Thanks To George Clooney, et al, The Sudan Has Hope?

October 14, 2010 at 3:20 PM | Posted in Darfur and The Sudan, Government held accountable, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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I certainly hope so.

The raping of little girls as young as 1 year old, the brutal killings of children, and entire families…. boys stolen and brain washed or tortured and then killed….

The madness has got to stop.

I saw George Clooney on Larry King Live/CNN tonight so eloquently making a strong case for every living being in the Western world to take notice and DO SOMETHING to help these innocent people.

This war is about natural resources, and about RELIGION. It is an ethnic massacre mandated by Omar Al Bashir, an arrogant war monger and rogue thug who has got to be removed from office and tried in the court of law as a war criminal.
I have interviewed The Persecution Project twice on my Radio Show this year. Check them out, and please help support saving the people of the Sudan.

Thank you.

The Bloody Trail of Special Interest Killers

October 4, 2010 at 4:29 PM | Posted in 33316337, Animal Communication, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Be Careful With Contractors, Being Effective with Time, Best Practices in Business, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Chemical Trails, Conscious Lifestyles, Open Spaces, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Pet Nutrition, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Secrets to True Success in Life, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Wild Mustangs | Leave a comment
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“The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars would have disappeared long ago…. hand they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.”
-Havelock Ellis, “The Dance of Life,” 1923.

Today on the show, October 4th, we had to talk about something most people never see or even hear about… that’s because only 1% of Americans are killers who call themselves “hunters.”

Most Americans are totally appalled by hunting, so why do the killing groups have such loud voices in our state legislatures?

My two distinguished guests, Natalie Jarnstedt and Lynn Gorfinkle of Animal Rights Alliance and Project Save A Cat, were on hand to give us the unsettling details of the killing fields in our own back yards…. and what we, as the majority [and wealthiest] taxpayers, can do to stop this carnage, warfare, and terrorism in our own land of the ‘free.’

Being eco-friendly, “Green” means respecting and protecting and conserving our natural landscape, and all wildlife who depend on all of us to take action on their behalf.

These pictures tell a story of ignorance, arrogance, corruption, greed, gluttony, ecological destruction, disrespect, organized crime, murder:

These photos remind me of genocide, warfare, and even terrorism in our woods and last remaining wild spaces.

Ignorance begets ignorance.

It is time that the conservation majority make their voices heard. This is an election year, and conservation has got to be the new standard in our local, state, and federal government.

Stop the exploitation of our wildlife, our natural habitats, and our own quality of life.

It is amazing to me how the dim bulbs find their way into ‘leadership’ positions in our many governmental agencies who are obligated to preserve our natural habitats. Corrupt officials do nothing to uphold anything remotely reminiscent of ecological and environmental protection.

Is anyone out there tired of these alphabet governmental agencies simply existing to create jobs for themselves while they pander to special interests that seek to exploit, kill, and destroy our wildlife? Why do they bother to even exist if they cannot police the groups, individuals, and companies that want to destroy the environment for their own ignorant benefit?

The killing, and the environmental destruction has got to stop. This topic in our town hall discussions has got to be brought to the attention of our elected officials…. they usually cower when it comes to such “controversial” topics…. but is this really controversial?What about intelligent, thoughtful, mindful, ecological conversations on what is happening to our last remaining wild lands?

How many innocent family pets and people have to be shot and killed by killers in the woods, fields, and prairie lands that we should all be fighting like heck to make safe for all to enjoy?

It is clear that it is about money, and perpetuating a system that panders to killing rather than to conservation.

The time is now to save our environment. Saving our wildlife is included in this package of environmental, “Green” lifestyles.

Beauty, Brains, Philanthropic, Inspired… Eco-Consciousness is hip.

June 17, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Posted in Animal Communication, Animal Redemption & Environment, Animals Feel, Ayurvedic Natural Skin Care, Be A Natural Beauty, Best Practices in Business, Build Green Save The Planet, Celebrity Eco-consciousness, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Eco Warriors, Economy, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Farm Animals Need Rescue, Finding and Loving Your Passion in Life, Healthy Cosmetics, Healthy Mineral Makeup, Love, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Recognizing Animals As Sentient Beings, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Save the Oceans!, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized, Wild Mustangs | 1 Comment
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If most Celebrities care about the environment, animals, holistic health, Organic food, being conscious consumers…. shouldn’t everyone?

Anthony Kideis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers-- A champion for the environment, animals, organic/vegan lifestyles.

Aren’t we all stewards of God’s gift of this earth that sustains all life? Don’t we all have a responsibility to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions and rally for ecologically responsible governance, companies, products, and services?

Nicole Sherwin, the eco-gorgeous, “Green Guru,” is the founder of Nicole Sherwin Events, domiciled in LA, California.

Nicole does the job of sifting through all of the “green washing” that is out there and brings the many honorable, truthfully “Green” companies and products to her hip, Eco-Zen “Green Lounge” experiences that showcase valuable information and products, organic food and alcohol, along with eco-furniture, eco-travel…. everything.

Nicole’s new site will be launching at the end of June to bring these products and fun facts to all consumers who want to “Go Green” but need a little help in deciphering what is real, and what is– well, totally fake information that is called ‘green washing.’ You can check out later this month…

“Some people shy away from responsibility because it brings with it accountability. So let me ask you this, is it more empowering to be accountable for your own actions and attitudes, or to make somebody else responsible?

You see, when we give away accountability we create a state of helplessness.

So I encourage you, liberate yourself—- accept responsibility.”
— Jonathan Wells, Founder, “Advanced Life Skills.”

Countless Celebrities have become Eco-Warriors! Now it’s time for everyone to join this cause for life….

Nicole and I agree that beauty starts on the inside with your heart, soul, spirit, life, thoughts, actions, food choices, what you put into your body both mentally and physically, and with contributions to life.

Be amazed at how beautiful you are when you give back to society, take care of your body organically, holistically, and methodically. A clear mind and a clear body bring a beautiful, thoughtful, graceful, grateful, productive, and successful life.

“The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land.”
— Leviticus 25: 23-24

The Sudan Genocide & Why It Takes Star Power Like George Clooney For Air Time In America … My Interview With Author And Photojournalist Lucian Niemeyer

April 20, 2010 at 2:30 PM | Posted in Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Help Southern Sudan Christians, Save Sudan Children and Christians, Starvation in Sudan: Why US Ignores Genocide?, Stop Genocide, Stop Genocide Bring Peace, Uncategorized | 3 Comments
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Genocide in the Sudan: Why? Listen to \"Conscious Lifestyles\" Here.
“Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work– that goes on, it adds up.”
— Barbara Kingsolver

My interview on Monday, April 19, 2010, with Author and Photojournalist Lucian Niemeyer was eye-opening. The atrocities in the Sudan were and are avoidable and could be resolved, but no one in the current Presidential cabinet appears to care.

Why do we have a non-existent foreign policy? Is Genocide not something we vowed to never tolerate again at the end of World War II?

“The religious differences between Islam and Christianity have magnified a Genocide between people that history will regard as the worst ever recorded.” — Lucien Niemeyer

The inspiration for this show was a single photograph taken by Kevin Carter in 1993, and won a Pulitzer Prize. Photojournalist Carter committed suicide only three months after the photo was taken due to the enormous burden he could no longer bear of the horrors he had witnessed on the front line in the Sudan.

This innocent little girl did not have to starve to death. This very photo haunts me, and the entire world was and is moved by this child who struggles alone. Where are her parents? Were they murdered? Where is the UN? Where is the U.S. and E.U. with all of our military power?

Where is the humanitarian aid today and where was it then?

In Southern Sudan today, women and children and entire families and villages are murdered in cold blood.

Women are raped, taken into custody by the Northern Sudan Arabs [who have become increasingly radical] and sold into slavery. The female children are also subjected to rape, and many starve to death and are brutally murdered.

The Southern Sudanese people are docile, gentle farmers who live on the land that they have known for hundreds of generations. When they are displaced from their native land– much like the Native American Indians– they are stripped of their self-sufficiency, culture, and food sources. They are rounded up, similar to what happened during the reign of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany, and most of the men are murdered and the women are stolen into a world of horrors that is worse than death.

The question that needs to be answered is why, under the Obama Administration, this unthinkable killing of the Southern Sudanese Christians has once again begun.

This is an Ethnic Cleansing: History keeps repeating itself, and some Politicians care and others don’t so they keep having their power lunches with their big bellies full of arrogance and just don’t give a damn…. Is this not the very face of evil we are told our Military power is to overcome?

What I did not know was that under the Bush Administration, Senator Danforth was sent to the Sudan to assess the dire situation there and reported an account that needed immediate action.

Guess what? The Bush Administration was actually very strong on this issue, with a strong Foreign Policy and strong Advisors– they stopped the Northern Sudanese warfare for the time that this Administration was in office. This was a big surprise to me– and a pleasant one– but wow, how can Obama now not care to take as strong a stand here? These innocent people are DYING horrible, unnecessary, gruesome deaths that NO ONE in the 21st Century should be left to endure.

The whole world needs to get involved in the Sudan.

Here’s how to help:

1.) Support the “Persecution Project Foundation” located in Culpepper, Virginia. Brad Phillips has done a monumental job without any government help, and he could do so much more with our help.

2.) Write your local and state elected officials to ask what in God’s name they plan on doing to save these innocent people?

3.) Read Lucian Neimeyer’s writing on his eye-witness reports of these atrocities.

Lucien’s books are available on
“Africa: The Holocausts of Rwanda and Sudan”


Do not turn away.

I cannot eat another morsel of food without deep prayer, thought, and desire to do SOMETHING right this moment to help these innocent people.

Please contact The Persecution Project immediately to ask what you can do to help.

How can President Obama, and all of his very unqualified Cabinet along with every Senator, Representative, and elected official sit down to eat any meal without caring one iota for these children who are starving to DEATH?

What have hateful people done to our most innocent?

Thanks to ordinary people like Heather Stewart of the UK who is single handedly flying a single airplane in the Sudan, risking her own life, to help people in every way she can. God Bless you, Heather.

Thanks to Brad Phillips of The Persecution Project Foundation and to Photojournalist Lucian Niemeyer, and to all of the small groups of honorable people who are the “Davids” against the “Goliath” of the radical, hateful Muslim warfare.

David MUST win. Everyone can help. The time is now.

“……. the executives of the worlds leadership have selectively chosen which Genocides to address.” — Lucien Niemeyer

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