Auto-immune diseases and Mercury and heavy metal intoxication.

To get Mercury/Amalgams out of your mouth properly, you need to see a well trained dentist in Biological, Holistic Dentistry. Do yourself a service and find the RIGHT Dentist who is actually talented and skilled in the art of Dentistry. Not all Dentists who belong to a Holistic dental group are necessarily right for you are even any good…. so take the time to find the right one for you!

Mercury is so dangerous to our brains that it has been also directly linked to VIOLENCE and high crime rates in our modern society today. In fact, a study was done quite some time ago to prove how toxic Mercury was. The actual brains of convicted Felons were autopsied post-mortem, and the ONE thing that they all had in common was high Mercury poisoning! By the way, they all had many Dental Amalgams in their mouths!

To find a better Dentist, visit these sites:

It is certainly time to take back our world from the wretchedness of greed that have corrupted way too many conglomerates, elected officials, and ‘special interests’ who obviously do not care about the damage they cause to your body, your livelihood, your health, the planet, our oceans, drinking water, and our children’s futures.

Take Action.

“Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious side effects on a long range basis.” — Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the AMA.

Water… Everywhere. But Not A Drop To Drink?

March 20, 2011 at 3:52 PM | Posted in Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Government held accountable, Insecticides, Kindness to Animals, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Permaculture, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save the Oceans!, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Uncategorized, Water | Leave a comment

“You never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” — Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

The Saturday, March 19th “Conscious Lifestyles” show was a conversation with an ordinary citizen who is fed up and speaking out against polluted ground water, and with Lois Gibbs, the former Leader of Love Canal and Founder of the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice [CHEJ].

I also spoke with the CHEJ’s Science Director, Steve Lester, and the water contamination issue is much bigger than we all have been led to believe.

What is Strontium 90? Why is it in our water, in women’s breast milk, and in all mammalian milk?
Why are Chlorine, Fluoride, heavy metals [like Lead and Mercury], pesticides, herbicides, household paint and cleaning residues showing up in ALL water, both city water and private well water?

The fact that the responsibility for our drinking water is spread very thinly among several local, state, and federal agencies is part of the problem. Violations are going unreported, and it has come to light that way too many ‘good ole boy’ politicians are ignoring this wake-up call to our world.

Water is the lifeblood of all life. Without it, nothing can survive.

Strontium 90 is Radioactive waste water from Nuclear power plants. This is, unbelievably, legal. Ever wonder why most Nuclear plants are near a river, ocean, or a body of water? They dump their waste into our waterways. And this is supposed to be “clean” energy?

Sorry, but I don’t want Radioactive oceans, lakes, streams, and reservoirs.

The cattle and factory farm industries are also to blame. This toxic sludge is a gargantuan issue to the well being of our watersheds that no one in elected office appears to take notice of, or even bother to mention in the same breath when they proclaim ‘Earth Day’ and ‘Going Green’ to consumers/taxpayers/voters.

The cattle feedlots from the big, agri-business ‘factory farms’ are polluting clean water at an alarming rate. The nitrates that kill off the oxygen in the water are literally killing off the natural life that, for millions of years, kept our water clean for drinking, eating, growing food, and even taking a bath.

All water is inter-related all over the world. Our streams run into the oceans, and the wells and aquifers we rely on are taking in the toxic waste that runs, much like the veins in our bodies, all over the earth.

Additionally, oil leaks from pipelines are disastrous.

The oil and gas fracking that has ruined much of the western states’ drinking water, and they have not stopped there. They have now found political give-aways on the East Coast, and are more than happy to start fracking near Upstate New York’s biggest watersheds for NYC.

The additional water contaminants that are disease causing are from Agriculture chemicals sprayed on ‘conventionally grown’ food and the Genetically Modified Organisms that are Frankenstein-like chemical catastrophes made in laboratories and now patented and sold as “food.”

Consumer and farm use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and large power plant discharge called “thermal pollution” are the other big toxins that are finding their way into our drinking water, and consequently, poisoning us.

The States with the most violations for polluted drinking water in public schools:

#1. California
#2. Ohio
#3. Maine
#4. Connecticut
#5. Indiana

We are literally allowing both big and small [consumer] choices to poison our children, and destroy all life.

Electing honest politicians to take action on this most important issue is no small task. They all say the same things and make the same promises for the Environment, Education, etc., etc.

But now, more than ever, is the time to see behind the political masks and start to demand action for our clean water rights. Look at track records of any person running for office, see beyond the too-often empty promises. The time is now. That’s all we’ve got to get it right for our one home… the Earth.

Organic Beauty.

November 25, 2010 at 10:29 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Be A Natural Beauty, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Best Practices in Business, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Makeup for a healthy body and planet, Natural Beauty, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Health, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save the Oceans!, Self Love, Sustainable Business Economics, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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My show this week on Monday, November 22nd, with Rose Marie Swift, Organic Make Up Artist and the creator of RMS Beauty products was one that everyone– men, women, children, animals, the living environment– will benefit from.

What you put onto your face and body goes directly to your bloodstream and to every organ in your body. What you wash down the sink and put onto your garden, and in your home ends up in your drinking water, your air, and the entire environment….

It’s time to know the truth about cosmetics, body care products, household products, baby and pet care products!

Rose Marie Swift and I talked about the dangers of highly advertised and promoted, yet very dangerous procedures, like the DNA damaging Mammography. This horrible X Ray causes Breast Cancer, yet is promoted as “lifesaving” by the cancer industry.

By the way, the cancer industry employs millions of people and rakes in Trillions of dollars for their closed-loop money train.

PREVENTION should be the key message and NOT ‘early detection’ as is overtly stated over and over and over again by this industry that has harassed and maligned every good, holistic Doctor who has actually FOUND the CURE to cancer!

The makeup you use has everything to do with whether or not you are setting your immune system up for an attack by the opportunistic and predatory cancer cells and other degenerative viruses that wait for your body’s immunity to be weakened.

Your DNA is damaged by Mammography. Your immune system is damaged and your body then becomes a host for any and all viruses that will take advantage of this weakness.

THERMOGRAPHY should be at the top of everyone’s list. But sadly, it is not simply because the money raked in from the conventional, toxic drug industry is too powerful. The healthy alternatives are totally ignored.

Thermography is years ahead of Mammography. Demand a better life, and healthier lifestyle. Your life depends upon the knowledge you gain 'outside' the highly advertised, mainstream messages that seek to keep you hostage.

…. And what does my makeup and skin care have to do with my health and the environment? EVERYTHING.

Beware of the following products:

Talc [Talcum Powder]
Parfum/Fragrances [more than 10,000 toxic chemicals may be present in this seemingly innocent ingredient].
Methyl and Propyl Paraben [and ALL Parabens]
Propylene Glycol [extremely toxic]
Sodium Laurel Sulfate [Causes hair loss, and damages skin cells]
FD&C Dyes [linked to cancer]
All Hair Dyes [both PPD and Ammonia cause liver and kidney damage along with many degenerative diseases].
Petrochemical ingredients like petroleum jelly, etc.
Chlorine [Lung and organ damage].
Fluoride [causes tooth decay, immune and brain damage, nervous system damage, lowers intelligence, and can be fatal].

Based on organic and natural living principles, Rose Marie Swift created a gorgeous make up line that is highly sought after. Her thoughtful ingredients and commitment to natural beauty in all women [and men] is irresistible.

Check out her web site, and find out for yourself how you can arm yourself with knowledge and be more beautiful than ever!

Chem Busters

August 31, 2010 at 11:38 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Build Green Save The Planet, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Chemical Trails, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Mysterious Lines in the Sky, Obama the liar and con man, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Save the Oceans!, Stop Genocide, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Chemicals being sprayed into our skies is a reality. No body in our big, fat, misguided Government is talking…. but they know that they are using billions of tax dollars from the American people to poison the very same [much needed] hard working people who make this country what it is.

How can you poison your own citizens? Is this even American?

…. And why?

Good questions. But there is a “black out” from the mass media, and the U.S. Military [who is controlling this, with the blessing of Congress].

What is really going on in Washington? We, the people, are not represented by anyone anymore …. not even the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are empowered to protect us from a rogue group of elected ‘officials’ we entrusted to do the right thing.

My interview with Dr. William Von Peters yesterday, Monday, August 30th, touched on these questions. My show tries, week by week, to bring to the light of day the pressing, urgent issues that are affecting our lives, freedom, health, future.

Please visit Dr. Von Peters’ web site for more information on “Chem Trails” and what you should be doing right now to protect your health.

Dr. Von Peters created a remarkable formula that you can use to help detox your body from the “brain fog” and fungal infections that are the direct result of the deliberate insult being inflicted upon your body.

I use “Chem Busters” twice to three times a day. A dropper under or on the tongue will help.

Everyone, EVERYONE [including our pets] must be doing herbal and ozone detoxes regularly! Choose organic food, make some Smoothies with a “Vita Mix” [fabulous appliance everyone should have] and give your body healthy daily doses of organic [unadulterated] vitamins and minerals.

Farm soil has been demineralized from the foolish use of chemical fertilizers, and today we see more autoimmune issues and even children born with mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

Let’s take back our world from the chemical-industrial, military, overgrown Government cronies who have no business running a country that was founded on freedom.

Our national heritage deserves our immediate action, as citizens and taxpayers who keep this country afloat, to take control of our future.

Break through the brain fog and fight back. Our lives depend upon it. Detox. Take Chem Busters. Drink powdered greens. Research. Be your own advocate. Find trusted natural, truthful healers. Write your local and state elected officials. Be a voice.

Government Needs to Walk Their Talk For The Environment

August 15, 2010 at 8:55 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Best Practices in Business, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environmental Stewardship, Obama the liar and con man, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Permaculture, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Stop Genocide, Sustainable Business Economics, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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My interview with Environmentalist and Author, Anthony Marr, took place on August 2nd, 2010 on my radio show, “Conscious Lifestyles.” My show is broadcast live every week from WGCH Radio.

Sorry so late to blog about this, but our beloved Siamese Cat, “Mina”, was killed by Anesthesia [the week of my interview with Anthony] while at the Veterinary Clinic for a dental procedure. These past two weeks have been heartbreaking, and surreal.

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” — Galileo

Anthony explained that all governments, worldwide, need to immediately enact public policy to save our world. It is not enough for the consumer to be buying “Green” consumer items such as hybrid cars, organic home cleaning materials, retrofitting our homes to be energy efficient, etc…..

What the world really needs now is for all elected officials to get it together, stop being corrupted by monetary bribes that get them nowhere in the long run… and to enact immediate, swift ecological policies that will save our world from the oncoming famine, environmental destruction, haphazard weather from Global warming, and other environmental disasters.

Yes, I know. It seems like we might have time to wait until “2020” or some far off time to finally get it together environmentally.

Anthony says this matter is URGENT and needs everybody’s attention right now. He predicts that in as little as two years we could see the ramifications of foolish government inaction and complacency.

We are given a lot of rhetoric from TV Pundits and anyone running for office [their favorite buzz topics are ‘education’ and ‘the elderly’ and now the ‘environment’…. but they do nothing once elected.]

Where are the cars that run on solar exclusively? Where are the alternative sources of energy for our homes? Where are the legal regulations that stop Genetically Modified “monster” crops? Where is policy the stop to the pollution flowing from our smoke stacks? Why no action from our over-paid and under-worked government bureaucrats, politicians, ‘think tanks’ and other government funded organizations?

Check out Anthony Marr at

Anthony Marr’s new book, “Homo Sapiens, Save Your Earth!” is a must read for anyone who needs to know what they can do to help save our planet! Anthony\'s new book here at

Anthony has been active in saving our wildlife, and has been one of the great voices in this world for protecting our natural habitats, and our important eco-system that depends on our wildlife being left alone and respected for their crucial role in the yin-yang of nature’s survival.

Take time to read Anthony’s blog. He is amazing, and if every person reading this blog [and listening to my radio show that is currently broadcast live from WGCH Radio in Greenwich, CT] did just ONE thing to help every day… could we have a positive result? I believe we can.

Be inspired. Take Action.

Where Are The Bees?

July 31, 2010 at 5:52 PM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Healthy Cosmetics, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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My interview with Sally Leachko of Meadowlake Farm Honeybee Products on July 19th was my second with Sally this year on this most important topic.

We will face famine if we don’t stop the assault on our most precious food producers….

Where are the Bees? Who is killing them?

All fruits and vegetable plants are dependent upon bees for pollination to produce the food that both animals and humans need to survive.

My conversation with Sally Leachko revealed that after World War II, Bayer Pharmaceutical, Monsanto, BASF and other chemical warfare companies began to introduce large numbers of Organophosphates [“OP’s”], including “Parathion,” into the marketplace for insect control.

These dangerous chemicals are, in fact, treacherous warfare chemicals designed to kill the nervous system of humans, too.

Bayer’s Pesticide introduced within the last few years is one of the biggest culprits in the disappearance of our Bees. Watch out for anything labeled with “Clothianidin,” made by Bayer.

Bayer, of course, denies any culpability, but the evidence continues to point to this particular pesticide with the colony collapse of millions of Bees in the USA and all over the world.

There is no excuse for killing our planet!

There are healthy, even more effective alternatives to toxic chemicals…. and here are a few web sites to find the information you need to be part of the movement to take back our world [and its future] from chemical warfare companies:

Also visit:

Bayer is not alone in their chemical warfare crimes. There are a handful of dirty players in this highly profitable and reckless industry.

Keep in mind, however, that during World War I, Bayer was involved in the development and manufacture of many poisonous gasses [in fact, the most lethal known to mankind] that were used in the trenches, including Chlorine gas and Mustard gas.

Bayer was and is a subsidiary of AG Farben [or aka, IG Farben]. AG Farben owned Auschwitz, and is the largest chemical warfare manufacturer in this world.

Do you think, for one minute, that they care about your health? Your family? Your well being? Your water supply? Your food supply? Your heartbeat? Your future?

The Nazi Regime from WW II never disappeared as the chemical warfare propaganda wants so desperately for the general population to be lulled into believing; instead, terrifyingly, they simply changed faces and morphed themselves into pharmaceutical [almost benevolent] organizations with Nazi killers at the helm… but invisible to the naked eye of the public.

AG Farben and Bayer Pharmaceuticals were also involved in the development of the next toxic generation of chemical warfare agents, known as “Lawn and Garden” pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers… the technical name for chemists is “Organophosphate Compounds.” They are highly toxic, and are currently sprayed at an alarming rate onto commercially grown [large Agri-business] crops AND sold to the innocent consumer for home use.

Scared yet? You should be. The companies behind the mass murder during warfare are the very same Sociopaths behind the mass extinction of our precious pollinators and of our entire eco-system.

Do you think they give a damn?

“Neo-Nicotinoid” pesticide is also killing our beloved family pets. These terrible insecticides are put into the very lethal serums given to our animal companions for the ‘control’ of Fleas and Ticks.

DON’T BUY IT. There are natural, more healthy alternatives to toxic pesticides. Most good pet stores sell “DeFlea” and other non-toxic and HERBAL cleansers. Don’t allow any misguided, ignorant commercial ad or Veterinarian to force toxic, chemical pesticides upon our pets. I have a cat who was seriously injured, and my neighbor had a dog who was killed by these very insecticides.

My Notable Quotable for this show:

“The future of our fragile, beautiful planet home is in our hands. As God’s family, we are stewards of God’s creation. We can be wantonly irresponsible, or we can be caring and compassionate. God says, ‘I have set before you life and death…. choose life.’ [Deuteronomy 30:19]
— Desmond Tutu, Foreward, “The Green Bible.”

The time is now to DEMAND from our elected officials that Organic farming practices be supported by our tax dollars AND NOT LARGE CHEMICAL COMPANIES!

Can you believe that Organic is more expensive to buy only because the toxic, chemical laden “conventional” labeled fruits and veggies are subsidized generously by our hard earned tax dollars? This is totally horrifying.


Fruits and Veggies that you should ONLY buy Organic:

Green Beans
Sweet Bell Peppers

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder is manmade. Demand the immediate discontinuance of Neo-Nicotinoid pesticides.

Check out Meadowlake Farms, their wonderful website, and their stellar handmade Bee products that I personally use and love…

“One…. with courage makes a majority.” — Andrew Jackson

Beauty, Brains, Philanthropic, Inspired… Eco-Consciousness is hip.

June 17, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Posted in Animal Communication, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Ayurvedic Natural Skin Care, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Build Green Save The Planet, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Mineral Makeup, Love, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Save the Oceans!, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Wild Mustangs | 1 Comment
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If most Celebrities care about the environment, animals, holistic health, Organic food, being conscious consumers…. shouldn’t everyone?

Anthony Kideis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers-- A champion for the environment, animals, organic/vegan lifestyles.

Aren’t we all stewards of God’s gift of this earth that sustains all life? Don’t we all have a responsibility to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions and rally for ecologically responsible governance, companies, products, and services?

Nicole Sherwin, the eco-gorgeous, “Green Guru,” is the founder of Nicole Sherwin Events, domiciled in LA, California.

Nicole does the job of sifting through all of the “green washing” that is out there and brings the many honorable, truthfully “Green” companies and products to her hip, Eco-Zen “Green Lounge” experiences that showcase valuable information and products, organic food and alcohol, along with eco-furniture, eco-travel…. everything.

Nicole’s new site will be launching at the end of June to bring these products and fun facts to all consumers who want to “Go Green” but need a little help in deciphering what is real, and what is– well, totally fake information that is called ‘green washing.’ You can check out later this month…

“Some people shy away from responsibility because it brings with it accountability. So let me ask you this, is it more empowering to be accountable for your own actions and attitudes, or to make somebody else responsible?

You see, when we give away accountability we create a state of helplessness.

So I encourage you, liberate yourself—- accept responsibility.”
— Jonathan Wells, Founder, “Advanced Life Skills.”

Countless Celebrities have become Eco-Warriors! Now it’s time for everyone to join this cause for life….

Nicole and I agree that beauty starts on the inside with your heart, soul, spirit, life, thoughts, actions, food choices, what you put into your body both mentally and physically, and with contributions to life.

Be amazed at how beautiful you are when you give back to society, take care of your body organically, holistically, and methodically. A clear mind and a clear body bring a beautiful, thoughtful, graceful, grateful, productive, and successful life.

“The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land.”
— Leviticus 25: 23-24

Create Your Health! [Literally]

June 13, 2010 at 1:16 PM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Healthy Cosmetics, Love, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Peter Bedard of the online educational resource, “Create Your Health” has quite a story behind his vast array of knowledge when it comes to taking control of your health NATURALLY.

His own trials and tribulations with his health in the past [much like what like so many great holistic educators have experienced in their lives] has brought Peter to the forefront of being a voice of Alternative, Holistic, TRUTHFUL healthcare.

My show with Peter as my guest broadcast live on June 7th on “Conscious Lifestyles” Radio Show on WGCH. You can check it out on Lifestyles Archives

Check out Peter Bedard at

Saving your life ALSO means making sustainable, eco-conscious choices for the environment, too. The air you breathe, the water you drink, the paints you choose for your home, the food you eat, the cosmetics you put onto your body, the vitamins and minerals you choose…. they ALL play an integral part in YOUR HEALTH.

* Prolo Therapy
* Somatic Therapy
* Ozone
* Household Cleaners… use Vinegar and Water or [cheap] Vodka and Water and Baking Soda for tough stains! There are also great Eco-Friendly companies like, “Seventh Generation” that make good-for-the-planet products…
* Flower Essences
* Equine Assisted Learning
* Feng Shui
* Transformational Breathing
* Yuen Energetics

— and these are just a few of the holistic healing modalities that Peter Bedard has brought to your fingertips when you visit his web site

“Buddhist philosophy and even some quantum theory tells us that our thoughts directly affect the world we live in. Life is too precious to wait for all the things we want…. So, my advice is to live life NOW, and to expect each and every moment to be the miracle it is.”—- Peter Bedard

Thank you, Peter. May your mission to help others be a blessing to this world. God Bless.

P.S. Send an email, letter, or postcard to your elected representative demanding an END to large factory farming, pesticide use, and to request TAXPAYER SUPPORT for Organic, small, LOCAL farms! Let’s stop supporting the large, Agri-businesses that are wrecking havoc on the environment and killing us with pesticides and animal cruelty…. believe it or not, our tax dollars, by the millions, are supporting this because of misguided local and national Politicians! TAKE ACTION. TOMORROW IS HERE.

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