Bees Dying And Our Girls and Boys Dying: All Man-Made Disasters

September 16, 2012 at 11:40 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Bees, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Consumer Choices, Drugs, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Ecologically Sustainable and Beautiful Landscapes, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Ethics in Business, fear, Gardasil Kills Girls, God-given Birthright, Government held accountable, Health, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Hormones, Industrial Revolution, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Local Farms, Organic, Permaculture, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Restore Honesty In Politics, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Natural Resources, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save Wildlife, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Genocide, Stop The Deforestation Now, Sustainable Agriculture, sustainable farms, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Vaccines | 2 Comments

Where are our pollinating bees going? What is causing the die-offs?

The answer is simple and the resolution should be just as simple, but the Politics that encumber the resolutions to being enacted are unbelievably complex.

On Conscious Lifestyles on September 15, 2012, my first Guest for the day was Bee Keeper and Educator Raymond DuBois.

He told my audience about the necessity of Integrated Crop Management and how maintaining a respectful balance of the indigenous environment will bring higher, more healthy yields of food crops…. and protect the NATIVE Bees to the geographical area.

However, this is the OPPOSITE of what our American Taxes are supporting! The Bee die-offs are a result of a poor understanding of how to properly produce food without Chemical Pesticides, Chemical/petroleum based Fertilizers, and the horrendous “clear cutting” and bulldozing of the natural, indigenous environment of the agribusiness practice of “Mono Crop” production.

This practice of removing and thereby destroying the entire environment to have thousands of acres of ONE crop [such as Corn, Soy, etc.] is destroying the native Bee populations.

Add onto this diabolical practice the usage of pesticides and fertilizers that KILL our natural Bees and other pollinators, and you have massive die-offs and a critical tipping point in our Environment that is now threatening food crops and our future.

Why would the EPA ignore this obvious raping of our Eco-system? Are they NOT “The ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY?” The obvious question is Why they are not living up to the title of their very own name. Politics, pay-offs, and Lobbying by large Agribusinesses and Chemical Fertilizer/Chemical Warfare companies is a huge percentage of the answer.

This is certainly no time to be a passive tax payer. Apathy is something that the very Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides CAUSE in the human brain, by the way! These very dangerous Chemicals kill brain cells, and cause immune dysfunction and endocrine/hormone harm.

The urgent need for the Consumer to take back the quality of food cannot be over-emphasized.

Write, email, call and be a voice to your local, elected Politicians to outright DEMAND that our taxes be funneled into Organic, Sustainable, Integrated Crop Production that respects both the Environment and our much-needed Pollinators!

Without our Bees, we have no future. No kidding here. It really is time for Action.

Check out Raymond DuBois’s Web Site

Support your LOCAL, Organic, SMALL and Humane Farms. You can internet search for your local Community Supported Agriculture organizations. There are many that will deliver to your town, and even to your front door weekly! Stop supporting ALL large-scale food manufacturers and put your efforts into healing your body with natural, sustainably grown and harvested food. Food can be your medicine, and it is the only thing that can truly heal your body.

The second half of my show broadcast on Saturday, September 15th explored more detail on the horrifying topic of Vaccines in general, but the “Gardasil” vaccine that is now marketed for BOTH girls and boys ages 9-26.

The carnage this toxic vaccine has left behind is nothing short of Genocide of our next generation. The over-vaccinating of our children with extremely toxic [never proven “safe”] witches brew of Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Mercury, unknown live viruses, other dangerous adjuvants like Squalane…. is it any wonder we have ADHD, Autism, Learning disabilities and behavior issues of ALL kinds, and an array of Autoimmune dis-eases?

I highly suggest that all of my blog readers and radio audience around the world take the steps to educate themselves, and ultimately ARM themselves against the falsified, fraudulent messages that are both subliminally and overtly sent to the Consumer daily.

The buzz of FEAR tactics that are expertly utilized to gain a firm CONTROL over your behavior that makes you a PASSIVE Consumer [sucker] for these wretched vaccines is part of the Propaganda that is part of the big-Pharmaceutical/Government collusion to keep you sick, and in need of more drugs, therapy, other toxic treatments, etc.

Check out Leslie Carol Botha’s website at and learn, each day, something new about your body, and how intricately balanced it is and certainly deserves to be treated with natural, healing respect.

Killing Us Softly…. Chemical Fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides Are Killers Of People, Too.

May 20, 2012 at 10:26 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Bees, Best Practices in Business, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Ecologically Sustainable and Beautiful Landscapes, Energy Wise Landscape Design, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Insecticides, Longevity, Natural Beauty, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Permaculture, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Sustainable Agriculture, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Toxic Water | 3 Comments
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My Radio Show that broadcast on Saturday, May 12th, was a lively interview with Landscape Architect Peter Alexander.

Americans have been lied to. With every misleading TV advertisement that encourages the unsuspecting Consumer to apply chemical fertilizers and chemicals onto their lawn, gardens… and then having them ultimately wind up in your drinking water and the air you breathe…. poisoning both you and your pets [and all life on Earth]… the scope of the damage this has to the immune and nervous system to every living being on Earth is beyond what most of us can comprehend.

Your life literally depends upon how much you know, and how motivated you are to take action to save the circle of life that is crucial to your wellbeing.

There is nothing better and certainly nothing more healing than God’s Garden. I love sitting outside, eating Al Fresco, enjoying the butterflies visiting each flower and listening to the birds chirp and a rambling brook…. totally soothing to my senses and reminds me of this AWESOME gift of Life.

One of the world’s worst Pesticides that kills Aquatic life, poisons people, kills our pollinating Bees, causes birth defects and other horrible dis-eases… is produced by possibly the most evil conglomerate on Earth: Monsanto.

Why and How this company has been able to undermine every nook and cranny of the EPA, USDA, Congress, and even local municipalities is inexcusable. Their toxic Genetically Modified Organisms [GMO’s], pesticides, herbicides, dangerous brands like “Round Up” and other killers are nothing short of Satanic. They kill and destroy.

Nothing is more concerning for the future of our Environment than these chemical weapons of mass destruction that have been re-packaged into Consumer and Agricultural products.


How to have a Natural Garden: Use Compost; make your own Compost with kitchen scraps; hire a Natural Gardener that uses Organic Gardening Techniques; add your firewood ash to compost and spread onto garden, lawn, etc…. and make sure you include your coffee grinds, too!

Borax is a natural way to rid your property and home of pests. Also, if you have Carpenter Ants, use Borax mixed with Southern ‘Grits’ that they tend to like to eat, but will die once it expands when they eat it.

Mice and other Vermin hate the smell of Peppermint. Get a spray bottle, add some cheap Vodka, water and the Essential Oil of Peppermint. Spray around perimeter of home and even use inside your home as a natural cleaning spray! You will love it.

Diatomaceous Earth is a great way to keep pests away but is safe for pets and people and also for good insects like Bees, Butterflies, and mammals like Birds and Squirrels.

You can have a beautiful, no maintenance landscape if you think full-circle and insist upon indigenous plants, trees, grasses, flowers that will require very little maintenance and have a natural immunity to any pestilence as they have had millions of years to evolve, unlike “imported” or non-regional plant species.

If you love to Garden and are growing your own produce, you might be interested in the “Companion Planting” practice for natural pest control.

Here are some helpful suggestions:

Protect your Carrots by planting them with Leeks to repel both Carrot and Onion Flies.

Plant Radishes and Kohlrabi with Lettuce to repel Earth Flies that don’t like the smell of Lettuce.

God Aphids? Plant Nasturiums around Broccoli and bunches of Chives among Sunflowers and tomatoes to discourage infestations.

Ladybugs= God’s gift to Gardeners! A natural enemy to Aphids.

Asparagus and Tomatoes complement one another. Place one row of Asparagus between 2 rows of tomato plants.

Daffodils repel mice.

Plant Yarrow as a Boarder for an herb garden as it encourages the growth of essential oils in herbs.

Onions repel Rabbits and can be inter-planted with Peas, Beans, Lettuce and Cabbage.

Cool. You can have the most healthy life and bring to life all of the many beneficial insects, mammals and herbs around you NATURALLY.

Helpful Websites: Planet Natural
Wondercide Naturals

Autumn leaves are like pure Gold for your Garden and entire landscape! Why on earth some Municipalities pay big money to have them shipped out of town is ludicrous.

These leaves nourish the tree’s roots in the Winter and also act as a magnificent mulch for your garden, vegetables, and lawn as it greatly enriches the minerals within the soil.

So, if you are in a part of the world where the gorgeous Autumn leaves fall, DO NOT allow a polluting “leaf blower” to blow them into plastic bags and away from your landscape!

Instead, you can lay them out on the lawn and mow over them, and combine them with Organic compost and nourish your shrubs, trees, gardens, lawn… every aspect of the perfect circle that God gave to us is a true bounty of life.

OR, if you wish, let the leaves fall under the tree and leave it be. Your tree will be stronger throughout the Winter storms as it is literally fed at its roots with the incredible Autumn leaves it blessed you with.

So exciting to be supernatural!

April 28th, 2012 and May 5, 2012 Shows: Illegal Wild Horse [Mustang] and Burro Round-ups.. The Organic Consumers Association.. Herbalist Susun Weed

May 6, 2012 at 2:18 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Animal Companions, Animal Redemption & Environment, Be an Advocate for our Animals, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Command Performance, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Station Broadcasts, Consumer Choices, Do Something, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Government held accountable, Health, Holistic Healing, Industrial Revolution, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Organic Health, Permaculture, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save U.S. Wild Mustangs and Burros, Save Wildlife, Say Something, Self Respect Reflects In Respect For Our Wildlife, Small Government, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Toxic Water, Uncategorized, Voices of Reason For Wild Horses, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups, Wild Horses, Wild Mustangs, Wise and Amazing Women, Women as Healers Naturally | 3 Comments

My interview with Attorney Bruce Wagman broadcast on April 28th, 2012 and again on May 5th, 2012 after many outraged listeners asked for a SECOND broadcasting of this important show.

Here are just a few organizations to check out immediately [if you care about tax dollar waste/abuse/reckless laundering]:

Journey’s End Ranch Animal Sanctuary:One Great Rescue Organization With Accurate Information For The Taxpayer
The Cloud Foundation: Support Our Wild Horses And RESTORE OUR NATIONAL HERITAGE ON TAXPAYER LAND!
Wild Horse Freedom Federation: Another Great Organization
Front Range Equine Rescue: Save Our Horses and LEARN About the COVERT abuse of YOUR TAX DOLLARS!

The Bureau of Land Management [BLM], under the direction of a bloodthirsty and corrupted Cattle Rancher named “Bob Abbey” has revved up its taxpayer wasting programs to illegally round-up and kill our beautiful American Wild Horses and Burros.

This abomination and abuse of perceived power on their part is one of the most wretched “programs” that overtly wastes hard-earned taxpayer money.

These round-ups are illegal and were declared illegal by an act of Congress in 1971. What the heck is going on?

Well, when you appoint people like Ken Salazar, another oil/cattleman, to high places like The Secretary of The Department of Interior… You get more bad people like Bob Abbey and his dubious third-party “contractors” who have long histories of abuse on their public record… Add all of these elements together with an incompetent President who thinks nothing of throwing money at bad “programs” regardless of its disastrous consequences… and you have the recipe for Fraud and OVERT abuse.

My conversation with Attorney Bruce Wagman, Partner with Schiff Hardin in San Francisco, struck a chord with me and with thousands of people who heard the broadcast.

Many people are aware of Obama’s abuse of our tax dollars, ridiculous big-government programs, and Czar-appointed behavior, but they had NO IDEA that Obama was THIS BAD!

A joke, a song, a two-step, a scheme, a pretentious act of Diplomacy does not cover nor conceal the truth of the actual behavior and choices any person makes.

The same is applied to Mr. Obama and his list of unqualified, corrupted Appointees to a failed Cabinet with people like Ken Salazar left to literally kill and destroy without one iota of concern for the public outrage at the destruction and bloody trail of horrifying slaughter and egregious waste.

Look at the graphic photos in this website on the truth behind the covert horse slaughter of our beloved horses:
Just Say Whoa!
Photographs of Horse Slaughter And How To Be A Voice To Stop The Betrayal

Prior to Obama duping me and so many others in the 2008 election, he told reporters that he would put an end to horse round-ups and commented on his disapproval of anything so inhumane. Oh, really, Mr. Obama? And now what is your rhetoric with Ken Salazar running loose in your Cabinet?

Let your voice be heard. Email, Call, Write, Join Horse and Burro Advocacy Groups and empower yourself and our future.

My next conversation in this radio show was with Attorney Alexis Baden-Mayer of The Organic Consumers Association.

They have a wonderful Newsletter that I love, and their website alone is both informative and motivating:

Alexis told us about the dangers of Pesticides in our food, and now the incredibly frightening dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms.

Once again, Cabinet Appointee to The Department of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, an unimpressive supporter and former employee of the big Agri-business industries– has sold out the American Taxpayer and given a big, fat free “PASS GO CARD” to DNA damaging and human cell killer companies like Monsanto and other big Agri-business, GMO monsters.

Sorry, I cannot suppress my disgust and horror of such abuse and deception at the Taxpayer and Consumer expense.

Why have our Organic, small Farmers who take pride in the quality of their products and care about the Earth, been harassed and threatened by the Big Agri-business companies with no help from the US Government?

Why are GMO’s not required to be labeled in Grocery Stores [at the VERY LEAST] and WHY on Earth are GMO’s even approved by the corrupted USDA [also under Tom Vilsack’s watch]?

This is dangerous to the health of the planet, to all living beings, and certainly to the future of our food quality and Nutrition.

Remember, you CANNOT be healthy without healing foods. This is impossible.

It is disturbing to see the Propaganda of misrepresentation and outright lies today with Michelle Obama planting an Organic Garden in the lawn of the White House, as though this is going to smooth over the betrayal of our food supply to the millions of unsuspecting people who buy their groceries that are NOT rightfully, truthfully labeled as “Toxic” “Pesticide/Agent Orange Dangerous” or “GMO Frankenstein Food.”

See the irony? See the double-talk? See the Propaganda? See the spin-doctoring?

Don’t be fooled.

We are the people who have to stand up for REAL FOOD and stop this Frankenstein-food disaster from unfolding beyond the wretched damage it has already done.

Small Farmers are being relentlessly pursued, SUED, harassed, and forced to close-up their Farms as a result of the Genetically Modified seeds blowing in the wind and contaminating their Organic crops.

How crazy is this? The US Government does NOTHING to support or protect our Organic, Local Farmers and THEIR RIGHTS but they give taxpayer money, bailouts, and corporate welfare to these dangerous, environment destroying, monolithic, reckless, aggressive, arrogant, chemicalized, life-destroying companies?

What is Mr. Obama thinking? Why is someone so corrupt as Tom Vilsack and every knucklehead he oversees and hires at the USDA given a reign of terror over the American consumer, farmer, body of water, and all life?

The time is now to fight back. Regardless of your personal Political viewpoint, you cannot ignore these facts. They are surprising and truly shocking, but you need to know about them to do something to save your own life, the future of your heritage, the future of all food sources.

See The Documentary "The World Accounting to Monsanto" now.

My Guest on May 5th, 2012, Susun Weed, gave us a lot to consider when we walk by our neighborhood pond, and even in our own yards and Gardens.

Susun was interviewed after a second broadcasting of the interview with Attorney Bruce Wagman, an Advocate for our Wild Horses and Burros.

You can find Susun Weed on her website

Wild Herb Hypericum, one of many healing herbs growing wild.

I have one of Susun’s five books: “Healing Wise”, and I use it as a reference manual to learn more about the herbs growing around me and how to utilize them for healing.

It’s fun to recognize something you used to think was a weed, including the Dandelion! The Dandelion is a very powerful kidney and liver healer. I buy this herb in the dried ORGANIC/Wild cultivated form, along with Milk Thistle, and I take it every day.

My interview with Susun and all of my Guests is available on Podcast on this blog.



Hemp is Hip

May 28, 2011 at 12:41 PM | Posted in Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Organic, Permaculture, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

“Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.” — Thomas Jefferson

My Guest today on the show was Arlene Nilsson, the CEO and Founder of eco-friendly “The Hemptress” handbags.

Hemp is hip. It can be used to make wall board, entire buildings/homes, floors, medicine, clothes, handbags/suitcases, utensils, plastic, food, cars [Henry Ford made one over 100 years ago], and a myriad of other consumer products.

Hemp is non-toxic, takes up very little space, and grows fast. It can grow over 10 feet in a few months, and is a wonder plant that has been lambasted by some very worried, threatened AND corrupted industries that want to squelch any competition right out of the marketplace. Industries such as the Cotton Growers, Corn, Petroleum, Timber/Lumber, Tobacco, Mining, and the Chemical industries are behind the absence of Hemp from our Economy.

This one agricultural product can produce Ethanol for fuel, and it can provide millions of jobs to Americans…. so why on Earth are we denied this amazing plant from being grown in America?

Who in Congress or any elected person in an official position can argue keeping this Economic savior out of American industry?

Currently, we are importing from China, Pakistan, Canada and other countries for our Hemp products. This is money that is leaving the American Economy and going right into the pockets of our Foreign [and even dangerous] competitors. China is no real friend of the United States… but they have outsmarted the American mindless Government and overcome the U.S. in just a few short years economically and productivity wise.

Wow. Unthinkable stupidity on the part of our elected officials who have been bribed, and have taken the rest of America down a path of ignorance that can and will cost us our very freedom.

This IS a plant that can restore our national strength, but because of a handful of Lobby groups paid for by the industries that remain threatened by the powers of Hemp…. we, as American Taxpayers, are burdened both Economically and on an innovative level.

Hemp grows fast, and almost everywhere. It requires very little water, and NO pesticides to grow rapidly. The added bonus to Hemp is that it is adaptable to many different climates, and does well in cold weather. Canada is growing Hemp, and loving the profits. Why not replace our toxic, pesticide-laden corn and beet fields with Hemp?

Last year, and once again, Legislation to bring Hemp back to American soil to help our Economic freedom and produce jobs was shot down by the very powerful [and ill intentioned] groups mentioned above.

The Idaho Reporter Article on Hemp

“Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in an annual growth of the Hemp fields?” — Henry Ford

Arlene gave information that most of us don’t recall ever being written about in the History books in school. both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were HEMP Farmers! They were not Tobacco Farmers, as is erroneously taught in “His-Story” class.

Also, Arlene highlighted the fact that Betsy Ross made the first American flag from Hemp material, our very own Constitution was written on Hemp paper, and all Military clothing uniforms were made from Hemp until World War II…. any wonder why Hemp has disappeared from our choices as consumers?

I see World War II as a bigger tragedy than could ever be depicted in any book, war movie, or even documentary. It is impossible to show clearly the underhanded and often invisible ‘domino effect’ that the Nazi warfare machine has had on our lives and on all life on this Earth.

Nazi German technology was and remains the most sophisticated chemical and high technology in history. They were many decades ahead of their time, and the United States would have never caught up to this technology had they not literally bought it and brought it to America. So many covert operations took place that will never be totally uncovered but if you look beyond the ‘smoke and mirrors’ of the Propaganda, you see lasting affects of such political bargaining.

Plastics were invented in Nazi Germany, and so were many higher technology chemicals that are now under well-known corporate names like “Monsanto” and “Bayer” and several other companies who continue to burden our world with their dangerous pharmaceutical and lawn, garden, pesticide, and GMO operations.

Because of these powerful, well connected companies to Washington, Hemp has been marginalized as a “drug” or “Hippie Weed” so successfully because it keeps the dangerous PVC manufacturers, chemical makers, GMO pushers, and other Nazi-German spawned corporations inside the closed loop of big, lucrative, profitable, powerful business.

Be a voice for our freedom of choice and for our Economy [and future] and visit the web site

Squidoo Article: \"Hemp Potential Billion Dollar Industry.\"

The fighting, killing, and horrors in Iraq, Iran, The Sudan,The Congo and all over the world are about MINERAL and Petroleum resources!

If we had access to Hemp in America, this raping and pillaging of our natural resources might come to an end. Genocide for mineral resources needs to be brought into the consciousness of Americans.

The Sudan: Oil
Iraq/middle East: Oil, Minerals
The Congo: Cobalt, Minerals, Diamonds, Natural Resources [The Congo is has the richest reserve of Cobalt, which is used for high technology microchips for cell phones, computers, etc. People are dying every day for this mineral. Bayer Pharmaceutical is the primary beneficiary of this killing and warfare for this mineral.]

Track the greed.

Water… Everywhere. But Not A Drop To Drink?

March 20, 2011 at 3:52 PM | Posted in Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Government held accountable, Insecticides, Kindness to Animals, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Permaculture, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Save the Oceans!, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, Uncategorized, Water | Leave a comment

“You never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” — Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

The Saturday, March 19th “Conscious Lifestyles” show was a conversation with an ordinary citizen who is fed up and speaking out against polluted ground water, and with Lois Gibbs, the former Leader of Love Canal and Founder of the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice [CHEJ].

I also spoke with the CHEJ’s Science Director, Steve Lester, and the water contamination issue is much bigger than we all have been led to believe.

What is Strontium 90? Why is it in our water, in women’s breast milk, and in all mammalian milk?
Why are Chlorine, Fluoride, heavy metals [like Lead and Mercury], pesticides, herbicides, household paint and cleaning residues showing up in ALL water, both city water and private well water?

The fact that the responsibility for our drinking water is spread very thinly among several local, state, and federal agencies is part of the problem. Violations are going unreported, and it has come to light that way too many ‘good ole boy’ politicians are ignoring this wake-up call to our world.

Water is the lifeblood of all life. Without it, nothing can survive.

Strontium 90 is Radioactive waste water from Nuclear power plants. This is, unbelievably, legal. Ever wonder why most Nuclear plants are near a river, ocean, or a body of water? They dump their waste into our waterways. And this is supposed to be “clean” energy?

Sorry, but I don’t want Radioactive oceans, lakes, streams, and reservoirs.

The cattle and factory farm industries are also to blame. This toxic sludge is a gargantuan issue to the well being of our watersheds that no one in elected office appears to take notice of, or even bother to mention in the same breath when they proclaim ‘Earth Day’ and ‘Going Green’ to consumers/taxpayers/voters.

The cattle feedlots from the big, agri-business ‘factory farms’ are polluting clean water at an alarming rate. The nitrates that kill off the oxygen in the water are literally killing off the natural life that, for millions of years, kept our water clean for drinking, eating, growing food, and even taking a bath.

All water is inter-related all over the world. Our streams run into the oceans, and the wells and aquifers we rely on are taking in the toxic waste that runs, much like the veins in our bodies, all over the earth.

Additionally, oil leaks from pipelines are disastrous.

The oil and gas fracking that has ruined much of the western states’ drinking water, and they have not stopped there. They have now found political give-aways on the East Coast, and are more than happy to start fracking near Upstate New York’s biggest watersheds for NYC.

The additional water contaminants that are disease causing are from Agriculture chemicals sprayed on ‘conventionally grown’ food and the Genetically Modified Organisms that are Frankenstein-like chemical catastrophes made in laboratories and now patented and sold as “food.”

Consumer and farm use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and large power plant discharge called “thermal pollution” are the other big toxins that are finding their way into our drinking water, and consequently, poisoning us.

The States with the most violations for polluted drinking water in public schools:

#1. California
#2. Ohio
#3. Maine
#4. Connecticut
#5. Indiana

We are literally allowing both big and small [consumer] choices to poison our children, and destroy all life.

Electing honest politicians to take action on this most important issue is no small task. They all say the same things and make the same promises for the Environment, Education, etc., etc.

But now, more than ever, is the time to see behind the political masks and start to demand action for our clean water rights. Look at track records of any person running for office, see beyond the too-often empty promises. The time is now. That’s all we’ve got to get it right for our one home… the Earth.

Where to start with ‘Going Green’….

February 12, 2011 at 12:10 PM | Posted in Ayurvedic Natural Skin Care, Be A Natural Beauty, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Best Practices in Business, Celebrate This Life, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Government held accountable, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Makeup for a healthy body and planet, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Longevity, Love What You Do In This Life, Natural Beauty, Organic, Organic Health, Permaculture, Pet Nutrition, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save our Wild Lands, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Business Economics, sustainable farms, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | 4 Comments
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Listen to the show broadcast on 02.12.11 here
“Taking no chances means wasting your dreams” — Ellen Hopkins

Saturday, February 12th, 2011, I visited with Deb Marsden, the founder of Connecticut Farm Fresh Express and with Carollanne Crichton, the founder of Solavedi Ayurvedic Skin/Body Care and now Organic Perfumes….

So, where do you start in ‘Going Green’ and how do you actually begin a healing, holistic, and conscious lifestyle?

#1. You buy local.
Local, Sustainably produced Agriculture both stimulates the local economy and nourishes your body with more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in the produce than something that was picked before it was ripe and trucked/flown from a far away destination.

The added benefit to eating locally grown produce is that is was pollenated by local BEES! This strengthens your immune system for your particular climate, and enhances your body’s ability to live in tandem with the seasons.

Buying Organic, and Sustainable is KEY to building your immune system, making your brain function clearly [yes, food plays the biggest role in your emotions, memory, and ability to think] AND building a local economy that rewards small, local farmers for their ecologically friendly practices.

… It’s a win/win…. Let’s put our investments where the local, sustainable farmer is….

I love Connecticut Farm Fresh Express because I know, for certain, that I am getting clean, organic and sustainably produced food that is both local and small in production.

I say “NO” to the big, Agribusiness Factory Farms! They are bad for the environment as they dump more toxic waste into our waterways than all other industries combined and pollute our last remaining open spaces with their toxic pesticides and horrifyingly dangerous Genetically Modified Organisms [Monsanto is one of the worst of these companies and is, by far, the most evil company that you could research on your own. Unbelievable practices that are producing never-seen-before Frankenstein chemicals into our water, air, land, bodies.]
It is proven that Organic, Sustainable, and local produce contains more phytonutrients, antioxidants, and minerals. It is also economically better for families since buying DIRECT from the Farmer as Farmer’s Markets or via Community Sustainable Agriculture groups/Co-ops is more cost effective.

Connecticut Farm Fresh Express, LLC
Deb Marsden, Owner

If you live anywhere in Connecticut, you can order from Thursday through Tuesday morning [6AM] your sustainable groceries to be DELIVERED to your door by Thursday or Friday, depending on where you live.

Cool. I love it. It’s like Christmas every week for me, and I get the added “happy” benefit from eating lovingly produced food… YUM.

For my out-of-State listeners and worldwide listeners, you can google sustainable Farmer’s Markets and CSA’s/Co-ops to find an organization that gives their communities similar eco-friendly choices!

Let’s take back our world and use our economic power as consumers to send a very clear message to big-agribusinesses, factory farms, and elected Government Officials who have been bribed with campaign donations from the oil/gas, agribusiness, and cattle industries to “look the other way” at this environmental destruction, and lowered quality of life for everyone.
Factory Farms like this one pictured are nightmares for both the animals and the environment. These animals are forced to live out a miserable life stuffed into a cage with no way to turn around, exposed to abusive and virus-ridden, loud and nauseating conditions that cause them to become diseased… then they are force fed junk [like ARSENIC] to make them fatter quicker and shot with antibiotics and hormones…. this is a disease causing industry for PEOPLE, the environment [the waste is worse than any other on earth and destroys ground water], and the animals suffer unspeakably.

… Time to wake up? I believe it is time to force these factory farms to shut down.

Consumption of factory farmed flesh for humans is the PROXIMATE CAUSE of most auto-immune diseases today.

By the way, consumption of ‘meat’ [animal flesh] causes your body to become ACIDIC. Every bite…. your body turns acid. This is HOW your body gets weakened, sick, and creates fertile ground for bacteria, fungus, virus to grow.

If you decide to eat animal flesh, I urge you to purchase LOCAL, small farm, sustainable, free range, grass fed, humanely raised animals ONLY! …. And cut down your habits from daily to once a week, and then to once in a while…. your body will start to detox the acid more efficiently, and you will lose those extra pounds you’ve been needing to rid yourself of!

You need an ALKALINE body chemistry to be healthy. Green foods such as Chlorella, Wheat Grass, Dandelion, Arugula, Broccoli, Spinach…. and all GREEN VEGETABLES create the homeostasis that you need to maintain and bright mind, energy, strong immune system.

Also, try to eat at least 50% of your fruits and veggies RAW. Get a Vita-Mix [awesome] multi-speed blender. I prefer a super, well built blender that can make soups to ice cream [like the Vita-Mix] over a juicer. You get all of the good fiber and the WHOLE plant/fruit this way. Your skin will thank you!
What you put into your body counts, and what you put onto your body counts.

Want to be beautiful at every decade of your life? I do.

I love artisan companies like Solavedi Ayurvedic Skin and Body care because they are lovingly, mindfully, ecologically produced with ingredients that are directly from the earth…. God’s garden.

I believe Cleopatra and the world’s great beauties utilized God’s garden of amazing spices, herbs, vegetables, minerals and fruits to enjoy both vibrant good looks and energetic, magnetic health. After all, health IS beautiful!

Carollanne Crichton
Founder, Owner
Solavedi Ayurvedic massage and skin care medicinals

I believe small, organic companies are changing the taste of the consumer base for the better.

No longer do we want harmful chemicals slathered onto our bodies or factory-Frankenstein, processed anything— we want to the real, honest feeling of being at peace with the earth.

The feeling of getting back to our roots as living beings with emotions is something we have all experienced: either at the beach…. in the woods…. during a thunderstorm…. when it first snows…. the fresh air of Springtime… the warm sun on our skin…. It just feels good. You feel alive, free, balanced, happy.

You cannot reproduce this organic experience from a chemical-laden factory! Much to the chagrin of chemical, pharmaceutical, agri-businesses, and the oil/petroleum industries…. you just cannot synthesize the REAL, GOD MADE, Hand made goodness of this earth.

Ayurveda is the oldest form of medicinal healing we have on this earth. It is powerful, even miraculous in its healing properties to the body, mind, and the spirit.“Ayush”= Life “Veda”= Knowledge

Our lives on this earth, and the quality of life on this earth TODAY and the question of whether we will have any life on earth in the future depends on every person to make mindful, quality choices in their daily habits.

It is more expensive to get sick. Doctors don’t have the time to truly help you, and even more horrifying, they are never taught anything about Ayurvedic healing, homeopathy, NUTRITION, chemical dangers, Chinese meridiens/medicine, or herbs, vitamins, spices, food… they have no knowledge whatsoever and no training to organically, completely heal you naturally. It does not exist in their world. They are taught about pharmaceutical drugs and surgery. They are taught to treat the symptoms and NOT the whole body… it is totally crazy when you look at the mess of our system and how it got to be so inept [and corrupt]. And by the way, they are totally blinded into allegiance to some system that keeps them in business and the same system that controls all of the medical schools [the big pharmaceutical companies]. Thus, they have no clue when it comes to the damage that vaccines, factory chemicals, pollution in food and water, and bad, processed food does to children, adults, and our family companion animals. Unacceptable!

You need to be your own advocate and to help yourself, do the research, and command a better life into existence.


Green Building 101

October 19, 2010 at 3:21 PM | Posted in Be Careful With Contractors, Build Green Save The Planet, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, How To Remodel/Build Green and NOT Get Ripped Off!, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Permaculture, Sustainable Business Economics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Where do you start? You want to save the environment, you want to live like you actually care about the forests, the rivers, oceans, the air, and all living beings….

My show on October 18th was a lively and informative discussion on where to start first with any green project, and what NOT to do in any home related project.

1.) Do your own homework. The one reference book you cannot live without in any Green/Eco-friendly project is “The Green Spec Directory” from Check it out, and learn as much as you can as a consumer. The more you know, the more you will be empowered to be an active voice for your environment.

2.) Build smaller, more thoughtful spaces. You can have a beautiful, spacious feeling home that does not have to have a huge, monolithic footprint… and you can save the environment by choosing [insisting on] NO wood for the framing– which rapidly deforests our last remaining natural habitats– AND to insist on a plan that includes sustainable practices in water management, natural [indigenous] landscape plantings, LED lighting and HVAC systems and appliances that are efficient, ecologically healthier. Insist on Solar for your hot water and even as your primary source to power your entire home and energy needs. Why not? The technology is here. The tax incentives are FINALLY here, and now there is no excuse. Geothermal is a good choice, and was the only choice I had a few years ago for my home, but it is expensive to install. The up side is the efficient system and the radiant floor heat is divine.

3.) The challenge: To find QUALIFIED, experienced, LEED Certified professionals to make your dreams of a Green home come true. This is a big challenge that cannot be taken lightly. The top, progressive, forward thinking Contractors now have LEED certified professionals on staff, and will have previous projects to show you. Also, look for a LEED Certified Architect to start with. But don’t leave all the decisions up to anyone but yourself…. learning about green materials and practices is totally fun, and you can start to be an important partner in this project that YOU are the CEO over. Never hand over full control to anyone other than yourself.

4.) Visit other green home projects and families that have actually Green built. Talk to other people. Get the lay of the land on what to do, and what not to do… I could personally spend days on end talking on my radio show about the tricks that I endured from every scoundrel who told me that they wanted “to learn green building” but had no intention of honoring my ecologically sustainable wishes once they were on board. Be vigilant.

Solar Shingles

The oil and gas industry has managed to destroy our natural environment with no one to stop them for longer than most of us have been alive.

It is time to let our voices be heard in Washington that we are not going to tolerate big tax breaks for this heinous industry. The “back room deals” with our elected officials who have allowed themselves to be corrupted, and the exemptions from the “Clean Air and Clean Water” Acts for the oil and gas industry is totally wretched.

What is the point in having such skeleton laws that do little to protect our water and our air? ALL life is dependent upon these two things…. and the worst polluters on this planet are EXEMPT from them!

Sabine Schoenberg suggested that people who have not yet converted to Solar or Geothermal should start to use “Biofuels” that are now available for the oil/gas furnaces and boilers.

Sabine also warned about the much touted “CFL” light bulbs. She warned that NO ONE should be buying these because they contain MERCURY and are damaging to the environment. The Department of Environmental Protection needs to re-evaluate this lightbulb, and it should not even be manufactured any longer.

Instead, invest in LED light bulbs. They are expensive, but they last for more than 20 years!

I believe that everyone can take action in the small choices we make, too.

Buy only recycled paper products. There is no excuse here. There are “luxury” feeling paper products for your bath and your kitchen. No one should think it’s okay to deforest our last remaining virgin forests for their own convenience. How ignorant.

Like everything in life, there is a “high end” and a “lower end” to products that you can buy. The good quality recycled products are here. Demand them.

Your office paper, school paper…. all paper should be labeled “100% recycled” when you make a purchase.

You can now also easily get bio-degradable trash bags. Whole Foods sells them and so does Home Depot! The other retail grocers need to catch up on this concept. The plastic bags are ruining our planet. They are made from petroleum products and never degrade.

As always, thanks for reading my blog for Conscious Lifestyles.

It’s time. Take action.

Government Needs to Walk Their Talk For The Environment

August 15, 2010 at 8:55 AM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Best Practices in Business, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environmental Stewardship, Obama the liar and con man, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Permaculture, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Stop Genocide, Sustainable Business Economics, Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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My interview with Environmentalist and Author, Anthony Marr, took place on August 2nd, 2010 on my radio show, “Conscious Lifestyles.” My show is broadcast live every week from WGCH Radio.

Sorry so late to blog about this, but our beloved Siamese Cat, “Mina”, was killed by Anesthesia [the week of my interview with Anthony] while at the Veterinary Clinic for a dental procedure. These past two weeks have been heartbreaking, and surreal.

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” — Galileo

Anthony explained that all governments, worldwide, need to immediately enact public policy to save our world. It is not enough for the consumer to be buying “Green” consumer items such as hybrid cars, organic home cleaning materials, retrofitting our homes to be energy efficient, etc…..

What the world really needs now is for all elected officials to get it together, stop being corrupted by monetary bribes that get them nowhere in the long run… and to enact immediate, swift ecological policies that will save our world from the oncoming famine, environmental destruction, haphazard weather from Global warming, and other environmental disasters.

Yes, I know. It seems like we might have time to wait until “2020” or some far off time to finally get it together environmentally.

Anthony says this matter is URGENT and needs everybody’s attention right now. He predicts that in as little as two years we could see the ramifications of foolish government inaction and complacency.

We are given a lot of rhetoric from TV Pundits and anyone running for office [their favorite buzz topics are ‘education’ and ‘the elderly’ and now the ‘environment’…. but they do nothing once elected.]

Where are the cars that run on solar exclusively? Where are the alternative sources of energy for our homes? Where are the legal regulations that stop Genetically Modified “monster” crops? Where is policy the stop to the pollution flowing from our smoke stacks? Why no action from our over-paid and under-worked government bureaucrats, politicians, ‘think tanks’ and other government funded organizations?

Check out Anthony Marr at

Anthony Marr’s new book, “Homo Sapiens, Save Your Earth!” is a must read for anyone who needs to know what they can do to help save our planet! Anthony\'s new book here at

Anthony has been active in saving our wildlife, and has been one of the great voices in this world for protecting our natural habitats, and our important eco-system that depends on our wildlife being left alone and respected for their crucial role in the yin-yang of nature’s survival.

Take time to read Anthony’s blog. He is amazing, and if every person reading this blog [and listening to my radio show that is currently broadcast live from WGCH Radio in Greenwich, CT] did just ONE thing to help every day… could we have a positive result? I believe we can.

Be inspired. Take Action.

Where Are The Bees?

July 31, 2010 at 5:52 PM | Posted in Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Healthy Cosmetics, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Save our Bees and Save our Planet, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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My interview with Sally Leachko of Meadowlake Farm Honeybee Products on July 19th was my second with Sally this year on this most important topic.

We will face famine if we don’t stop the assault on our most precious food producers….

Where are the Bees? Who is killing them?

All fruits and vegetable plants are dependent upon bees for pollination to produce the food that both animals and humans need to survive.

My conversation with Sally Leachko revealed that after World War II, Bayer Pharmaceutical, Monsanto, BASF and other chemical warfare companies began to introduce large numbers of Organophosphates [“OP’s”], including “Parathion,” into the marketplace for insect control.

These dangerous chemicals are, in fact, treacherous warfare chemicals designed to kill the nervous system of humans, too.

Bayer’s Pesticide introduced within the last few years is one of the biggest culprits in the disappearance of our Bees. Watch out for anything labeled with “Clothianidin,” made by Bayer.

Bayer, of course, denies any culpability, but the evidence continues to point to this particular pesticide with the colony collapse of millions of Bees in the USA and all over the world.

There is no excuse for killing our planet!

There are healthy, even more effective alternatives to toxic chemicals…. and here are a few web sites to find the information you need to be part of the movement to take back our world [and its future] from chemical warfare companies:

Also visit:

Bayer is not alone in their chemical warfare crimes. There are a handful of dirty players in this highly profitable and reckless industry.

Keep in mind, however, that during World War I, Bayer was involved in the development and manufacture of many poisonous gasses [in fact, the most lethal known to mankind] that were used in the trenches, including Chlorine gas and Mustard gas.

Bayer was and is a subsidiary of AG Farben [or aka, IG Farben]. AG Farben owned Auschwitz, and is the largest chemical warfare manufacturer in this world.

Do you think, for one minute, that they care about your health? Your family? Your well being? Your water supply? Your food supply? Your heartbeat? Your future?

The Nazi Regime from WW II never disappeared as the chemical warfare propaganda wants so desperately for the general population to be lulled into believing; instead, terrifyingly, they simply changed faces and morphed themselves into pharmaceutical [almost benevolent] organizations with Nazi killers at the helm… but invisible to the naked eye of the public.

AG Farben and Bayer Pharmaceuticals were also involved in the development of the next toxic generation of chemical warfare agents, known as “Lawn and Garden” pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers… the technical name for chemists is “Organophosphate Compounds.” They are highly toxic, and are currently sprayed at an alarming rate onto commercially grown [large Agri-business] crops AND sold to the innocent consumer for home use.

Scared yet? You should be. The companies behind the mass murder during warfare are the very same Sociopaths behind the mass extinction of our precious pollinators and of our entire eco-system.

Do you think they give a damn?

“Neo-Nicotinoid” pesticide is also killing our beloved family pets. These terrible insecticides are put into the very lethal serums given to our animal companions for the ‘control’ of Fleas and Ticks.

DON’T BUY IT. There are natural, more healthy alternatives to toxic pesticides. Most good pet stores sell “DeFlea” and other non-toxic and HERBAL cleansers. Don’t allow any misguided, ignorant commercial ad or Veterinarian to force toxic, chemical pesticides upon our pets. I have a cat who was seriously injured, and my neighbor had a dog who was killed by these very insecticides.

My Notable Quotable for this show:

“The future of our fragile, beautiful planet home is in our hands. As God’s family, we are stewards of God’s creation. We can be wantonly irresponsible, or we can be caring and compassionate. God says, ‘I have set before you life and death…. choose life.’ [Deuteronomy 30:19]
— Desmond Tutu, Foreward, “The Green Bible.”

The time is now to DEMAND from our elected officials that Organic farming practices be supported by our tax dollars AND NOT LARGE CHEMICAL COMPANIES!

Can you believe that Organic is more expensive to buy only because the toxic, chemical laden “conventional” labeled fruits and veggies are subsidized generously by our hard earned tax dollars? This is totally horrifying.


Fruits and Veggies that you should ONLY buy Organic:

Green Beans
Sweet Bell Peppers

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder is manmade. Demand the immediate discontinuance of Neo-Nicotinoid pesticides.

Check out Meadowlake Farms, their wonderful website, and their stellar handmade Bee products that I personally use and love…

“One…. with courage makes a majority.” — Andrew Jackson

Your body [and face] is a Temple….

July 14, 2010 at 1:57 PM | Posted in Ayurvedic Natural Skin Care, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Healthy Cosmetics, Love, Organic, Organic Health, Permaculture, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” — Jim Rohn

Beauty attained naturally is magnetic, glowing, and something chemical concoctions cannot touch.

My interview with Carrollanne Chrichton, the founder and owner of Solavedi Skin Care Company reveals how hand-made, lovingly made, organic and herbal skin care has been one of the secrets to the world’s most beautiful women [and men, too!].

Illustrious beauties like Cleopatra utilized these ancient healing and beautifying herbal remedies… Solavedi brings to you such ancient wisdom in their formulations that bring healing, lasting beauty, and exquisiteness to your life.

Visit Carrollanne’s website at and you will be delighted to find such gorgeously made products for your face and body that will bring results at a reasonable cost. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on products that are primarily made of advertising budgets and expensive jars and packaging…. all you need is naturally made and eco-healthy life care products that make you feel good both inside and out.

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