When Skin Care Products Can Hurt You

December 23, 2014 at 3:01 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be A Natural Beauty, Be a voice for natural healing techniques and cosmetics, Best Practices in Business, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Makeup for a healthy body and planet, Natural Beauty, Natural Beauty and Healing Lifestyles, Think | 4 Comments
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Facial Massage for Indian Bride It seems no matter how careful you are, even when shopping at natural health stores or Whole Foods, the skin and hair care products that are marketed as “All Natural” and even “Organic” are filled with toxic, very dangerous ingredients that are known carcinogens. Here are several separate product names I was shocked to find have harmful ingredients covertly tucked into them [after using them myself thinking that they were safe and totally toxin free]:

1.) Juice Beauty- Uses a preservative called Sodium Benzoate that is highly, HIGHLY toxic once it enters the skin and into the blood stream. When combined with Vitamin C, it turns into Benzene, which is even more hazardous to your health. To boot, Sodium Benzoate CAUSES AGING of the skin!!!!! Even more problematic for Juice Beauty products is that they use Vitamin C fruit juices in their products, and when combined with Sodium Benzoate, it turns into the toxic soup of Benzene. This is not “Organic” nor remotely healthy for you and your skin. It is a travesty that the “Organic” label has been reduced to what it is today. When the USDA took over the so-called standards of the Organic labeling, they both corrupted its very meaning and bent over backwards for the chemical lobby to allow such toxic ingredients to be slipped into both food and body care products.

2.) Evan Healey- Very, very shocking and surprising here. I was a HUGE fan of all things Evan Healey! Even her packaging was recycled and eco-friendly and I just adored everything about this line of skin care. But, to my horror, as I quickly re-read the label on the packaging for her Tea Tree facial wash before re-purchasing her products at the Whole Body store within Whole Foods, I was absolutely horrified to discover “Sodium Benzoate” tucked into the ingredients. I could not believe it. I was stunned just thinking about how I would slather this product on my skin thinking I was using a superior, wonderful, and carefully made product. I am so angry I will actually write this once-pure ingredient company a letter, but I will never buy this product ever again after seeing something on the label that any honest, well-run, natural company would know better to not sneak into their product line.

3.) Dr. Hauschka- Where do I begin with this one? This is clearly now a mass produced and toxic product that I just don’t even bother with, and have not touched for many years now. Their makeup line is using Talcum in their eyeshadow products and powders. This is so toxic it has been linked to ovarian cancer and other serious immune damage. It should never be used in anything for either human or animal products, but it is so cheap [much cheaper than food-grade clays, for instance], that the ‘bottom line’ is what takes precedence for even these advertised ‘natural products.’ It is even more horrifying that baby powder has been sold for use on innocent babies whose immature immune system simply cannot handle such daily assaults that enter the blood stream. There are numerous toxic poisons that are legally used as fillers and preservatives in this makeup and skin care line that I think they should be banned from Whole Foods all together.

4.) Jason’s products- From their shampoo line to their skin care to their toothpaste. Uh, NO! Everything un-natural is in this highly advertised line of “Natural” products. Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Laurel Sulphate, Propylene Glycol, all the “parabens” like Methyl paraben, and the list goes on [including highly dangerous FLUORIDE in many of their toothpastes]. No way. I just don’t even touch the stuff. Again, WHY is this sold in Health Food Stores, Whole Foods, and even online “Natural” Retailers? They should just go ahead and take their place next to Colgate-Palmolive, Clorox, Proctor and Gamble, SC Johnson, Unilever, Kellogg’s, and the dirty-dozen list of toxic chemical companies that both damage the Earth by polluting our water and air with their poisons; test on terrified animals [horrifying undercover videos abound], and damage the immune systems of their unsuspecting customers….  None of this is acceptable, but strangely, it is all legal.

5.) Jane Iredale Cosmetics- Again, totally horrifying. They sneak in very skin-damaging and immune compromising ingredients like Dimethicone, which is a plasticizer. This is a terrible ingredient because it literally suffocates your skin, and your hair. It is used to give an instant smooth appearance, but it is a very harmful chemical. Dimethicone is put into their “Amazing Base” mineral makeup and other products like their liquid makeup, and it is something that explains why I used to have these painful break-outs on my skin that had never had any such problems in the past prior to using some mineral make-ups like this brand that freely put toxic chemicals and skin damaging products into their makeup. PVP- also snuck into their mascara. This is a Vinyl product that is highly carcinogenic and should never be put next to the delicate eye nor anywhere on the body. This is used in many commercial mascaras and hair care for its ability to create an even coating and keeps emulsions from separating. It is, once again, just fine by the FDA, USDA and other corrupted agencies to use in many foods like Beer, Wine, Vinegar, commercially produced juices and even on fruits.   skin_layers Our skin is hermetically sealed and has to filter out enough daily pollution as it is… please give it a break when choosing skincare, body care, household cleaning products and even food.

*Acure Products- Although these products have mostly but not entirely clean labels, they are promoting the WRONG people to find cures to the cancers, and other autoimmune dis-eases that are caused from chemicals in skin care, hair care, body care, toothpastes/mouth wash, household cleaning products, commercially produced food products, lawn products, animal-care products, baby products, paints, nail polish, carpets, etc. They claim to give money to “research” but the problem with this is that the very same people [chemical and pharmaceutical companies] that collect money for what is wrongfully termed “research” are also the ones responsible for the onslaught of dangerous chemicals that are brought to the marketplace every year and processed into consumer products. And by the way, the “research” labs and organizations have NO interest in finding a cure to anything. They would put themselves out of their lucrative, albeit disreputable business. The organizations that use the methods of the Nazi-invented Propaganda techniques to promote their contrived platform of “finding a cure” and other such empty promises are the very ones who are benefitting from the donations, marathons, women’s walks, and other fundraising that only lines the coffers of the most evil empire on this planet: The chemical/pharmaceutical industry.

Other toxic brands that masquerade as “Natural” are Burt’s Bees, Toms of Maine, Mrs. Meyer’s, and several other brands. They are owned by large, multi-national corporations that both pollute the Earth, use toxic chemicals, then test more toxic chemicals on terrified live animals [and then legally throw out and destroy any evidence that would prevent them from bringing a new chemical to market anyway]. I have just named a few bad apples here, but many more abound as the chemical corporations/skin care conglomerates vie for a larger share of the Natural, Organic lines of body care and food.

Don’t buy it. Read Labels. Understand the matrix behind the marketing propaganda techniques.

kid-lightbulb moment

Want some good companies to start your new, eco-conscious, healing lifestyle?

1.) Dr. Bronner’s- Excellent soaps. Pure, clean, and always in my house.

2.) Aubrey- Hair care that is the most pure you will find in a Whole Foods or Health Food Store. They also make pure skin care.

3.) Bragg’s- Wonderful Food products like Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil and Olive Oil that are both, by the way, excellent for your skin.

4.) Miracle Soap- Another excellent soap but must be bought online.

5.) Egyptian Magic- a pot of bee pollen, honey, and olive oil mixed together that when you cream in your palms, is amazing for fragile skin on face and elsewhere.

6.) DeVita makeup- pure, clean and a good line of makeup that makes beautiful products that can compete with the toxic brands in longevity, easy to use, etc.

7.) Aura Acacia Organic Oils- Jojoba, Sweet Almond and a few other beauty oils that are pure for your skin and gorgeous to use with a therapeutic grade Essential Oil.

8.) Alaffia- the only product from this line I recommend is the “Africa’s Secret” balm made with Shea butter, Coconut oil, Baobab Oil, African Honey, Neem Oil, Bee Pollen & Propolis.

9.) Honey Girl Organics- Excellent skin care from Hawaii. Simple and pure.

10.) Solar Recovery skin spray– An Essential Oils spray to soothe skin after a day in the sun. I like to use it as a “pick me up” spray and to lightly spray over makeup to set.

11.) Livpurely- just pure, organic Coconut Oil.

12.) Alteya Organics- Skin care and sprays that are pure. I love their sprays.

13.) Bee Magic- Great Balm for everyday or mixing with Essential Oils, Jojoba oil, etc.  for your own beautiful skin care.

14.) 1000 Likes Carrot Oil- I always have this on hand for mixing with with anything I desire for a more beautiful morning.

There are several other smaller, hand-crafted brands that I can only get online and/or directly from the maker, and I will have another blog on this….

Namaste. tree_in_rock

Pollinating Bees: All Life & Food On Earth Needs These Incredible Insects!

October 13, 2013 at 10:29 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Bees, Best Practices in Business, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Pesticides are Killing Our Honey Bees!, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Think | 2 Comments

Honey Bees

Spraying of chemical fertilizers on lawns, in gardens, and on commercial/big-agribusiness crops are killing our most incredible Life Givers on this planet.

You cannot have fruits or vegetables without the pollinating Bees.

Another contributor to the alarming drop in Honey Bee colonies in the USA is the Genetically Modified Organisms [Frankenstein crops] that are grown by large Agribusinesses with American Tax Dollars, to boot!

This is a very serious mistake that our seemingly blinded EPA and Elected State and Federal Government Politicians are making by refusing to take swift action on the culprits of the killing….. and YOU, the innocent Human, are paying for it and will certainly pay for it when there is no food to eat.

The Bayer pharmaceutical company makes a commercially used Pesticide, “Clothianidin” and “imidacloprid” [both are known carcinogenic pesticides called “Neonicotinoids”] that has been directly posed as one the major causes for this steep mass-killing of our most important insects!

These pesticides disrupt/kill the central nervous system of pollinating Bees and they are also spread through the vascular tissues of plants! Thus, when YOU eat a plant that has been sprayed with chemical pesticides…. you CANNOT just wash off the exterior of a pesticide-laden fruit or vegetable and think that you are safe from this insidious poison!

Why is the USA Government placing PROFITS over SAFETY for the Environment, People, our Food Pollinators, and all life on this Earth? Whom are they really protecting? Is money and bribery worth all of the destruction that a small group of Pesticides are causing our health? What about our future?

Please check out a wonderful website that has great information on this topic: http://www.foodfirst.org

My conversation on my radio show on Saturday, October 12, 2013, with Bee Keeper, Author, and Honey Bee Activist Marina Marchese was both fun and informative. Listen to the show in the Archives section of this blog!

Check out Marina’s web site http://www.redbee.com

Be a Backyard Beekeeper! Contact your local Backyard Beekeepers Association, http://www.backyardbeekeepers.com and find out what you can do to be a voice for these amazing insects!

backyard beekeeper

Also, DO NOT ever call a Pesticide company to ‘remove’ any bee colony that may have set up in your home or garden….They will simply spray them with toxic pesticides to kill them and leave YOU with the carcinogenic, DNA disrupting pesticide residue in your Garden/Yard/Office/Home!! And remember Pesticides accumulate in your body and are persistent.

Instead, contact the US Bee Removal Hotline at 888.228.1644 or visit their website http://www.brsr.org…. They safely and humanely remove and RELOCATE the bee hive so that the all-important Honey Bee colonies can continue to live and thrive.

Marina Marchese also pointed out that when homeowners are duped into spraying their homes with Pesticides and even chemical fertilizers for their lawns, they are greatly contributing to the killing of our Bees, who forage for several miles from their Hives.

Use ORGANIC fertilizers [Composting is great for this]. Marina says that Chicken manure is also a wonderful fertilizer. There are MANY Natural/Organic fertilizing companies that have recently sprung up all over the place… make it a point to find one in your local area and support such sustainable companies!

STOP the Pesticides around your home!IMG_0929

This photo was taken by me when a neighbor down the street [who lives on Wetlands, by the way] sprayed their yard last Spring.

As Marina Marchese stated in my show, this just is beyond ignorant and totally out-of-touch with the realities of how dangerous and totally destructive these pesticides are to Bees, Pets, Waterways, and PEOPLE!

Essential_Oils_700WNatural pesticides are Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint Essential Oils and other Essential Oils like Citronella and even Lemon, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Pine, etc. You can spray this in a large spray machine mixed with water and with a small amount of mild Castile soap around your property. Additionally, there are non-toxic/organic companies that are creating businesses for online ordering as well as servicing homeowners and businesses.

There are so many safe and effective alternatives to pesticide spraying that it is truly heartbreaking to see the Consumer get duped into paying for their own families and gardens to be poisoned.

The time is now to save our Bees, and thus, ourselves.

backyard beekeeping photo 2

Keep your lawn, garden, and flowers pesticide-free and Organic. Help the Bees with your Consumer & Lifestyle choices.

backyard beekeeper photo #3



Sitting, Sleeping, and Lounging on Chemical Warfare?

April 3, 2013 at 1:19 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Best Practices in Business, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Chemical Contamination in the Home, Chemical Trails, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Domestic Animals, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Ethics in Business, Hemp, Hormone Health, Hormones, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Sullivan Sofa F230

The State of California Legislature got bamboozled back in the mid 1970’s by the Chemical industry to make it the Law to install toxic, off-gassing, chemical warfare into all upholstered furniture.

The reasoning [the DECOY] for this argument to install such horrifying chemicals into furniture was for ‘flame retardant’ properties of such chemicals.

This has proven to be so damaging to the environment and people that it’s now become an epidemic to have Thyroid disorders, Hormone disorders, hyperactivity in children, and other illnesses that were not at all commonplace prior to these chemical additives.

Why the United States is the ONLY developed country in this world to require such chemicals proves the power of LOBBYING by specific industries ON THE STATE LEVEL, and not just the national level.

Because California required these ‘flame retardant’ chemicals, all manufacturers simply added these chemicals to ALL of the furniture they made for the USA market. Thus, everyone else who was not living in California has been contaminated with these dangerous, and often deadly chemicals when they buy most upholstered furniture in the USA.

The ONLY way to avoid this toxic soup of chemicals coming into your home, you must buy truthfully Organic furniture that has NO polyurethane foam or other batting that has been treated with such flame retardants. And by the way, when a “Green Washing” company states that they use “Soy” foam…. this is just as toxic, but with some soy oil added! Don’t buy it!

Another issue to pay attention to is WHAT the sofa/chair is made with on the inside! Are they using chemical-laden plywood? Most of the time they do. Are they using other toxic things like chemically treated fabrics that are ‘easy to clean?’

Don’t buy this. You WILL have to be Vigilant, but it’s worth saving your life over.

My conversation on Saturday March 30th, 2013, with Travis Nagle, one of the founders of Viesso Furniture in Southern California, was informative to many people who many have learned about this whole new paradigm of dangerous chemical exposure.

Check out Viesso
Also check out these additional natural furniture makers:
Ekla Home
Cisco Brothers
Endicott Home

Dr. Arlene Blum’s Green Science Policy Institute

Most eco-friendly furniture is made with Latex rubber, but there are other natural products available like Hemp stuffing and Organic Cotton. There are many options, but the Consumer as of today in the USA does not know about them. You might need to do a bit of research, but all of the information is out there for you to gather.

My working with Travis has been a pleasure. I found some Hemp fabric that was the color I wanted, so I had it sent to Viesso for some pillows they are making for me.

As Consumers, if we continue to voice our dissatisfaction with toxic and Earth poisoning furniture and REFUSE to BUY it…. and put our money into healthier [and ecologically responsible] choices…. don’t you think the furniture industry will finally get the message? Will they be motivated to improve their business practices?

Also check out Mother Jones Magazine’s excellent article on this matter: http://http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2012/11/couch-flame-retardants-cancer-toxic

Cats have been besieged with Hyper and Hypo-thyroid issues after the introduction of Fire Retardant Chemicals in Furniture. Our children have been hurt by these chemicals as well and it's showing up as ADHD, Hyperactivity, low academic performance, mental and emotional disorders and other dis-eases. Is this acceptable? Should we continue to let the Chemical Industry Lobby to have their way into our homes?

Cats have been besieged with Hyper and Hypo-thyroid issues after the introduction of Fire Retardant Chemicals in Furniture. Our children have been hurt by these chemicals as well and it’s showing up as ADHD, Hyperactivity, low academic performance, mental and emotional disorders and other dis-eases. Every living being who lives in your home, including you, has been affected by these chemicals in some way. Is this acceptable? Should we continue to let the Chemical Industry Lobby to have their way into our homes?

Before You Hire A Contractor

February 3, 2013 at 1:57 PM | Posted in Before You Hire A Contractor, Best Practices in Business, Beware of Home Improvement Contractors, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog | 2 Comments


Steve Gonzalez, my Guest for the January 26th and February 2nd shows knows his stuff! Thanks to Steve Gonzalez, hardworking homeowners can arm themselves with knowledge before getting stuck with the many [far too many] bad guys that call themselves “Contractors” or even “Builders” but are just simply scam artists with unnerving tactics to steal your money [and your precious time].

I was surprised to learn from two of my Colleagues at the radio network that they also had horrific stories, and one Show Host actually had a serious Heart Attack as a result of some of the structural and electrical damages that one bad contractor caused in his own home!

It appears that this epidemic of hurting the homeowner is unique to the United States.

I believe that this is a direct manifestation of our corrupted public educational system, and also our corrupted “justice” system that appears to protect and even coddle the criminal before seeking truth or justice for the victims in this area of life.

The public educational system does not want to bother with the “bad kid” in schools, so they ship them off to occupational/vocational-technical schools but they never get to the proximate cause of their behavioral issues, anger, or self-sabotage.

No training in Ethics or good business practices are given to these vocational-technical students who have become invisible in society. But then, when they grow up, they are now in YOUR HOME causing the same disruptiveness and chaos that they never were forced to address as adolescents.

Many have become drug and alcohol addicts on top of their unsavory choices. And again, they are in YOUR HOUSE.

Read Steve Gonzalez’s book, “Before You Hire A Contractor: A Construction Guidebook For Consumers” and check out his website Contractor Watchdog.

1.) Never trust anyone in the building industry, no matter how pleasant they appear initially.

2.) Get a qualified, and experienced Project Manager [who is NOT actually building your home, and who is not taking a commission from what you buy in materials, etc.]

3.) Get an Insurance BOND for large ticket items as well as demand a Bond from a qualified, honest Builder for the entire project. Warranties are great, but they are only as good as the person/company standing behind them. You need proper protection via top-quality insurance AND Bonding to protect your home and your own money. Our own Government municipalities demand this very insurance for their projects, so the homeowner is entitled to this assurance as well.

4.) Compare Apples-to-Apples. Never hire a “spec home” builder for your personal home renovation! They do not know what they are doing in renovations involving an actual homeowner! Also be aware that when the Economy is good, all people in the building ‘trade’ step themselves up a notch. For instance, a Painter suddenly becomes a Carpenter and a Carpenter suddenly becomes a “Builder.” Don’t fall for these scams.

And when the Economy goes sour, the very same scam artists who primarily like to build spec homes suddenly turn into home-renovation experts.

Be careful. Do your homework. Surf the internet for complaints and other information.

I even suggest looking at their financial and historical backgrounds to see if anyone you are hiring to do a small, medium or large project is even worthy of your time, your home, and your money.

You can listen to both shows in the “Archives” section.

USA today cartoon Our Contractor showed up when he said he would

Hormones and You.

October 14, 2012 at 4:03 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be A Natural Beauty, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Best Practices in Business, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Hormone Health, Natural Organic Hair Color, Organic Beds and Furniture, Organic Skincare and Beauty, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

My conversation with Leslie Carol Botha of Holy Hormones! was lively as this discussion about hormones has so many sub-categories that are crucially important in order to grasp the big picture of hormones and how important they are to every aspect of your health and living on this planet.

Leslie told me how your brain is in charge of the hormones and that you must protect this incredible, delicate balance to maintain hormonal health. Zeolitesare one product that Leslie uses daily [and has gotten me using them as well]. Zeolites are a mineral liquid substance that helps to wash out of your body the heavy metals, toxins, and xenon-estrogen mimicker invaders.

Zeolites are incredible because they don’t hurt any organ while they cleanse your body of toxins. Remember, you need to also be taking care of your Liver and Kidneys with Milk Thistle and Dandelion to help your body clean itself of the daily onslaught of pollutants.

Men are also vulnerable to hormonal imbalance with the many petrochemicals, toxic pharmaceutical drugs, plastics [xeno-estrogens] and other intoxicant chemicals that bombard their bodies and cause an over-production of Estrogen in their bodies.

Check out Leslie’s web site for more information on what she recommends and to listen to her many shows regarding this most important topic www.holyhormones.com

I take Zeolites with Chlorella, Vitamin D [Garden of Life brand, “Raw”], a high quality powdered greens supplement in my morning smoothie, Maca powder [comes in capsules now, too], Wild Yam cream [El Milagro Herbs], I also have Wild Yam in a dropper supplement form, pine pollen and bee pollen, and I clean my Liver and Kidneys with Milk Thistle and Dandelion supplements and herbal teas, and now I am trying an Essential Oil cream to add to my arsenal. I also like “Dorey Aromatherapy,” who also makes an essential oil hormonal balancing cream. Lastly, there are natural progesterone creams on the market that do not contain toxic additives. “All Natural Cosmetics.com” sells one brand. Do your research, and take control of your own health.

There are other products that Leslie has on her web site that I plan on using. She gave us the excellent brand of “Young Living” essential oils who makes a natural progesterone/essential oil blend.

Leslie made it clear that your brain is the main creator and Chief of your body’s hormones, so taking care of your brain health is what we should focus on when balancing our hormones.

One at-home healing method that Leslie shared is taking a bath with Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda, and Epsom Salts. This, she says, helps to rid your body gently of toxins as you soak. I tried it one night, and I slept like a baby! I now keep these products next to my tub! Please use “food grade” hydrogen peroxide, and not the toxic stuff at the average pharmacy.

I also will add that when you look at the toxic ingredients in DAILY personal care products, cleaning materials, toxic furniture and mattresses [that have very dangerous ‘flame retardants’ that are carcinogens], pesticides, toxic paints, toxic/GMO/processed foods and preservatives, toxic clothing [dyes, synthetic fabrics], very damaging hair color products [at most salons and in pretty packages in the drug store], toxic makeup… you cannot be surprised at the hormonal stress our bodies are under, and thus, the many dis-eases that seem to elude most of the medical care system.

Clean up your lifestyle! LOOK at ingredients, and learn what ingredients are toxic such as processed sugar, processed salt [VERY different from the good-for-you natural Sea Salt], perfumes or “parfum” [contains hundreds of chemicals], Sodium Benzoate [turns into Benzene once in your blood stream and in many, many shampoos, conditioners, makeup, etc.], Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Methyl Paraben [all Parabens], Propylene Glycol, petroleum, talcum powder, PPD [P-Phenylenediamine] in chemical hair dyes, flame retardants like PBDE [accumulates in body and in the environment]… and the list goes on.

#1.) I use ALL natural cosmetics. I am a real blood-hound when it comes to seeking natural face care and makeup. It’s amazing to know that you have many beautiful companies that are making such gorgeous cosmetics and skincare so you don’t have to compromise.

#2.) My shampoo/conditioner/hair color: There are many small companies that make amazing non-toxic hair care. Allafia is one brand along with Aubrey, Sea Chi, Solay, Living Libations, Dr. Christopher, Griffin Remedy, Miessence, Paul Penders, 100 percent pure, California Baby, Dr. Alkaitis, The Body Deli, Feed Your Volume by Yarok, Living Nature, Intelligent Nutrients, Dr. Bronner’s, Keys-Soap Company… and the list continues to many more excellent, natural companies!

There are some great companies that have come forward who are truthful, and honorable in their ingredients. So be encouraged! But also be aware that there are many “natural” and “organic” brands that are outright dangerous and continue to slip into their formulas some hormone damaging, immune compromising ingredients.

Hair color: There are several great brands of Henna. Cleopatra used Henna and many great beauties of the world have used, and continue to use Henna as their choice for naturally beautiful [and safe] hair color. There are a few brands that I personally like, as they cover gray and give great hair color that you can play with when you mix different colors together. The trick in mixing Henna that will cover gray is to use a glass bowl and a plastic spatula for mixing to start with. Add in Warm/almost boiling water, Coconut Oil [I use approximately 1 to 2 TBSP but use your common sense based on the amount of Henna you are making], Sea Salt [1 TBSP or so], Apple Cider Vinegar or Vodka [2 TBSP or so/just use your own creative energy here], Vanilla Extract, and mix all into a ‘brownie batter’ consistency. Leave on hair for at least one hour [please wear a shower cap], and wash out using FIRST Jojoba oil, or any wonderful oil that you like with warm water to get the henna out. Then shampoo with Organic/natural shampoo. Save your money…. and save your life. Do your own hair color and get really creative!

My favorite brands of authentic Henna are “Henna King” and “Colora.” If you have blond hair, Colora has more choices. However, Colora takes a bit more massaging to get out, so be gentle and use lots of oil and warm water to work it out of your hair after you color. You will be really pleased with the results once you get the hang of it! Additionally, there are other true, authentic Henna brands literally from the middle-east, so do an internet search. I do not like any of the Henna sold in Health Food Stores or even Whole Foods. They are not able to cover gray, and their quality to me is questionable. Henna should be beautiful, easy, and even empowering to you as a woman since it can nourish your hair and allows the pores on your scalp to regenerate, breathe, and thereby grow stronger hair.

Bob’s Red Mill Baking Soda is the most pure, and you can be assured it has no toxic Aluminum added! This is the ONLY product I use for personal and baking use.

#3.) CLEANING for home: Use a spray bottle with white vinegar and water with some Essential Oil of your choice [Lavendar, Peppermint, etc.] This will be your household cleaning spray. Also, you can use my favorite combination of Cheap VODKA and water in a spray bottle with a few drops of your favorite Essential Oil. “Thieves” brand cleaners are also fantastic. They are entirely non-toxic and use essential oils in their formula. Baking Soda for scrubbing out bathtubs, tile, etc. You can also use some Hydrogen Peroxide on tiles with Baking Soda for more power. There are non-toxic companies, and some are sold at Whole Foods or other natural stores, but please read labels and be careful.

Again, there is a lot of money to be made from saying “Organic” or “Natural” and you, the consumer, need to be vigilant in reading ingredients.

#4.) Furniture and Bedding. Please buy only Organic. I know this is a tough one. If you have a bed you like, then get an Organic Wool or Natural Latex topper. All of the beds in my home are Organic.

I have several different brands of Organic beds in my home, and I have become a detective over the years in finding the better, more honorable companies in this arena. I should do a whole show on this!

There is one brand, however, I MUST forewarn my listeners to STAY AWAY from as it was the single most negative and hostile experience I have ever had in my life with any company, and to boot, their bed was so badly made and uncomfortable that I had to give it away on “Freecycle”… Sorry, “Lifekind” but you are horrible. They would hang up on me when I would call for a refund for something I returned several weeks prior… and the whole experience was very far from “Organic” or remotely health oriented.

When it comes to home/office Furniture, I have found an Amish company that will hand make sofas, chairs, etc. and there is a web site that I love called “yourecoteam.com”.

ABC Carpet and Home has some choices, but again, you need to be careful and really understand labels and demand Wool, Latex, Hemp, and other natural materials. The toxic foams with fire retardants is what is so dangerous. Latex and Wool are naturally fire retardant.

Viesso in Los Angeles has a great line, and their stuff is totally natural.

Many good, yet small companies are cropping up all the time, so learn to be your own detective and search via the internet! Always be careful, of course, and learn to understand the dangers of certain materials like toxic foam cushions [including the “soy” version] and certainly the “Scotchguard” fabrics and other non-natural and totally toxic materials.

Life changes amazingly when you start, one step at a time, to take back the control. This does mean learning to say “NO” when you need to!

I would never buy a “discount” furniture product with tons of formaldehyde and other carcinogens nor would I ever buy even a “high end” product that I know has equally immune damaging contents. Start to be a voice for non-toxic products, and write a letter to your favorite manufacturer if you need to… business will change their toxic ways and start to offer healthier products when the Consumer finally says, “NO MORE TOXIC PRODUCTS!”

Taking control of your life is a bit more work, but you will be a whole lot safer, healthier, smarter, and gratified when you are insistent on detoxing your entire life.

Hormones are affected by all of these cumulative toxins that your body has to endure. Make it easier for your body as you become an eco-savvy human.


Girls Dying From Gardasil… and a look at the concepts of “Intent” and “Ethics” in Business

September 5, 2012 at 3:41 PM | Posted in Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Be Careful With Contractors, Best Practices in Business, Beware of the Sociopath, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Codex Alimentarius, Consumer Choices, Drugs, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Ethics in Business, Gardasil Kills Girls, Government held accountable, Obama the liar and con man, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Restore Honesty In Politics, Save Our Great Apes and Primates from Pharmaceutical Torture, Save Our Natural Resources, Small Government, Stop Agri-business pollution NOW, Stop Genocide, Sustainable Agriculture, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Wild Horse Illegal Round Ups | 5 Comments

The many thousands of girls who are permanently injured or dead from a totally heinous and unnecessary Vaccine touted to supposedly save girls from a cervical cancer is a wretched display of unleashed evil.

The fact that the pharmaceutical industry is primarily made of Genocidal germinated chemical warfare companies in Nazi Germany seems to escape most Government knuckleheads and even the general public at large.

Why are Physicians still irresponsibly ignoring the clear evidence and STILL vaccinating young girls [and soon YOUNG BOYS] for a Virus that most likely would never happen, and is also medically known to clear up on its own with NO intervention whatsoever?

Girls are disabled and dying from this Genocidal experiment designed only to make money for Merck and other pharmaceutical allies.

Check out the following websites for more information on the dangers of Gardasil:


www.drwhitaker.com/vaccine dangers

The consumer has been mislead with deliberate, scandalous cover-ups, outright lies, and
unrelenting propaganda.

You need to do your own homework, and understand your rights [and especially HOW both Physicians and Pharmaceutical Companies are held harmless legally if you or your loved ones are permanently damaged or killed.]

On August 25, 2012, and AGAIN on September 1, 2012, my conversations with Business Ethics Professor Scott Ventrella, www.positivedynamics.com, entailed this topic of Ethics and Honesty in Advertising of all products… and how the Consumer is left to fight back despite a big Government with many bureaucratic “agencies” that are supposedly in place to protect us.

Sadly, our tax dollars are clearly not at work when it comes to over-staffed, over-paid, and totally inept Government Bureaucrats.

Where are the Ethics in Government, Large Corporations, and even small ‘mom and pop’ businesses alike?

What is the motivation behind anyone who advertises, comes into your home for repairs, or puts up a shingle as a Doctor, Dentist or even car repair service? You need to arm yourself with Knowledge and Self-Empowerment to see behind the Intent of each and every person you deal with in today’s world.

And with Politicians… well, the sky is the limit for their promises. For example, why does Obama say he is an Environmentalist when his actions are the exact opposite? Pay attention to what he has done:

1.) Appointed Tom Vilsack, a Genetically Modified Organism and big ‘factory farm’ lobbyist as USDA Secretary. Calling this a “Conflict of Interest” is putting it lightly!
2.) Appointed Ken Salazar, a big-oil man and Cattle Rancher, to Secretary of the Department of Interior. The worst oil disaster in HISTORY happened under this numbskull. He allowed BP Oil to complete their own forms for safety on the Deepwater Horizon, thereby causing the environmental damage that is still unfolding to this very day. This wretched man also allows the Bureau of Land Management, under his convoluted mentality, to illegally “Round Up” our last remaining Wild Mustangs [on our TAXPAYER, FEDERAL LANDS!] and send them off to slaughter! This is ALL to appease the big oil/gas lobbies AND especially the cattlemen’s association who whine about having to “share” public, taxpayer lands with Wildlife! Unthinkable.
3.) The Obama Administration has quietly opened up the Alaskan Wilderness to Shell Oil, and has given the ‘green light’ for them to drill in deep water off the Alaskan Coast!
4.) “Obamacare” does nothing for the middle class. In this 2,000 page entangled mess, his cronies have added a 3.8% SALES TAX to ALL homes sold in the United States starting in 2013! And WHY would the IRS be in charge of this Sick-care bill? Controlling the masses is the answer, and if they can control your income, your privacy, and your body… then they have you. “Big Brother” is the short answer. The more complex one involves what is known as total mind and body control in a very bad way. Your future is in jeopardy here.

Health and Healing are nowhere in sight within the “Obamacare” bill.

Additionally, the big money that would be siphoned to the environmentally damaging Pharmaceutical industry would be staggering. Make no mistake, the Pharmaceutical industry literally rapes our natural resources, illegally [and without consequence] traps our wild Great Apes for their unspeakable lab experiments and tainted/toxic vaccines…. the list is endless for environmental destruction connected to the pharmaceutical industry.

All of this and more were discussed in both shows on August 25th and once again on September 1st, 2012.

Just some things to ponder.

Sustainable, Green Building For Life

August 18, 2012 at 11:45 AM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be Careful With Contractors, Best Practices in Business, Build Green Save The Planet, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Deforestation of Virgin Forest in Alberta, Do Something, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Save our Wild Lands, Save Wildlife, Sustainable Business Economics, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Uncategorized | 3 Comments
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The Insulated Concrete Forms [ICF] and Structural Insulated Panels [SIP] and Straw Bale building materials are strong, forever-lasting, sustainable methods of building that creates healthier homes that are better insulated, sound-proof, and eco-friendly to live in.

Why has America been so slow in adopting these incredibly fast, easy forms of building?

Our old growth forests are disappearing. “Stick frame” building is a post-war “cheapie” style of building that is totally unsustainable. Douglas Fir Forests are being destroyed for this heinous building method that really needs to be outlawed in order to re-direct our building methods to ones that are both more durable and sustainable.

The indiscriminate clear-cutting of short-sighted and greedy lumber companies along with the foolish behavior of our bribed Elected Officials has put our air quality, and the future of all life on the brink.

Did you know that these egregious Lumber companies have lobbied Congress to have YOUR Federal Land “clear cut” for their own profits? Did you also know that these Lumber companies are allowed to walk into the Forest with Guns and ammunition and kill off any wildlife that happen to be grazing or living their lives in the very Forest that your tax dollars are supposed to be protecting?

Clear cutting kills birds, deer, wolves, baby animals of all kinds, and it kills our air quality. The forests are our “Lungs” of the Earth, and we cannot have Oxygen without them.

Wood is not something that should be creating the shell of a home. We need to be using better materials that don’t mold, catch fire, or create havoc on the Earth’s last remaining Forests.

ICF’s and SIP’s are the answer. They are faster to build and the incredible beauty of a Green Built home is unmistakable. The FEELING you get when you are inside a Green built home is also unmistakable. You feel at peace, happy, and you can breathe without taking in fumes from off gassing toxic materials used in most homes by uninspired and uneducated contractors.

My Guest on this weeks show for August 18, 2012 was Author and Educator David Johnston. He is one of America’s top Green Building experts and has written four books that are easy to read and a delight to learn from. Green living is both fun and easy once you know where to get the information you need to create a sustainable, beautiful home and community.

Check out David’s web sites at www.greenbuilding.com and www.whatsworking.com

You can also get all of the manufacturers of Green Products [literally from “A” to “Z”] from a think tank called “Building Green” based in Vermont. They publish online Guide called the “Green Spec” Directory, and this is a MUST HAVE Guide on where to buy Green Building Products, pricing, etc. Check them out and join them at www.buildinggreen.com

David made many great points in our conversation this week on HOW to Green Build, and certainly on how to locate and hire an honorable, knowledgeable and competent Green Contractor.

Don’t waste your time with people who are not educated on Sustainable living or building methods. This will only lead to an uphill climb for you, the homeowner, and your dollars are best spent with the good people who have the foresight and motivation to build cleaner, sustainable, healthier homes for their communities.

Children are highly susceptible to off-gassing of toxins. Pregnant women are, too. The elderly, and anyone who is under stress or immune compromised. People who think they are healthy can be struck with an auto-immune disease that seems to come from “nowhere” after being exposed daily to toxic building materials. Allergies, to ADD/ADHD, to learning difficulties, to fatigue and the numerous other modern dis-eases that way too many people suffer from are all able to be traced back to toxins INSIDE the home [and not to mention the ones you cannot control the minute you step outside.]

Natural Clay Plaster walls are brilliant. They come in all kinds of colors, and will release “Negative Ions” into the air, creating a healthier indoor environment. Negative Ions are cleansing and very healing to the body. It is exactly what is released in a Thunder Storm and Rain Storm. It feels good to just be around when you are in a home that has used natural paints, clay plaster, milk paint, clay paints, and natural glues/adhesives.

There really is no excuse for not seeking out such amazing ways of cleaning up the environment.

Starting at home is what I have preached on my show for quite some time. When you start to clean up your home by the consumer choices you make, you will be motivated and even passionate about cleaning up the Environment in which you live.

Looking Behind The Veil To See The True Intent Of Vets, Doctors, Or Anyone In A White Coat

August 12, 2012 at 3:34 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animals Feel, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Best Practices in Business, Beware of Bad Vets, Beware of the Sociopath, Buy Organic Or Grow Your Own, Canada For Dirty Energy, Chemical Trails, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Community Supported Agriculture, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Consumer Choices, Do Something, Drugs, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Holistic Healing, In Loving Memory, Insecticides, Killing Our Planet For Oil, Kindness to Animals, Local Farms, Natural Children, Natural Healing, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Naturally., No Life Sacred In Wars, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Pesticides on Conventional Fruits and Vegetables, Poisoned Food, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Say Something, Sociopathic Disorder, Stop Dangerous Pollution From Fossil Fuels, Stop Genocide, Stop The Wasted Tax Dollars on Animal Vivisection, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable And Renewable Energy NOW, Take Action For Animals, Take Action For Local Farmers, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Think, Thugs and the War on Bugs, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Toxic Water, Truthful Healthcare, Vaccine Dangers, Values, Women as Healers Naturally | Leave a comment

Always remember that a White Lab Coat is a COSTUME. It was developed as a method to soothe patients nearly 100 years ago with the feeling of purity and life that the color white was thought to bring in the patients mind.

However, there is evidence that many patients don’t feel so relaxed around someone with a White Coat. In fact, many people experience elevated blood pressure and worry just seeing a person approach them in such a costume.

The same feelings are exhibited by your family pets. And when you are not around [when you drop them off at the Vets and think they are safe] the unthinkable could happen.

My conversation on August 4th, 2012 with Pet Advocate Julie Catalano demonstrates to my audience how clearly urgent this matter really is in our world. It hardly ever gets exposed in the “mainstream” but it is still a huge issue. “Vet Abuse” has touched many of us, and even some people who simply don’t realize that their pet was killed or suffered injuries from a person they thought they could trust.

Our beloved Siamese cat, “Mina,” was horribly killed by a ‘holistic’ and even ‘famous’ Vets office…. and they ILLEGALLY charged my credit card on file [without my consent] for the $895 bill afterwards… sneakily, they waited about a month or so to do it.

Wow. I thought we could trust a Vet who wrote a book, gets himself on Television, Radio interviews, etc.

The Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, NY, run by Dr. Marty Goldstein really caused the biggest anguish, shock, and unthinkable pain and suffering to our 13 year old child who lost his beloved best friend on August 4, 2010 to egregious negligence. A totally irresponsible female Vet named Dr. Jaqueline Ruskin, was charged with Second Degree Negligence by the New York State Board.

Totally horrifying. The long fight to get the charges off of my card are a whole secondary insult to injury. I won’t bore you with these details, but the nasty “office manager” [who is so fat and wretched she should not be working in a “Holistic” Vets office or any medical establishment whatsoever] fought with all she had and even lied to American Express to keep the charges on my card! Can you imagine such a thing after killing someone’s cat?

This office negligently ripped open Mina’s Trachea when they were installing an intubation tube into her throat. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT? They did not practice one ounce of correct emergency measures to get air into her lungs. The New York State Disciplinary Department told me this after examining her X-Rays and files.

Smith Ridge Vet Office played mind games, and even tried to blame our Cat for their mistake! This is a true sign of Sociopathic and Deceptive behavior. Truly Dangerous.

This terrible behavior is certainly not acceptable. But it is an occurrence that happens daily somewhere in America.

Now really is the time to fight back as Consumers to protect our Pets. They deserve to be worth more than “property” and the bad Veterinarians should be subjected to the same scrutiny and legal action that a typical bad human Doctor would have to face.

Listen to the show in the Archives, and contact Julie Catalano at www.vetabusenetwork.com if you have ever suspected foul play with a Vet.

My second Guest was the very knowledgeable Medical Journalist, Sherri Kane.

Sherri has been reporting on what is now termed “Bad Science” for a few years now. She has uncovered, along with many other respected Journalists, the misinformation that is being bombarded upon the gullible American consumer when it comes to Vaccines, Chemicals, Dangerous Pharmaceuticals [that stay on the market way too long as the FDA deliberately drags its feet before removing such dangerous drugs], and everything you can imagine that is deliberately burdened upon you as an innocent consumer, whether you realize it or not.

Sherri’s message was to do your own research into natural healing. Autoimmune dis-ease is on the rise from vaccine “excitotoxins” and brain damaging neurotoxins, along with petroleum and warfare chemicals that masquerade as “Pesticides” or “Garden” helpers, etc., and bad, de-natured, GMO food.

I believe in Integrative care. Sure, technology is fantastic when needed, but you need to become well versed in the healing miracles of Nutrition, Herbs, Homeopathy, and other exciting ways to clean your body so you won’t fall prey to dis-ease.

I believe that we could really have world peace [no kidding here] if we could start to employ the common sense of utilizing God’s Garden that is so clearly spelled out for us in both The Torah and The Bible.

It’s time to protect this Garden from mass destruction by some really bad forces that aim to profiteer from keeping people sick, destroying our water supply, our air supply, our food supply, and our future.

“How?” is the question. First, do your own research into natural gardening, plant care, lawn care, home cleaning products, and even innocent things like Deodorant have ALUMINUM in them and get right into your blood stream and intoxicate your body! Read labels, and be a voice to demand that chemicals be taken out of our body care products, baby products, and our food.

This is a good start. You will be a whole lot healthier to fight back and start the revolution to demand cars and other machinery that run on water or even cooking oil rather than something that kills millions of people over wars, exhaust, fumes, and contamination.

Take action.

Vaccines: Assault With A Deadly Weapon?

June 4, 2012 at 2:57 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Affordable Sustainable Food is Your Right, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Be careful of all pharmaceutical drugs, Be The Author of Your Life, Best Practices in Business, Chemical Warfare Disguised As Pesticides, Childhood Vaccines Injure and Kill, Conscious Lifestyles, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Environmental Stewardship, Government held accountable, Health, Holistic Healing, Homeopathy, Homeopathy and Animal Homeostasis, Honorable Nutrition for Kids, Natural Healing Techniques NOW, Organic Health, Stop Genocide, Take Back Your Wellbeing, The Refusers, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vaccine Dangers, Vaccines, Values, Women as Healers Naturally | 1 Comment
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Why are children in Amish Communities totally, 100% free of Autism and other autoimmune disorders?

They are not subjected to baby vaccines, nor any vaccines in life.

Is there a connection between aborted fetal tissue [in many vaccines], mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, squalane [toxic when injected], monkey kidneys, and other dangerous carcinogens being shot directly into the bloodstream of innocent babies, teens, adults, and even our pets?

Check out www.childhoodshots.com
Inform yourself with Mary Tocco’s incredible DVD and website.

I was personally injured from the Hepatitis A Vaccine in 1998, prior to leaving for my Honeymoon in Africa.

I was never given any forewarning of complications or injury from such a vaccine. Are Doctors not required to give such fair disclosure?

I had no idea that the CDC, The Center for Disease Control, was sending me false information regarding the “safety” of vaccines and that their recommendations were NOT requirements for any travel whatsoever!

I was not Holistic at the time, and had no knowledge of the dangers in the American Medical mis-managed “Sick care” system, and blindly trusted a Doctor in a white coat for my health care. What a terrible racket it is when a person is injured by the very person that they have been conditioned to totally trust.

This is referred to as an “Iatrogenic” injury, and it is the #1 cause of accidental serious injury and death in the USA.

Is it time for a really BIG adjustment, reconciliation, turn-around?

How many families are forever broken when a child is killed from the dozens of baby vaccines? Who truly could ever indemnify these parents, grandparents, and extended families for such a horrific loss of precious and innocent life?

Pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are not the answer.

Integrative medical practices respect the powers of Honest Food Nutrition, Ancient Healing Techniques such as Ayurvedic [oldest medical healing in the world], Homeopathy, Accupuncture, Ozone and Rife Technology, Superfoods, and so many other exciting practices that are entirely ignored by what has become a very arrogant American medical circus.

Why not shift the pendulum forward to empowering and educating ordinary people, and parents?

Who wins, in any society, if people are chronically ill and suffering from autoimmune dis-ease, mental disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, broken families, violence [also linked to pharmaceutical drugs, mercury poisoning, vaccines, and chemical poisoning], toxic food [Genetically Modified AND processed with chemicals]?

Please listen to this show in the Archives section of this blog. See Mary Tocco’s incredible research on the terrorism that is launched on schoolchildren, the elderly, and all Americans.


Cacao…. Eco-Conscious Fire Logs…. Magnascent Iodine: All Three I Love

May 22, 2012 at 3:39 PM | Posted in A Conscious Life, Animal Companions, Be A Natural Beauty, Be An Eco Warrior Now, Beauty without chemicals and surgery, Best Practices in Business, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Station Broadcasts, Consumer Choices, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Enviro-Logs, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Health, Magnascent Iodine, Natural Beauty, Nuclear Contamination, Nuclear Energy Kills Everybody, Organic, Organic Health, Raw Cacao, Take Action For Our Beloved Pets, Take Back Your Wellbeing, Time For A Revolution To Save Our Natural Planet, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Vegetarian and Vegan Lifestyles | Leave a comment

My show broadcast on Saturday, May 19th, 2012….

My first interview was with Jeffrey Botticelli, founder of Fortina [Raw, Organic] Chocolate from Arizona.
Check out his amazing and informative web site: Fortina Chocolate

Cacao, in its raw, unprocessed form is a HEALTH FOOD. It is high in Magnesium, which every human being on Earth needs for health. It is also high in B vitamins, Enzymes, minerals, fiber, and Omega 6.

It was revered by the Inca, Aztecs and even Cleopatra used it in her beauty regimen.

Jeffrey Botticelli has been quite a wonderful teacher in the awesome subject of raw Cacao. He calls it a “magical experience.” And it really is.

Cacao, in its raw form, is one of the most comprehensive foods known to man. Its rich, anti-oxidant powers are incredible. When you eat raw Cacao, you have lasting, uplifting energy, clarity, mindfulness, bliss, stamina.

However, when you eat processed, chemicalized, sugar and dairy laden chocolate [that actually has VERY LITTLE cacao in it] you eat a junk food that causes hypertension, hyperactivity, cravings, the “sugar crash” and then you get fat, feel bad emotionally and get a host of dangerous chemicals to boot.

So, don’t be fooled by the myriad of commercialized chocolate companies who want to sell you expensive ‘sugar junk’ in a pretty box.

Get the real stuff. Feel and live the cool benefits of going Vegan, RAW, Fair-Trade/Organic, Artisanal Cacao.

Some of my favorite brands of raw Cacao are
LuLu's Chocolate
Fortina Chocolate
Fine and Raw Chocolate
Righteously Raw [love their Raw Coconut Macaroons]

….and these are just a few of my favorites!

The good life is awaiting when you seek the truth. Be a Natural!

My second Guest was Ross McRoy, President and CEO of “Enviro-Log” fireplace logs that are 100% recycled from wax corrugated cardboard boxes that deliver produce to supermarkets.

Check out their web site at Enviro-log.net

The Enviro-log is so eco-friendly that you can recycle the ashes into your compost and use it in your Garden!

I love eco-conscious companies like this where a group of innovative people provide “GREEN” jobs through creative, environmental thinking!

The logs will be available at TruValue Hardware and other retailers across the USA. Check out their website for a store near you… and see how gratifying [and healthy] it is to be a Green consumer!

My third Guest, John Brookshire, founder of a company that I love called “Magnascent Iodine.”

I use Magnascent Iodine everyday. It is invaluable in clearing your body and helping your hormones balance by cleaning up the FUNGUS that every human being is burdened with in this toxic world.

I keep a small bottle with me at all times, and when I travel, I pack this little bottle and put a few drops under my tongue several times on the day of travel.

If you are subjected to X-Rays, you should take a few drops before and after the procedure to protect your Thyroid.

John Brookshire explained how Magnascent Iodine has been used to help with Malaria victims in Africa, along with other parasitic infestations.

If you have hyper or hypo Thyroidism, you should include this in your daily regimen.

Magnascent Iodine, made for both internal and external use, is also a beauty supplement! It helps to build collagen in the skin and purifies your blood.

Take it in water, and put some in your pets water, too. You can put a few drops under your tongue throughout the day… make it part of your routine to combat the onslaught of chemical and viral airborne contaminants.

Magnascent [Nascent] Iodine is based on Edgar Cayce research. It is for internal use, unlike the external-use-only iodine you see sold at the drug store for cuts and scrapes. PLEASE do not confuse the two! They are vastly different. The drug store iodine is ONLY for external use… but is useful to paint onto the skin as it will show you if you are iodine deficient. IF you paint a circle or square of iodine on your inner leg or arm, and it disappears into the skin within 24 hours, you are iodine deficient, and you need to supplement with Magnascent Iodine daily.

My research has revealed so many horrifying realities about the exposure to radiation in daily life today. Computers, cell phones, televisions, iPads, environmental contamination from nuclear plants, legal dumping of Strontium 90 into our waterways [horrible, horrible practice that must be stopped], covert nuclear military testing, depleted uranium, and other exposures like x-rays and and cell towers are constantly attacking your body’s ability to maintain Iodine levels.

Take action for your life, and for our children, animals, and future.

magnascent Iodine

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