Mind and Body Control…. Part II on Conscious Lifestyles Radio

May 22, 2010 at 6:39 PM | Posted in Best Practices in Business, Chemical Trails, Conscious Lifestyles Radio Show Blog, Earth Friendly Business Ethics, Eco Living and Lifestyle, Environment, Environmental Stewardship, Mysterious Lines in the Sky, Ocean Environmental Rescue, Organic Gardens for Residential and Commercial Building, Organic Health, Permaculture, Safe Cosmetics and Body Care, Save Our Planet to Save Our Lives, Save the Oceans!, Sustainable Business Economics, Talk, Think, true food supplements heal the body, Truthful Healthcare, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Not in your head.... these are real bio warfare weapons in use.

“If Government does not say anything or admit to anything, people will have a disconnect in their minds.” — G. Brady, Producer and Radio Host

Now is the TIME to open our eyes... Look, Understand, Demand Action.

The May 17, 2010 radio show on WGCH Radio was amazing.

Dr. Gwen Scott gave us the information we need to protect our bodies from the onslaught of chemicals that continues to be sprayed into our sky and from the pollution that goes unchecked by Governmental [asleep at the wheel] agencies….

Here’s what to take:

1.) Diatomaceous Earth: Permaguard.com. This is a fossil shell flour that kills the fungus, yeast infections/Candida, parasites in the body.

2.) Visit Arizonaskywatch.com. Get information. This is key to empowering yourself. Click here to learn more.

3.) Tea Tree Oil. 2 drops in bottom of mug and add boiling water. Inhale for the anti-fungal, healing properties to your respiratory system.

4.) Miracle II Soap. Take a Bath in this soap and you will help your body detox. You can also use Organic Sea Salt or Epsom Salts in addition to the Miracle II Soap on alternate days. www.amazon.com/Miracle II Soap

5.) Organic Grape Juice. This helps to rid your body of the suspicious Fungus and Fibers that are being sprayed into the air.

6.) Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink at least two tablespoons/twice per day in warm water. This helps the PH balance in your body.

7.) Eat Garlic. I eat a small piece of raw, organic Garlic and then immediately follow it with a fresh fruit smoothie or a freshly pressed Organic Orange Juice. Do this once a week to start with, and build up your tolerance.

8.) Organic Lemon and Lime squeezed into hot water with Cayenne pepper. This helps to detox your body of accumulated chemicals. You should NEVER sweeten this with sugar or even with Maple Syrup! Instead, use Agave Syrup, Lucuma Powder, Stevia, or Xylitol for your sweetener.

9.) Ozone. Your body is depleted of life giving Oxygen when you constantly breathe in chemicals, toxins, eat adulterated foods, and unknowingly spray on synthesized perfumes, and use mass-marketed cosmetics, etc. LEARN TO BE AN EDUCATED AND HEALTHY CONSUMER!

Ozonated Olive Oil is good for you and for your skin.

Some healthy places to find Ozonated Olive Oil:

10.) Write your State, Federal, and LOCAL elected officials to STOP the Chem-Trail Spraying in our skies, and to STOP the taxpayer funded nonsense of “Corporate Welfare” to giant agri-businesses who are taking taxpayer money to spray and use toxic chemicals on ‘factory farmed’ food that is depleting our natural environment and our soil of minerals, vitamins, and essential life giving nutrients. This is so unhealthy and detrimental that it cannot be emphasized enough….

Send a 5 minute email to your elected officials…. it could save your life!

DDT Sprayed on Children in 1950's

Every city in the USA has Chem Trails and no one in Government says one word about it.
Chem Trails are sprayed in every city in the USA and no one in Government has anything to say about this atrocity. Their very own taxpayer base is being poisoned, sickened, and weakened. How can you have a strong United States when you have sick, weak people?

The Time is NOW to TAKE ACTION for our true health freedoms. How can any government that deliberately sickens its own people talk about “Health Care Reform” with a straight face? This is unacceptable.

True Healthcare was never defined by this latest Regime we have in the White House but they certainly want to throw more taxpayer money at something they are part of the very problem in creating! Again, unacceptable corruption.

True health is natural health.

When you are healthy you will find peace, happiness, wellness.

Learn more: www.gwenscottnd.com

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